Version: 1.4, by Zaiaku
Developer Last Online: Jan 2020
Category: Moderators Functions -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 01-02-2010
Last Update: 01-07-2010
Installs: 110
Uses Plugins
No support by the author.
Since VB4 has some build in spam guards for specific sites/users who are widely known for spamming, I felt that it didn't help stop any of the small time and newbie spammers and so I decided to make this mod.
This mod doesn't allow users to post any form of a link without achieving so many posts first. So if they want to posts tons of videos, ftp, images, websites, game servers ... etc this will stop most of them, possibly all. So wether is a whole new thread or a reply in another thread it will stop them. This also work on quicc reply aswell.
I don't have many games installed so the only game with a server I ws able to test was those of the Unreal Tournament series. If you find other kind of links that need to be stopped please let me know.
Z - X Posts Before Links:
all options are in your Admin CP
no template editing needed
Import product-z_xpbl.xml
Goto --> Admin CP --> Settings --> Options --> Z - X Posts Before Links and make your settings.
Remember to clicc install.
1.4 Added Email stopping
1.3 Multiple Usergroup Filtering (added to 1.1)
1.2 A Bunch of New Features (New Product -> Z - Total Link Control)
1.1 Bug fix for People getting Parse Errors
1.0 Initial Version
To everyone getting the parse error I think I got it figured out what's going on and have been able to fix it although I'm been like hell trying to reproduct this error and I can't. So give me a bit of time to go through a few things.
<phpcode><![CDATA[// Zaiaku needs data
global $vbulletin;
$pagetext =& $this->fetch_field('pagetext', 'post');
if (($vbulletin->userinfo[posts] < $vbulletin->options['z_xpbl_amount'])) and (stristr($pagetext,'[url') or stristr($pagetext,'://') or stristr($pagetext,'[URL') or stristr($pagetext,'www.')))
// Zaiaku doesn't give you permission yet
$return_value = false;
You have an extra parenthesis in there (highlighted in red) and it's messing up the if statement. Basically you are terminating the if statement and then continuing on with the logical operator which is why PHP throws the error.
I've attached a fixed copy. I'll remove it when you get yours updated.
The following errors occurred with your submission
You are not allowed to post any kinds of links, images or videos until you post a few times."
Freaking A ! Great!
Thank you to "boots" for finding the error in the code to.
P.S. Amazing what people can do when they work together......
That's what I noticed earlier was that extra ")" wierd that it was there. I should have another version of this up tonight, I've been working on my first post artyle mod for vb4 for today.
Version 1.1 is up but I was hoping to get version 1.2 up tonight but for some reason isn't working properly for some odd reason. 1.1 fixes the error people was getting with the Parsing.