My forum Club Gamer is around 4 or 5 days old now and there's already around 8 bots signed up on the site, they post stupid iphone offers which I have to keep on going around deleting, I have banned there accounts for now. I have tried several modifications including stop the registration bots mod and Nospam! mod and none of them have worked on my forum. I remember my very first forum and over 1500 bots had joined and the whole forum was getting spammed I don't want this to happen to my new forum, any ideas?
Human Verification
The Human Verification system is designed to stop the spamming of forums by automated processes.
This system will not stop spammers who manually spam your forums as there is nothing that can prevent those users. The spammers who uses programs to mass spam are the larger issue and this system goes along way towards foiling them.