Just in time for Christmas, i thought it would be cool to let members use this snow script, This part here made me smile earlier
Hi Everyone
Just found this great script on this site which lets you add a snow effect to your forums, its great to add on Christmas Day. The great thing about this script is that its free and you don't have to keep it just for snowing, you could add leaves, pumpkins (Halloween) for just about any graphic you want, credit goes to Sasa Skevin for creating such a good script.
You can see a DEMO HERE on the Dynamicdrive homepage, its a great site with loads of scripts you could integrate within your forums.
Then theres this??
I'm not accusing anyone of piracy. Just stating that his first mod was code from the net minus the credits.
Read whatever you want into that. It's a fact.
Its a good job i'm an easy going guy
Anyway, just to put the matter right, In the public domain there are many snippets of code, examples and theory's which can be used for many things, the worst culprits are the javascript sites which will happly use the same script and add their copyright to the code, I try and steer clear of those sites as they, seem to just use the copyright idea to promote their sites.
I've bought a few self help html lessons in the past and ideas from those lessons can be useful when coming up with an idea or a mod which was recommended by someone, Bog standard code is not copyrighted by anyone. " weeks ago i had a guy from my forum moaning that my iframe hack is copyrighted?? Since when has the iframe command been copyrighted?? like wise if i see a code which i can use in full or in parts i will do, if there is no copyright then thats what i'll do.
Over time if someones says, hang on a minute, Joe bloggs did a script the same, then i will check that indeed he is the author and not someone who simply adds a copyright to a script. if i can find enough proof and have communications with the author then yes i will most definately add the credits.
Like wise if i wanted to publically accuse someone for some wrong doing i would make sure i get my facts right. I don't want to get into a debate over this as this will spoil the originallity of this thread, but You even admitted to me before Punchbowl that you when a little over the top before, and i've told you not to worry about it.
Why bring it up again???
If you go through my hacks, you see that i have indeed added a credit to the author if i've used their code in full or in part, I enjoy doing this on here and helping people, Its not as if i'm set to make millions doing it
lets try and get back on topic, Its an interesting one if that :up: