The problem is even more serious - usernames containing Polish characters are unable to access Wiki. For example Kołtun username is seen as Ko - it doesn't recognize ł letter.
I have the same problem when using another skin, for example monobook... I don't know if it was happening before installing this module.
I'm using latest versions, but it's not a fresh install but an upgrade from an older one.
I'm looking for people with the same problem (using this module or not), as I can create now a page 'Content' and another one named 'content', that is not right.
Note: I have $wgCapitalLinks set to true.
Thank you.
Ok, more on this... The problem appears when saving a page.
- If I save a page with the module working, links don't work at all and the effect is the same as if set $wgCapitalLinks to false ( [[content]] doesn't link to the page named 'Content' ).
- If I comment "require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );" so the module is not loaded, the links works perfectly after I save the page.
My fault. To be clear: German and English vBulletins use ISO-8859-1 (Latin alphabet No. 1), but your polish version ISO-8852-2 (Latin alphabet No. 2)...
Have a look at ACP > Language Manger > Edit Settings > HTML Character Set German and English will show ISO-8859-1, but Polish ISO-8859-2
I think, this affects only the Language Pack. vBulletin itself should be the same.
which should convert the right way, but obviously doesn't...
Perhaps also a problem with
// Check an additional blacklist of troublemaker characters.
// Should these be merged into the title char list?
$unicodeBlacklist = '/[' .
'\x{0080}-\x{009f}' . # iso-8859-1 control chars
'\x{00a0}' . # non-breaking space
'\x{2000}-\x{200f}' . # various whitespace
'\x{2028}-\x{202f}' . # breaks and control chars
'\x{3000}' . # ideographic space
'\x{e000}-\x{f8ff}' . # private use
Well... but we cannot cover bepe with issues and issues as long it is a one man show...
Ok, more on this... The problem appears when saving a page.
- If I save a page with the module working, links don't work at all and the effect is the same as if set $wgCapitalLinks to false ( [[content]] doesn't link to the page named 'Content' ).
- If I comment "require_once( "$IP/includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php" );" so the module is not loaded, the links works perfectly after I save the page.
I will appreciate any help on this.
Ok, I found '$wgCapitalLinks = false;' on the file 'includes/AuthPlugin_vbMediaWiki.php'
I tried to comment this line and now links are working as expected, so I can write 'This is some [[content]] as example' and the link points to the page 'Content'.
Now I have a problem with usernames as they are expected with the first letter uppercase, even after uploading the 'User.php' provided with the module.
It means that users are registered on the both systems at the same time, and when they log-in, they're logged to both systems at the same time.
I'm using wikimedia version 1.15.2 ? 2010-03-08, it works fine but when i'm clicking on "wiki"-tab i'm always getting logged off.
Is it necessary to install mediawiki into the same database as vbulletin? Or are there any other settings?
Hopefully someone can help me fix this login-problem ....