Version: 1.3.0, by Jaxel
Developer Last Online: Sep 2013
Category: Major Additions -
Version: 3.8.x
Released: 04-21-2009
Last Update: 04-28-2009
Installs: 211
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This Conquest System is very similar to the vBarmy system, except it has a few specific fundamental changes. Instead of every player working alone to fight other players, players work together as a single nation to fight other players who are members of different nations. Everything else in the system is pretty much self-explanitory.
Would you be so kind to add the time left till next cycle in the next release? 8)
I was able to by adding these lines (you'll have to excuse my crappy coding)...
PHP Code:
// ### blissend's fugly modification $countDownMin = $settings[gCycleMinutes]-(date(i,(time() - $settings[gLastCycle]))); $countDownSec = 60-(date(s,(time() - $settings[gLastCycle]))); if ($countDownSec == 60) $countDownSec--; // ugh if ($countDownSec < 10) $countDownSec = '0'.$countDownSec; // yes I know its really bad to mod the $vbphrase variable but I didn't fee like changing a template file to get this working $vbphrase[conquest_navigation] = "Navigation (".$countDownMin.":".$countDownSec.")"; // ### end of blissend's fugly modification
Only works on page load but better than nothing. Would be great with live updating.
i've created a 2nd navbar under the default one, for just extra links. How do I get rid of the "conquest system" link that gets created when I installed this mod?
I've looked under the "navbar" template and I dont see a link in there.
i've created a 2nd navbar under the default one, for just extra links. How do I get rid of the "conquest system" link that gets created when I installed this mod?
I've looked under the "navbar" template and I dont see a link in there.
I haven't looked at the code, but he probably used a template hook...
Go to ACP -> options -> Conquest -> The location on your navbar for the link to the conquest system -> Disable
I found a fix for the max troops bug. It seemed that the "int" for the pTroops column in conquest_players had to be bigint. Change it with this sql:
ALTER TABLE `conquest_players` CHANGE `pTroops` `pTroops` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
add a prefix before conquest_ if you have one.
Originally Posted by Itchy Nips
i've created a 2nd navbar under the default one, for just extra links. How do I get rid of the "conquest system" link that gets created when I installed this mod?
I've looked under the "navbar" template and I dont see a link in there.
There's also a conquest settings in vbulletin options. Disable it there.
Great, you can't even remove nations when you add some or wish to keep it at 2. What's the point in that? The owners of this plugin has been around in the last few days but doesn't seem to reply in this thread. Haven't received a private message from him either when I send him a message qute some time ago.