If not, then remove "/wordpress" from the include code.
There are too many periods there. You have 3, and there needs to only be 2.
All this said, however, you're not likely to have better luck than I or others have had.
While it "looks" okay integrated, vB is functionally broken in some way. The vB editor messes up image html/bbcode.
I've given up, it clearly doesn't work right.
I'm having to write PHP to pull in RSS from WP, for my footer. The navbar has been replaced on both my WP and vB install using a JS-based menu. WP displays the CSS version with an "enable JS" error message. vB displays just the "enable JS to see site menu" error, no sitewide menu.
Look and feel is simply editing code both in WP and vB, editing/adding CSS and templates.
There's no simple way to bridge the visual portion of WP/vB right now, not from what I've seen and tried.