Version: 3.0.0, by Digital Jedi
Developer Last Online: Sep 2023
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 11-09-2008
Last Update: 10-23-2013
Installs: 1406
This is the most current repository of definitions for DJ's AME :: The Ultimate Automatic Media Embedder. These media definitions will expand your AME to support embedding from hundreds of websites. More videos. More than videos. These definitions will let you embed content from sites that include games, widgets, music players and so much more.
This repository was seeded by contributions from the vBulletin community over several years, but are curated here for easy access. Special thanks to Hotwheels and Danyloski for starting the tradition.
[hr]#CCCCCC[/hr] NEWS DJ's AME 2.5.7 is out! What are you waitin' fer?!
[hr]#CCCCCC[/hr] IMPORT DEFINITIONS ARE NOT INSTALLED They're imported through your AME CP. Which means you have to have AME installed first. You DO NOT import definitions through your Product Manager. I mean, you can try. But I'll make fun of you.
The READ ME file explains in more detail. Please don't skip it. I named it in big letters and everything.
These definitions are for AME 2.5.
A BETA set of definitions for AME 3 can be found here.
This is my development area with a lot of test thread. As such, it's not a comprehensive list of all working definitions. You can find that below...
The full list of definitions is available in the second post of this thread. Requests for new definitions should be made here (no registration required), rather than in this thread. It makes it easier for me to keep track and to prioritize. Please do not use this area to contact me.
The password is: LetMeIn#33
I can't stress this enough. I NEED LINKS in order to troubleshoot problems. Links to the video. Links to the thread. I can't do anything without knowing what videos are causing the problem. If all you do is post that a particular site is not working and provide me with nothing to look at, well, how can I fix it? Following this simple guideline will save us both a lot of time and effort. (And check the FAQ on the first page. I worked really hard on that one. :erm: )
Please note that I do new definition requests in the order they were received and as timely as I can.
I was hoping you could help me resolve an issue I have with using the AME 2.5 media player. I've posted in that mod and will post here, as well.
I have a mod that allows someone to add their PC Specs in a drop-down box that appears when a user clicks their PC Specs button. This menu appears behind the player in the post. I know I can edit the <object> tag of the player in order to fix this, but for the life of me...can't find what it is I'm supposed to edit. I believe I have to add a <vmode="transparent"> tag somewhere...and just need a little help finding the location of this edit.
Is there any way you can help me with this? I certainly would appreciate it.
Actually, I can't quite remember how to fix that either. I had it working at one point, and then during one of the updates, it stopped working. My last search on the subject didn't reveal anything useful, so I figure it's something unique to the video sites. Still looking.
Originally Posted by milsirhc
I agree, if this is not goin to be porting over vb4, I'll prob install 3.8 and leave it as it is.
Well, The Geek said he has a prototype for 4.0 in the works and that it will basically be the same thing with just a few less features. I'll wait to see what he releases and see if there's any need for the definitions to be updated again.
Is there another Flash-MP3 player that can be used to play locally hosted MP3's? It seems that is down (and so is the other site listed). I just got done putting up our 2009 Fall Concert program and now it won't play because it can't find the player site. I'd run the player locally if I could find a copy to upload to my site. Thanks!
I downloaded the master xml and when I try import it to either plugin or to product it gives me "Invalid File Specified" message.
I read that you said to import the stuff to AME CP but there isn't a cp yet because it doesn't exist. How do I install this?
You haven't installed AME yet. I link to it at the start of the first post in the IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ section. Either that, or you haven't installed AME completely.
Originally Posted by jhale1966
Is there another Flash-MP3 player that can be used to play locally hosted MP3's? It seems that is down (and so is the other site listed). I just got done putting up our 2009 Fall Concert program and now it won't play because it can't find the player site. I'd run the player locally if I could find a copy to upload to my site. Thanks!
It's back up as far as I can see now. You can also go to the website and download the flash player to host it locally. Just change the source in the embed code to the location on your website. Technically, you can use any flash player you want, as long as you can change out the embed code in your definition with the new code.
I'm hoping some assistance here from someone that has already figured it out or willing to diagnose. I have attached 2 images. One for the working WeGame using BBCode and the definition from AME, that does not work for full URL.
I'm assuming that if the proper definition is placed into AME, that it will work as intended, then I can just remove the BBCode method.
Please let me know if I'm in the ballpark or not. Thank in advance
I'm hoping some assistance here from someone that has already figured it out or willing to diagnose. I have attached 2 images. One for the working WeGame using BBCode and the definition from AME, that does not work for full URL.
I'm assuming that if the proper definition is placed into AME, that it will work as intended, then I can just remove the BBCode method.
Please let me know if I'm in the ballpark or not. Thank in advance
WeGame changed their player since the def was last updated. As long as it's similar to what they were doing previously, then you could do that. Otherwise the definition needs to be rewritten. I haven't had a change to look closely at it, though. If it's still using the same method than all that needs to be done is put the $p1 variable in the same place the name of the video appears in the embed code. Also, you have to switch out the sizes of the video to the $ameinfo[height] $ameinfo[width] variables.