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vBExperience 3.8
Version: 3.8.5, by Phalynx Phalynx is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2015 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 3.8.x Rating:
Released: 12-21-2008 Last Update: 07-09-2011 Installs: 1332
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

vBExperience 3.8 (aka xPerience)

Created by Marius Czyz aka Phalynx.

Triple Winner of the "Mod of the Month"-Award (March 2008, September 2009, July 2010) on vBulletin.org.

A version for vBulletin 4.0 has been released! Thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=245023

vBExperience 3.8.6 is currently (August 2010) in development.

vBExperience is your feature packaged solution for motivation and satisfying your users. vBExperience is an advanced Level/Promotion and Activity System with Shop, Awards and Activities. It will calculate an activity and experience score for every user based on their activites on the forum. Now your users will see how their level is increasing by participating on your forum.

This mod was developed by me because I was never satisfied with the post count. Communities are not only defined by post count, they need much more parameters: Are the postings the user creates helpful? Are his threads frequently read? Does the user participate on the community by posting pictures, attachments, leaving visitor messages, tagging threads? All this can be answered with this mod.

Comments, suggestions, translations, bugs, etc... are very welcome! Support is only given to people who have clicked Mark as Installed.

This mod will work with vBulletin 3.7.x and 3.8.x. For vBulletin 3.6 you will need vBExperience 3.7


Demo 3.8.6:

Other Demo Site:

There are mainly four things visible for the users: The users score, his level, his next level up in %/points and his activity in %.

Calculation of the score
Taken into calculation are these things:
- Created threads
- Thread views of own threads
- Thread replies of own threads
- Thread votes of own threads
- Thread tags
- Replies to own threads
- Sticky threads
- Socialgroup Discussions (Discussions, Posts)

- Created posts
- Views on attachments

- Days since registration
- Average posts per Day (for users who are on forum for at least seven days)
- Referrals
- Received infractions
- Reputation / Use of reputation system
- Visitor messages on profiles
- Members of own social groups
- Albumpictures
- Friends
- Completing Profile

- Calendar entries

Additionally there is support for 3rd party addons (some are already installed):
- vB Tournaments and Ladders (via CDP Addon)
- Post Ranking System (via CDP Addon)
- Helpful Answers (via CDP Addon)
- AWCoding-Donation System LITE and PRO (via CDP Addon)
- Cyb Paypal Donate (included)
- DownloadsII (included)
- ibProArcade Highscorer Points (via CDP Addon)
- LDM Links and Downloads Manager (included)
- PhotoPlog 2.1 (via CDP Addon)
- PhotoPost vBGallery (via CDP Addon)
- PhotoPost Pro (via CDP Addon)
- Post Thank You / Use of Post Thank You (via CDP Addon)
- QuoteIt! 3.16 (via CDP Addon)
- SAPR: Advanced Post Rating system (via CDP Addon)
- thanks via vS-Hide Hack Resurrection (Expanded Edition) (included)
- v3arcade Highscorer Points (via CDP Addon)
- v3arcade Submissions Points (via CDP Addon)
- vBulletin Blog (included)
- Who Downloaded This Attachment? (included)
- Other Addons can be easily added via CDP - Custom Data Provider plugins.

Additionally you can install these modifications:
- Thread Necromancer: Gives (minus-) points when a user is posting in old threads.
- Scrupulous Poster: Gives points for editing posts. Award users that are editing own posts instead of doing double post.
- Deletion Addicted: Gives points when an user/nod soft-deletes post, thread, visitormessage, groupmessage or picturecomment.
- Arm of Law: Give points for moderators who are using the infraction system
- Discussion Ender: Give points for people who are the last on a discussion
- RadioActivity: Reduce points for every day the user is not online

Also, there are already addons available that are working as Custom Data Provider (CDP). A CDP can extend vBExperience by collecting data and adding it to the vBExperience datastore. All point providers can be used for Awards and Shop.

You have to install these hacks for your own, vBExperience doesn't install nor touches these.

