Javascript powered chess game within a fourm thread.
Admin options:
Board Rotation (play with white at top or bottom)
Force board rotation (decide if players can override the default setting)
Private mode (only players can comment while game is in progress)
Image directory
Admin help for chess specific options
Interface for setting options by members
Member options:
Board rotation (if allowed by admin)
White player username/userid
Black player username/userid
Private mode (only players can comment while game is in progress)
Status changing commands (resign, stalemate,check,checkmate)
Tournaments and ladders integration. (Requires T+L v 4.0-0.1 a3+)
Member statistics (games played/won/lost/drawn)
Planned features
[s]Struck out[/s] items in this list are implemented in my latest development copy and will make the next release. *** items are planned for next release.
Admin options:
Enforce rules on/off/ignore first
Input format (support for PGN and other standard input formats)
User options: (all can be forced to a certain value by the admin)
Enforce rules on/off/ignore first
Input format (support for PGN and other standard input formats)
Javascript move forward/backward through moves.
Ajax updating of board
Updated member FAQ
Full phrasing of front + back end to help translations.
1. Install Play by post gaming core product
2. Upload contents of upload folder.
3. Import product file.
4. Select the Manage Plugin Configurations option from the play by post gaming menu
5. Against Chess, select the create new configuration option.
6. Fill out the settings and save.
7. Create or edit an existing forum and assign the configuration you just created to it.
As of beta 1, the product will not allow you to uninstall it while it is still in use. (this would break your board.)
1. Edit the forums that have a configuration of this plugin assigned and remove it from the list.
2. Now uninstall the product.
3. Delete the chess directory in pbpg_plugins.
4.0-0.1 b5
Fixed a number of minor issues.
Fixed issue with reset being hit half way through making a move.
Added comms support; this allows the plugin to share information with other plugins. Currently, this is used to provide automatic tournament results to the tournaments + ladders plugin.
Added statistics (wins, losses, draws and games played) These can be mapped to profile fields using the interface in the core product.
Now requires PBPG core b4
4.0-0.1 b4
Fixed bug with javascript paths
Fixed extra move exploit in stalemate code
UI enhancements
Comment and post move button now appear along side chess board
Reset button added to reset board to current game state.
move list prevented from growing to big
Check/checkmate statuses highlight king
Status buttons go green when selected; can be toggled on and off.
Status changing commands for check and checkmate
Admin help
4.0-0.1 b3
Added status changing commands, players can now resign and request a stalemate.
Added private mode; hides comments from none players while the game is in progress, once the game ends (stalemate or a player resigns) the comments are shown.
Private mode can be set/locked by admin
Directory for images can be set
4.0-0.1 b2
Fixed bug with javascript in IE + chrome.
Plugin will now not install if you do not have core product installed and upto date.
Added option hinting to option boxes.
Fixed bug with castling/en passant causing the game to skip the next players turn.
Now requires version 4.0-0.1 b3 (Beta 3) of pbpg core.
4.0-0.1 b1
Added uninstall code with safety check to prevent you breaking your board.
Added JS interface for users to set game options and choose players. This only shows for the thread starter. (ajax autocomplete on usernames)
Fixed bug causing default value for white square to be transparent.
Numerous user interface improvments; now shows players who are playing, move number and who's turn it is next.
4.0-0.1 a3
Fixed aditional database error in install code
4.0-0.1 a2
Fixed database error in install code
4.0-0.1 a1
Initial release
enforcing rules was a hot request for my vb3.6 chess mod. This version has INCOMPLETE rules enforcing that is disabled. You could enable it by editing the code, however this will probably render most games unplayable at some point.
This version is quasi-compatible with the vb3.6 version; however it requires some messing around to get it to work. At some point in the future I will release /something/ to convert between the two, however I don't have an ETA on this. Anyone asking for one without making a donation is likely to be ignored. UPDATE: this wasn't needed on my board, as members weren't interested in saving their old games, I will only work on this if requested by a donator.
you could have a look at the chess forum on but as thats my development site atm, it may have features that the version released dosn't have yet.
What you've linked there are play by post role playing forums. While it would be possible to make role playing aids as a pbpg plugins, the aim was to get something more general along the lines of a multiplayer arcade with games such as chess, batgammon, checkers, poker and other classics.
Currently this is the only plugin that works with my pbpg mod, however I intend to release more (once this one is a bit more feature complete) and intend to encourage other developers to release some (once the core part is more complete)