Version: 3.4.0, by VBDev
Developer Last Online: Dec 2021
Category: Chat Modifications -
Version: 4.2.x
Released: 01-27-2008
Last Update: 09-01-2013
Installs: 2476
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
This mod is automatically compatible with vB3.6.x, vB3.7.x, vB3.8.x and vB4.x.x
MGC Chatbox Evo is the most ever installed chatbox for vBulletin !
It offers a new enhanced online experience to your members leading to increased time spent online of more than 25% by providing them with a new, more interactive, way to interact with each other.
Important number of features
High level of configurability to fit each users needs
Channels system
Many commands
Bot system
and more...
... makes MGC Chatbox Evo a must have for your forum !
Detailed features
Following is a non-exhaustive list:
Simple install
Ajax based with:
Fast and Intelligent chats retrieval through javascript calls to server files (refresh delay configurable per usergroup)
Edit/update by double-clicking on a chat
Interact on chats through menus and javascript
Many usergroup permissions to limit features according to usergroups
Full configuration of the chatbox display:
Size, position on forum pages, editor layout (either top/bottom input or left/right textarea) and position, number of chats displayed, ...
Full configuration of the chats display:
Authorized bbcodes selection, date/time options, avatar display, ...
Possibility to create channels (unlimited number) with multiple configuration options:
Warn user of new message when not active through blinking image and eventually sound notification
Possibility to select on which specific page each is displayed
Option to display the channel only for selected languages
Usergroup/User permissions to access the channel
Many commands available with usergroup/user permissions to access them:
/me: well known IRC command
/del: remove shouts (different possibilities of removal)
/ignore: ignore shouts from another user
/ban: ban user from chatbox
/pm: send a private chat to another user
/announcement: modify the announcement on top of the chatbox
/slap: allow user to slap another user
/team: chats sending between specified usergroups
/l33t: I33t-ify a message
/banchan: ban user from specific channel [PRO only]
Forum activity notifications system in the chatbox:
Different display options:
In the chatbox melted with chats
In the chatbox in a separate column
In the vB4 sidebar or a custom sidebar for vB3
Multiple notifications:
New thread creation
New post creation
Post thanked (Abe's)
New registrations (not included - separate product)
IBProarcade highscore (not included - separate product)
Bot system with set of predefined trigger chat and corresponding answers and automatic bot chats [PRO only]
Archive system with statistics as well as download and search capabilities
Possibility to display the list of users online in the chatbox
Force anynomous to enter a username before chatting if they can access the chatbox
Antiflood system
Private chats feature through PM in tabs
Optional sound notifications
Inactive mode feature for server load optimization
Hopefully it will be fixed soon my members have been wanting this for so long, and I can't keep installing it and just having to disable it minutes later after each bug.
Yes sir i had it all set up are you using quicken plugin in FF to make the sound sand that plugin isnt supported any more due to some securities i think.
But i am using :
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009011913 Firefox/3.0.6
VBulletin 3.7.2
It did work in IE kinda every time you changed channels it was like boing boing boing even if no new chats had been posted.
Another issue is i cant get the smiles button to show
Well that's strange, did you refresh your cache after install ?
This working properly on my forum.
Anyone else in the same situation ?
Originally Posted by eh69
VBDev whats going on with my problems? Maybe reason are polish letters? Im using Latin2 encode.
Installed 2.2.1 version of chatbox.
Well that could perhaps be a problem of encoding in the language. Have you imported the english language on your polish one ?
Originally Posted by deta
Please fix the bug with ibproarcade!!!!
cu Deta
Hey man calm down !!!
I am not a little dog that obey orders.
Originally Posted by Mihalis
I was wondering if chats show properly in Safari after the update. Is that fixed with 2.2.1? Thank you.
Yes they do, with previous version too (am a Mac user so I have tested on Safari)
If i move more than one Thread from a sub-forum to another sub-forum i have a Database error.
