hey everyone, I just made my site live, and I've realized that pictures uploaded to people's photo albums are not being resized to fit automatically. The images are ridiculously huge and go beyond the content area.
I have installed BBR/lytebox an image resizer offered on here, but it only auto resizes images posted in the forum and in signatures. It doesn't auto resize images in members' photo albums.
Are there any resizers out there that work with vb4 and can resize album photos?
Umm you can restrict size in usergroup permissions.
I did that. I set the max height and width for user album pictures. And it doesn't work. For whatever reason, people are still able to upload super huge pictures to their albums.
I did that. I set the max height and width for user album pictures. And it doesn't work. For whatever reason, people are still able to upload super huge pictures to their albums.
same problem here, seems usergroup settings are ignored in vb 4