Hello i tryed to search around google for a working shoutbox for vbulletin 4.0 gold last release. But icannot find any one. Somone now a FREE shoutbox for vbulletin that works on the last release. Thanks for all answers!
There are 2 so far, neither of them meet my need, so i am still holding off.
Cyb-Chatbox is what I currently use and I hope he upgrades it to work with 4.0 sooner then later, I think its a great solution. He does mention in his sig that he will upgrade them but there is no ETA
Both Do what there supposed to just basic stripped down chatboxes. the others will eventually be ported or replaced. i personally use MGC Chatbox EVO and it dosent look like that one will be updated to be 4.0 compatible any time soon. and as far as i can see Cyb hasn't been here in a cpl months either.
I use the Inferno Shout box. There is only an old version on here, but if you google it you will find the newer version that works with gold. Myself and my members really like it. The only problem i am finding with the shout boxes is that they only work on the forum home page. Unlike the pre-vB4 shot boxes, that work on all pages.. But small price to pay..