Dismounted: I am able to download vB4 Beta 3 as of right now, yet I am not able to see this invisible forum for vB4 mods...
dude now vB4.0.0 Beta is still under testing so vBulletin.org will only update the section when A Stable Release Of vB 4.0.0 Is release by vB Official Team.
Right now that section is already created but only viewable By the Alpha Testers and the Private Beta Testers
As from today all customers that bought a vb4 license have access to download and install beta3, I have installed mine already. So maybe now that beta3 is public these forums can be visible to all customers?
I came on this morning to see if there was a section that I can start up seeing what's being/been done. When will all users be able to see vbulletin 4 modifications?
Any idea of when the 'rest' of us will see 4.0? I purchased the publishing suite in the pre-order and I'm really excited to get it on my site as soon as it's available!