This modification allows you to hide in a simple way to wrap content by label [HIDE] [/ HIDE] to unregistered users and some subscribers depending on the options you set, for it only enough to install it, give the message to replace the hidden content and ready.
In version 1.0 Simple bb_code Hide, only hiding the content wrapped in the tags to unregistered users, personalize the message to be displayed. In version 1.1 Added option to control the hidden content to specific Users, User Groups and Forums in the case of choosing forums to hide the content, visitors have the option to choose which user groups can view the forums with the content hidden. In version 1.2 in addition to the above features, you can select not only for display messages to users through the Setup Options, but also through templates, so the level of customization is higher and can access vBulletin variables and use them to build complex messages.
In the case of wrapping a link (URL) with the labels [HIDE] [/ HIDE] from the editor toolbar, you should remove the link to the labels (if they have any), by clicking over them and pressing the Link button, you should only have the URL link in the labels themselves and us.
These options are an aid in the case of creating forums in which only a certain users can view their contents, such as the forums with downloads surcharge.
With Simple Hide bb_code can choose the way how messages are displayed, you can choose to display messages from typing the vBulletin Options in the admin control panel or by editing any of the 4 templates to create this hack, but for the latter option be enabled to use Simple options Hide bb_code, templates are shown below:
The messages that replace the hidden content, are completely customizable, so that even can be replaced by images instead of a text indication.
Installation Instructions:
1 .- Import the file: product-simple-bb_code-hide-v1.2.0.xml by AdminCP-> Plugins & Products-> Manage Products.
2 .- Set the output by: AdminCP-> vBulletin Options-> Simple BB_Code [HIDE].
3 .- Upload an icon in Spanish / English from the bb_code_Icon folder to the folder: /images/misc.
4 .- Set the button to the bb_code [HIDE] going to AdminCP-> BB Codes-> BB Code Manager-> Edit-> button image indicates the path: /images/misc/icon-en.png.
Translate Spanish language product:
1 .- For the Spanish translation of this product should be imported via AdminCP language-> Languages & Phrases-> Download / Upload Languages, overwriting the Spanish language without a title and NOT as a new language (plus the phrases only of this product).
is it possible to hide the content to some other user groups ? an option with user group ids would be great...
Ishare, in this new version adds the option that had been recommended to complement and take advantage of other options, so it seems that now is not so "simple" to say but is more potent.
My wish is, if I select a user or a usergroup, others should not see, that I've spoke to user x or usergroup x. Completely hidden. Do you understand, what I mean now?