Version: 3.10, by Abe1
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.7.x
Released: 01-26-2008
Last Update: 01-17-2009
Installs: 1508
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
No support by the author.
Admin Log In As User 3.10
About this hack:
This hack allows any admin that you set in admin permissions, to log in as any user. You have to go to the user's profile page and there will be a link to 'Log In As This User'. Also, there is a link the drop down menu in the ACP User Manager. If you are logged in as another user, you will get a message on top of the forum saying, 'You are currently logged in as another user. Click here to log back into your account.'
This hack is very easy to install. This hack has only the admin yes/no option. Just install and it's ready to be used!
Installation information on hack:
Files edited: 0
Templates edited: 1 (optional)
Files to upload: 1 (via ACP)
Time to install: 1 minute
Version 3.0 (01/26/08):
Released for vb 3.7
RECOMMEND UNINSTALL THEN REINSTALL. (including any template edits you made.)
Version works with vb 3.6.0 and greater.
Version 3.10 (01/17/09):
Released for vb 3.8
Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack. I read ALL posts.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK INSTALL! You will get an email when a new version is released.
I am in the process of trying to track down any conflicts that may be causing or conflicting here, and I hope to have more info soon as possible. I will post here if I find something out.
Well, I have on my production forum tested with ALL hacks disabled individually as well as all at once, with exception to this one, and the problem persists.
I am at wits end, and do not find any conflicts, etc.
Great when needing to log into dummy accounts with different usergroups to verify proper operation of features while not an admin.
I have a (appearing) small problem though as I get an error I have verified as a result of this mod being installed, and problem goes away if I disable this mod, and comes back when re-enabled. All other mods I am using do not provide this fault in my testing.
I see this while NOT logged in as another user, as of course I am accessing the admin cp using my admin account.
With this mod (ver.3.10) installed and enabled, and using vb3.8.1 PL1, go to the admin CP and click on "Add New User" under the "Users" sidebar menu.
The Add New User page is rendered ok, but at the top this is shown...
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/admincp/user.php(544) : eval()'d code on line 11
Any help appreciated.
Originally Posted by smirkley
Anybody else with this problem too?
I notice the error reproduces itself in admincp as well as modcp.
Same problem here with 3.8.2! I have the same message error when i try to create a new user.
I used this on vb 3.6.4 and worked great. Upgraded forum to 3.8.2 and upgraded this plugin to latest.
I found selection in the user page in the admin cp (and works fine) but I can't find the option to 'login as user' in the user's profile page on 3.8.2. Is it still there?
I found selection in the user page in the admin cp (and works fine) but I can't find the option to 'login as user' in the user's profile page on 3.8.2. Is it still there?
Check the product's options. There is such setting there.