Still working on vB forums Beta 4 to get my custom style done, once forums 4 goes Gold I'll upgrade my current 3.8.4PL1 to 4 then work on suite4 on my test site to finish the style for the blogs & cms... besides incorporating the rest of my site into CMS articles... that's gonna be a lot of work. But here's my scheme as it is now on my vB4 forums TEST site... still quite a bit to do:
Thank you!
We've gone 'live' now ( Still have a few tweaks (like I totally forgot the blog has it's own css and template files.... =S)
okay.....this is the first time I skinned a forum using the StyleVars! I've only owned this forum, and a coder actually skinned it before we switched over to 4.o. Then it was all up to me. Let me know what you think.....
still having a problem with a lot of stylevars (Thread tools bar, reply/quick reply boxes etc) but I'm hoping to fix it all today. Let me know what you think!