Agree with the comment above "dammed if they do, dammed if they don't". Let's give them some slack, I'm looking forward to seeing this, and would rather see an early and possibly unstable release than wait months!
Well, we've had our share of excitement this morning, and since this thread was going on, I hope you don't mind my popping in to explain what's going on over at
We decided to take some extra time before bringing the forums back up this morning after the upgrade to 4.0. Briefly, here's what happened.
First, the good news: The installation of 4.0 itself actually went as planned. The upgrade to 4.0 Publishing Suite from the 3.8.4 base product was seamless, and that agrees with the success the alpha/beta team has seen up to this point.
The issues we encountered were related to the fact that the instance of vB running on has integration points with various business systems: administration, release management, ticket support, the product information site, and more. Cooler heads make better problem solvers, so we chose to investigate and solve the problems with the site offline rather than live to the world.
The issues we ran into are unique to our environment, and they are not things that would factor into a normal customer installation.
Our forums are actually up, running and stable now, but are only accessible to our internal staff. Given that this is such an important upgrade, we're taking our time and being careful, and we're planning on opening our forums back up tomorrow morning.
I hate to insert common sense into an IB related concern, but I guess I am just bored. Do you think this means they may now extend the deadline past the 30th? nah, forget I asked.
I am going back to stare at the vb maintenance page, the one that shows the guy with his head stuck in the sand.