There are three vBAdvanced 3.0 XML modules: Most Active Users, Most Experienced Users and Last 20 Activities. Import them via vBAdvanced AdminCP.

There are six default awards: Most Popular, Activity Award, Posting Award, Community Award, Frequent Poster, Blog Award, Calendar Award. The awards are shown in Rankings and Profile. You can set them also to display in postbit near the username. There is a scheduled job running once a day (02:30h) to calculate them.
Via AdminCP they are completely customizeable and can also be assigned manually.
Awards can be created for every data provider.

Showing User, Level, Awards, Activity Points (experience, thread, post, user, misc) - sortable.
Since 3.8.3, there is a also a ranking for Social Groups

A virtual Shop will motivate your users to earn more points. You can define categories and put virtual items with pictures in it. A currency can be defined seperatly for every item, e.g. 20 points from threads or 100 points from gallery. Users can purchase the items, they appear in their profile. The costs of the item are substracted from their xperience points. Additionally you can set quantity of the items.
The Shop will motivate your users to collect specific points to buy an item. Optionally you can show the last purchased items on postbit.
You can put virtual items in it, like WoW addons: Sell WoW Items in exchange of f.e. thread points. Great for RPG forums.
Non-Virtual Items like bold Usernames or Downloads for Points are already on my todo list.

Earn Points
There is an overview for the user on how points can be collected, with a list of users own points. All data is beeing pulled from the database (settings, phrases)

The statistics is showing a Top-X list of the leading users. Usefull for optimizing points of the point provider. Only enabled point providers with results will be displayed.

Promotion system
To motivate users to do more on your forum I created the promotion system. By reaching defined xperience points the user will be moved to another usergroup - where you can set graphics, shadows, highlighting, etc... What is interesting in combination with this: you can give the user more possibilities f.e. larger avatars or bigger PM box. A log of the promotions is available.

Calculation of the activity
The system calculates the activity by taking the average post count/visitormessages/group discussion/Blog entries of the ten most active user and comparing it to own post count. This can be set to count only the last X days, f.e. 21 days.

You can control how many points are given to every calculation. For example you can give many points for creating new threads but only a few for views of that thread. Setting a value to 0 will disable a setting.
Additionally, you can set ignore users (f.e. for bot users), forums (f.e. offtopic forums) and usergroup id's.

Performance, Big Boards
vBExperience has been tested on smaller and also on some bigger sites. I know from boards with around 120k users running this mod smoothly. More about this topic can be read in the file readme_optimization.txt

Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I change the name Experience to something new?
A: You can change the name via phrases. Just search and replace all phrases that contains vBExperience.

Q: When installing vBExperience, does everyone start from scratch, or will it automatically configure everyone's points based on actions before the install?
A: If you recount, vBExperience will calculate ALL existing data since the beginning of the board.

Known Issues:
- Awards: On "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread" awards are only shown for the user who is viewing this.
- Awards: If activated in with rich username, they are attached to the username. If the username is linked, the awards are also linked. If a link is underlined, the awards are also underlined. This behaviour is hardcoded in vBulletin and cannot be fixed.
- Settings are showing only a blank page, read here: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/proje...6979#note74140
- If you completely remove vBExperience, you need also to uninstall the product XML manually from the pluginssystem

Credits for icons
- FAMFAMFAM, http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/
- IconExperience

History / 3.8.5 Beta 5, 10th July 2011
- Prio 1 security patch, please update just xperience.php!

3.8.5 Beta 4, 25th September 2009
- Promotions: Listing now also the last Usergroup. Please notice the new settings for nethermost/uppermost usergroups.
- Several minor cosmetic changes
- Clear Activities (except Shop)
- Fixed error with GetActivityAll() on profile
- Several Beta 3 fixes

3.8.5 Beta 3, 18th September 2009
- Fixed Promotions
- Fixed Notifications
- Added Activities to Promotions
- All Activities are not obeying limit
- AdminCP/Experience has a recount for Promotions and Achievements
- Fixed listing of Achievements with Firefox
- Several Beta 2 fixes

3.8.5 Beta 2, 02nd September 2009
- Just a short note: Condition in Achievements and Promotions are calculated in POINTS, not in counts of items.
If you choose 10 Day, you must enter the points needed for this.
For example: You have an achievement for 10 days. You have set 2 points for every day since registering. Calculation: 10*2 = 20
You will have to set 20 as the condition.
- New tabbed interface. If you want to change the style, edit the template xperience_navbar_css
- Promotions now showing usergroups and conditions for a promotion to the next group
- You can import old vBExperience Legacy promotions (that were created within level.xml)
- Achievements in Profile
- Achievements below Avatar
- Several Beta 1 fixes

3.8.5 Beta 1, 28th August 2009
- Achievements!
- Promotions!
- Notification on Awards, Promotions and Achievements
- GAP: Empty pointfields will not be displayed anymore
- Activity: Showing percent values with a decimal
- Activities now also for users
- Awards below Avatar
- Default Awards are now also creating new category
- Shop: Fixed issue in not returning cash on sells
- Reworked Edit Shop Items

For more see history.txt

Download Now

File Type: zip vBExperience_3843.zip (885.6 KB, 924 views)
File Type: zip vBExperience_385_Beta5.zip (913.3 KB, 1112 views)


File Type: png vBExperience_Activities.png (82.7 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png vBExperience_Awards1.png (83.0 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg vBExperience_Ranking.jpg (68.3 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg vBExperience_Shop.jpg (78.6 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png vBExperience_AdminCP_Manage_Awards.png (29.6 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg vBExperience_Profile1.jpg (78.3 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png vBExperience_Postbit_WithText_LeftAwards.png (47.7 KB, 0 views)

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Old 10-16-2009, 03:11 PM
EidolonAH EidolonAH is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Chatterbox View Post
Oh dear... at the risk of sounding even more stupid (not that I'm sure that's actually possible) what file am I supposed to upload? I can't see anymore files other than the ones in the upload_via_ftp folder which I've uploaded already. What's this file (or download content) called?
First off, please stop referring to yourself in such a derogatory manner, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being unsure and even less wrong with asking for help and clarification.

Okay, the Downloads are meant to be literally just that, downloads, these could be software or packs of avatars or smilies, that type of thing. Neither vBexperience or DownloadsII come with any downloads for you to use, this isn't really of any use to you if you do not have software or image packs you wish to share. You could use vbExperience as it is and allow your members to buy only virtual items that are displayed in the postbit etcetera.
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Old 10-16-2009, 08:17 PM
Phalynx Phalynx is offline
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Originally Posted by gamerfu View Post
Phalynx will be possible to look into the calculation problem for my GOLD installation on my board?
Yes, as soon as I get some time. Not earlier, sorry.

Originally Posted by CLKeenan View Post
Hi guys,

I'm hoping someone can help me with this. The bars aren't appearing correctly. Can someone take a look at them and see whats wrong?


Very strange. Does it appear in same manner in a standard default style on your forum?
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Old 10-17-2009, 02:02 AM
realdx realdx is offline
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Originally Posted by EidolonAH View Post
First off, please stop referring to yourself in such a derogatory manner, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being unsure and even less wrong with asking for help and clarification.
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Old 10-17-2009, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by EidolonAH View Post
First off, please stop referring to yourself in such a derogatory manner, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being unsure and even less wrong with asking for help and clarification.

Okay, the Downloads are meant to be literally just that, downloads, these could be software or packs of avatars or smilies, that type of thing. Neither vBexperience or DownloadsII come with any downloads for you to use, this isn't really of any use to you if you do not have software or image packs you wish to share. You could use vbExperience as it is and allow your members to buy only virtual items that are displayed in the postbit etcetera.
Lol ok I'm sorry! It's just the forum I'm a member of is very anti-newbies (hence one of the reasons I'm starting my own forum - trying to make it a more friendly place) so I'm trying not to annoy anyone with what are probably very simple questions.

The thing is I've dowloaded vBExperience and it seems to be working well except that my shop has no categories or images so all I'm trying to work out is where do I get the images from, what size are they supposed to be and how do I upload them to the shop?

