He was found guilty by a court of law - so regardless if he was guilty or not then his lawyers should of provided proof he is innocent.
Scotland sold out and released him in a back hand deal.Is it any wonder the americans are fuming over this - a lot of the passengers where American.
Now lets get on to this compassion lark -
What about all the other prisoners who are serving long sentences - maybe we should release all them
Would you be happy to release Ian Huntley on compassionate grounds if he was supposed to be dying ?
While we released a man on compassionate grounds the rest of the world is laughing at how weak we really are.
Remember these people, are terminally ill and on their last legs. You could see in the photos of Megrahi that he was frail and just being paraded around in Libya for a PR exercise.
This wasn't a back-handed deal. Let me quote:
An application for such a release must be made and must be supported by the Prison authorites together with well documented medical evidence. The crucial point(s) are that medical opinion is that the prognosis is that the prisoner will die within three months and that no amount of paliative care will prevent this.
Since 2000 there have been 30 applications in Scotland for compassionate release. Of these, 7 were refused because the cases did not not meet the necessary criteria. The nature of the offence committed is not part of the criteria
This is Scottish law, and applies to all prisoners. Ian Huntley wouldn't even come into the equation so your argument is irrelevant. But let's play devil's advocate for a second. If he were to fall under Scottish law then of course he should be let out in his final days to die with his family. No matter what inexcusable, despicable crimes these people do, I believe we should be the better humans by showing compassion to people in their final days.