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0 Beta 2:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO vbmgc_cb_evo_chat
MySQL Error : Fehler in der SQL-Syntax. Bitte die korrekte Syntax im Handbuch nachschlagen bei ''7293,Spionagenetzt',0,0,0,1,'thread',26)' in Zeile 4
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Sunday, February 8th 2009 @ 02:10:48 PM
Error Date : Sunday, February 8th 2009 @ 02:10:48 PM
Script :,7252,4730
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Indy
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.32-Debian_7etch8-log
Was this with the very latest files from here ?
Coz there had been problems with the earlier version 2.2.0.
Originally Posted by exyuteam
OK. I will explain with PrnScr Just to say again, option Align usernames and chats are ON, and it's NOT WORKING on Firefox 3.0.6. (chat ver. 2.2.1), and WORKING OK in Chrome, IE 6, IE 7, Safari, and Firefox (not try with other versions).... PrnScr from Chrome, Firefox and Firefox 3.0.6 are attahed.....
Thanks m8
Wow my damn very odd, I am marking this in the bug list to be checked.
Originally Posted by entertain
Hey, is this correct to fix it like this?
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT MIN(dateline) AS start FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mgc_cb_evo_chat WHERE isthreadwarning='0' AND ispostwarning='0'");
Replace by
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT MIN(dateline) AS start FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mgc_cb_evo_chat WHERE iswarning='0'");
Or is there more that have to be changed?
Yes that is
Originally Posted by ibeteck
I would like to know if there is a way to make the chatbox faster I already changed the refresh intervals but didn't seem to make a difference. Also I want to clear out my archives I don't know if that might help out to make it faster. How can I clear my archive for the chat?
Well what is not fast for you ? Retrieving of chats data do takes time as it loads all data from ajax but that will be the case with any chatbox.
I might be implementing a kinda cache system in a release of the chatbox later this year to speed things up.
the error: NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER mean that there is something( "nsIDOMHTMLTableSectionElement") that the script can't append (the comand is: nsIDOMHTMLTableSectionElement.appendChild)
this create an infinite loop when the chatbox try to connect with ajax to the mysql database
(i have this problem with firefox and chrome, not with internet explorer)
i tried to empty cache and other things..nothing
can you fix it?
i would be very gratefully
EDIT: i also tried disabling all the other products, and it doesn't work
Hum very strange. It seems like your using yui files for chatbox from Yahoo server.
Had you try with local files ? (you can select that in chatbox options)
I have got ready installed this mod. But in my AdminCP when i going to Manage commands, Manage channels, View logs, Import scripts, Counters update i see only white page on my right side of AdminCP.
Mod is working. I can see on forum and using. But without Import scripts, Manage channels is not good for me.
I don't understand ? You mean there is an error when you try to use theimport script ?
Or is it the counter ?
Originally Posted by nath89
when i enable the chatbox nothing comes up on my homepage at all. just a blank screen?
Well that's strange, the chatbox should block the display of the forum.
Any error when the forum behave like that ? (SQL you would have received by email or javascript in firefox console)
Originally Posted by acegames
I had this , so I switched off new post/thread notification until its fixed
Well seems like you're using not the right files are you with 2.2.1 ?
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Hopefully it will be fixed soon my members have been wanting this for so long, and I can't keep installing it and just having to disable it minutes later after each bug.
Well there are currently no blocking bugs as far as I know ?
Found another bug related to the post notifications...
When a post is made automatically via RSS feed the thread ID number is incorrect in the chatbox notification and leads to a not found page. Replies also lead to the incorrect thread ID.
I also think this is messing up other normal thread notification ID's.
When I make a shout with the following content, there is no way to edit this shout any more.
HTML Code:
Originally Posted by VBDev
When url bbcode is active ?
If yes that's a bit normal as the chatbox is a link in that case so when you double click it moves yo to the link.
I noticed this issue also.. In the older versions of MGC you were able to click somewhere else on the same line as the link and the edit box would initialize. That doesn't work anymore...
I have an amazing problem with this mod and when I updated to this new version my problem still exists. in my browser (opera 8.51) I have no scroll bar to go up and down and all posts are shown in the frame. look at the image: