Version: 1.7, by stangger5
Developer Last Online: Oct 2023
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.7.2
Released: 02-07-2008
Last Update: 08-23-2008
Installs: 227
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This module shows MGC Chatbox Evo on vBadvanced CMPS v3.0.1
MGC Chatbox Evo found here ..
This module will work with your cmp_index inside or outside the forum root folder..
(New)version 1.7:
Updated to be compatible with: MGC Chatbox Evo Version: 1.0.0 and MGC Chatbox Evo Version: 1.1.0
New how to install: 1:
Admincp >> MGC Chatbox Evo>> Display and position >> Display on defined pages in a variable set to Yes..
and in the Other pages list,, put adv_index in that box...
Admincp >> vBa CMPS >> Download / Upload Module,,
Select mgcchatboxevo17.xml file from your computer.
Active set to YES..
Select Style to install templates to..
Set Usergroups permissions..
Click (Submit)..
After Rebuild Style Information ,,click "Continue" to activate this module on your CMPS pages.
Move to: center Column,,then set the Order:
If you have any problems with it just saying Loading,,do step three.. 3:
Adminc >> Plugins & Products >> Plugin Manager >> Global variables of the chatbox
Well heres the problem, there was major changes from 2.3.2 and 2.4.2 notably in that there is no longer a functions_mgc_blahblah.php file, they are all broken down into classes. So basically all the function calls need to be re-referenced using the new class functions. I'm trying to nail down which function calls translate to what, but I think I might've run into an issue with the display.
Ranger187, if you have it working, could you post up what you did to get it to work?
I posted a suggestion but it seems the moderator (who did a poor job) decided to remove entire posts which had no slander or name calling, instead of just cleaning up what they "thought was inappropriate".
But like I stated before, if you edit the XML file and replace the functions items with the newly named ones, then try and import, that might work. And I suggest prior to any *testing* you do backups.
I do know VBDev plans on helping Stang update this addon shortly though, so I'd just sit tight.
I hope you all find this useful. I couldn't wait any longer for an update, so I edited the module and came up with this version. It works for me with 2.4.2, so I'm sharing it with you.
Bear in mind that I had to perform many other template and code edits to repair path issues because of the persistent "Loading..." screen. Fixed that loading error with this post. I also used this post to fix some other script/image errors. My environment has vBAdvanced in the web root, and my forums in a subdirectory.
If this works for you, let stangger5 know so he can see what I did, and maybe improve on it.
I'm having a problem, i'm still getting the "Loading..." even tho i used that one post and made the changes...
This error is almost always a path error in the scripts, plug-ins and templates. There are lots of areas using relative paths ("images/misc/etc.gif") that I had to change to use absolute paths ("/images/misc/etc.gif") to get things to work with vbadvanced, since I don't have it installed to my forum's root folder. If I can find all the places I edited, I may post a comprehensive list of all edit points for those of you still stuck. I'll run a text compare tool when I get the chance and post up my changes. It'll take a while due to all the changes, and each site's changes may be different depending on your configuration.
Yeah, I edited several locations. If I weren't in the middle of a HUGE work crisis, I'd have cataloged my edits by now. I'll try to provide more details once the smoke clears and I'm not spending 16 hours a day at my job.