I've tried reading through this thread but there doesn't seem to be any info on how to do this or if there is I've missed it.
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Old 10-17-2009, 11:31 AM
EidolonAH EidolonAH is offline
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Originally Posted by Miss Chatterbox View Post
where do I get the images from, what size are they supposed to be and how do I upload them to the shop?
You can get some great icons from here: http://www.crystalxp.net/galerie/en.cat.1.html

Okay, this is what I do for items, create 3 versions of each image, 1 64px by 64px, 1 200px by 200px, 1 350px by 350px
Via FTP create a new folder in ./images, call it shop, in ./images/shop create 2 new folder, call one 200px and the other icons.
Upload the 350px images to ./images/shop/
Upload the 200px images to ./images/shop/200px/
Upload the 64px images to ./images/shop/icons/

admin panel/Experience/Manage Shop, there you will see Add Category, click that and create a category, do this for all the categories you wish.

Now you can add items to which ever category you want, back in Manage Shop you will see your created categories, to the right of each category you will see Edit Items, click that and then click Add item then add your first item.

To get the images to show you need to add their addresses in the image entry fields whilst adding items.
For Title add the items name
For Description add a brief description of the item
For Picture add /images/shop/yourimagename.jpg
For Thumb add /images/shop/200px/yourimagename.jpg
For Icon add /images/shop/icons/yourimagename.jpg

For Display Order add the number to correspond with where in the list you wish the item to appear, for 7th place add 7 and so on.
For Quantity you add how many of the items you want to be available for purchase overall.
For Costs add how many points you require your members to pay for that item
For Costfield, use the dropdown menu and choose the field you want your members to have to use to buy that item.

When you have added all the items you want in that Category remember to click Generate icons/name for postbit
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Old 10-17-2009, 04:46 PM
MandachuvA MandachuvA is offline
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vBExperience installed plus all my members are on level 1, as recounted points several times and they left the level 1, can someone help fix this

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Old 10-18-2009, 02:27 AM
snappy1313 snappy1313 is offline
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If it's in beta, should I have downloaded the previous version?

Two problems
1: The Experience link on my navbar is going to a 404 page not found. Everything else looks to be running fine. Doublechecked each and every folder/file in the upload folder as well. Any suggestions?

2. db error
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:

Invalid SQL:
COUNT(id) as cnt_images,
SUM(views) as sum_views
FROM pp6_photos
WHERE userid=1
GROUP BY userid;

Love this mod and can't wait to work these issues out!
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Old 10-18-2009, 09:55 PM
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Hello -

I just finished reading the first 33 pages to find this, and still not luck. I hope you haven't already answered this.

1. I've been fiddling with a lot of point values to get to adjust point values. As a result, many of my members are wondering why they lost 45,000 points, 2600 points, etc. Is there a way for me to clear history of these wild fluctuations and set them to start on a particular day?

2. I don't have any Infractions to keep track of. How can I remove the "Infractions" Tab on their profile page?

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Old 10-18-2009, 11:04 PM
DarkArmada DarkArmada is offline
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I gotta say, nice work. I tried the Beta 2 and it failed on my board terribly. Installed the latest Beta and so far so good. I can see the differences in the promotion system and although I had to hit recount multiple times to push people up the promotions ladder, it worked flawlessly.

Nice work
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Old 10-20-2009, 12:07 PM
BWJ BWJ is offline
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Regarding the setting: Latest achievements
In the admin panel: Displays only the last x Achievements of the user (postbit, profile). Lets say we choose = 5.

Problem: If you have a user having 6 or more achievements - the software will:

In the profile navbar -> latest news = correct result -> the system shows the achievements in a rolling fashion.

In the postbit and profile block -> latest achievements = not correct result -> the system shows the achievements according to how their parent achievement category is positioned (display order).

Suggestion: Besides making it rolling for postbit and profile block: In the profile block make a 'view more/all' setting. It is nice to see them all together at one place - but not if it fills up the whole profile window. So e.g. show the latest 5 and then a "view more".
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