Version: 2.8.2 RC2, by entertain
Developer Last Online: Feb 2015
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 4.x.x
Released: 01-02-2010
Last Update: 03-20-2012
Installs: 908
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Please nominate this mod for MOTM!
iTrader 2.8 Click here for a version for vBulletin 3
This modification offers you a rating system for trades which are made on your board. As it is an advantage of the rating system on ebay, this gives your users some secureness.
================================= NOTICE ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
I added vBulletin 4 support for this modification because Nexus (vbenhancer) announced that he won't do this in the next time. He gave me the permissions to release it here. Thank you!
Please do not contact vbenhancer for support! He is not responsible for this version.
The installation is as easy as abc. You only have to upload the files and import the product in your vBulletin admincp.
Also updating this modification (including this from vB3) isn't very difficult. Only overwrite all files and the product in your vBulletin admincp.
My apology, I have fixed the member profile tab bug, it was due to an error in the "Yet Another Award" template (was missing closing div).. working great now!
I am having issues with multiple ratings showing in User info boxes.
The first post in a thread has the correct user info.
Post #2 has Poster #1's info and then poster #2's info
Post #3 has Poster #1, #2, and #3's info... and so on, and so on...
I have upgraded to 4.0.1, and also from the previous version of iTrader.
I am having issues with multiple ratings showing in User info boxes.
The first post in a thread has the correct user info.
Post #2 has Poster #1's info and then poster #2's info
Post #3 has Poster #1, #2, and #3's info... and so on, and so on...
very strange... is there somebody else who can reproduce this?
Originally Posted by Ossedis
Hello, where is the option to edit the info like "What are they buying?" "What they are selling?" and stuff like that. btw im usin the 3.8 version
you'll find the link when you enable the "complete menu in main navbar".
I'm still having serious problems with iTrader 2.5.1. I've overwrited the old files and installed the new product file. I've activated iTrader in vB settings. There is no way for me to edit user permissions for iTrader in my admin cp. Also when I click on the "iTrader" tab on my forum navabar it brings me to a blank page at this webaddress.
This only can have to reasons:
- While updating the product anything went wrong
- the files weren't overwritten correctly or any files are missing
Do you see anything in the source code of the empty page?