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Topic (incl. Blog) of the Week/Fortnight/Month Nomination v1.636 Details »»
Topic (incl. Blog) of the Week/Fortnight/Month Nomination v1.636
Version: 1.636, by J98680Bxxxxx J98680Bxxxxx is offline
Developer Last Online: Oct 2011 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 3.7.x Rating:
Released: 07-01-2008 Last Update: 10-06-2008 Installs: 330
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

On my board (USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D), we get many comments daily or weekly on many different topics and there are so many topics in the community that to be honest, we had a tough time remembering the topic being reviewed to offer a timely comment or response. Obviously, we needed a weekly/monthly topic nomination system with which we could get our community to commit to one topic as a group and then comment on it during the course of the week/month.

Cruising vB.org at warp speed, I failed to find a nomination system readily available. Hence, I quickly wrote this mod (on my way to the bridge).

This release would not have been quickly possible without the existence of most hacks released at vB.org, especially the "Thank You" hack by Abe1, which provided this mod basis structure. Our thanks and all the merit goes to Abe1.

A nice set of button and awards images have also been kindly provided by PrinceEdward to whom we also extend our thanks.

Many constructive feedbacks have been given by those members at the vB.org community who downloaded the first releases of this Mod, the implementation of which has led to an improved version of the Mod. We extend our thanks to those members.

What this mod does

It adds a "Topic Of The Week/Month" nomination system to your community.

What is Topic Of The Week/Month?

Topic of the Week/Month is a contest that select posts on which your community can commit to as a group and then comment/discuss on them during the course of the selected week/month. Any listed topic (post, thread) is eligible for the Topic of the Week/Month selection.

What determines a Topic Of The Week/Month?

Topic Of The Week/Month is based on a simple nomination system. Throughout the selected forums, members with adequate permissions can nominate their favorite topic by clicking on the award nomination button below the post.

The five topics with the most votes during the course of the week/month are automatically displayed on a nomination thread including a poll feature. At the end of the week/month, the first three topics with the most votes are the award winners of the contest.

  1. Uses AJAX technology.
  2. Uses one query per show thread page
  3. Fully phrased to allow (language translation) (addition v 1.3)
  4. Places an easy to use "Nominate Post" button next to the edit button
  5. Automatically create a nomination thread for discussions on nominees
  6. Displays a varying nomination stamps on posts that have been nominated for the contest. The color of the nomination stamps varies depending on how many users have nominated the post. (addition v 1.2)
  7. Displays an award winner stamp op award winner posts at the end of the Topic Of The Week/Month contest. (addition v 1.2)
  8. Via postbit pop-up, displays link to find all nominations or nominees made by a user (addition v 1.35)
  9. Via postbit pop-up, allows selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all user?s nominees from all posts (addition v 1.2) or to remove all current nominations on a given user (addition v 1.35)
  10. Option to select the maximum number of topics that must be displayed in the poll (addition v 1.2)
  11. Option to take or not into account for nomination only posts made during the month preceding the nomination cycle time (addition v 1.2)
  12. Option to consider the maximum number of posts a user can nominate per cycle time (addition v 1.2)
  13. Nominated posts titles hot linked in the poll to actual thread/post of the forum. Links displaying on the same page (No. popups) (addition v 1.3)
  14. Automatically closes the nomination thread at end of the contest cycle time (weekly/monthly)
  15. Quick link to nomination thread via the "Quick Navigation" menu
  16. Quick link to award winners page via the "Quick Navigation" menu (addition v.1.1)
  17. Automatically update the nomination poll whenever a post is nominated or withdraw from the contest.
  18. Separate looks for postbit and postbit_legacy
  19. Places all post nominees in one small box
  20. Displays award winners in one small box
  21. Quick link to nomination thread via the "small box" on the thread page
  22. Option to allow award winners to re-enter the contest after X days
  23. Users cannot nominate the same post twice
  24. Option to not allow users to nominate their own post
  25. Counts nominees submitted by a user
  26. Counts how many times a nominee is submitted
  27. Shows how many nominees a user submitted in every post of his
  28. Shows info in member's profile
  29. Option to search for posts nominated by a user
  30. Option to search for all nominated posts
  31. Administrator can withdraw all nominees of a single post
  32. Selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all nominees of a single post (addition v 1.10)
  33. Users can withdraw their own nominee
  34. Option to disable the mod on selected forums
  35. Option to disable the mod on all but the first post of a thread
  36. Option to disable the mod on all but the first post of a thread in specific forums
  37. Option to enable/disable view of nomination date on specific or all forums
  38. Option to add to post count when someone nominate a post.
  39. Option to give reputation points to the user whose post is nominated.
  40. Option to ban selected usergroups from using the mod
  41. Option to ban selected users from using the mod
  42. Option to display user?s nomination statistics on postbit (addition v 1.10)
  43. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected users (addition v 1.10)
  44. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected usergroups (addition v 1.50)
  45. Option to display or not the hall of fame link in Quick-Links (addition v 1.3)
  46. Option to select forums on which nominations must be considered (addition v 1.35)
  47. Hall of fame re-designed to handle a Top 10 award winners, all time cumulated (addition v 1.3)
  48. Option to refresh the poll thread if for some reason a post referenced in the poll came to be deleted (addition v 1.3)
  49. Option to use the current week number or month, or the next week number or month, in the contest title (addition v 1.3)
  50. Option for archiving nominations in the "Nomination Thread" automatically whenever a user nominate a post. (addition v 1.35)
  51. Option to automatically send a PM to award winners at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
  52. Option to automatically add points to award winners? reputation at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
  53. If the current ?Nomination Thread? is deleted for whatever reason, a single manual run of the cron file will suffice to create a new thread, avoiding a clean install of the product.
  54. Option to nominate blog entries (addition v 1.6)
  55. Option to have award winners or nominated posts icons displayed on posts, so that nominated posts can be easily identified when listing posts.
  56. Option to close current nomination thread and create a new one directly from the ACP

Installation instructions

Version 1.63
  1. Uncompress the archive
  2. Upload the content of the "upload" folder into your forum root directory
  3. Import the "product_nominate_topic.xml" product via your ACP:
    ACP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Product -> Add/Import Product (Allow Overwrite if you are upgrading)
  4. Adjust the mod settings as you see fit.
    Specify the Forum ID that will receive nomination threads. Also specify the User ID of the nomination thread owner.
    ACP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> Nominate Topic Mod
  5. Save the specified settings
  6. ACP -> Scheduled Tasks -> Scheduled Task Manager
    Nominate Weekly Or Monthly Topic Mod -> Run Now


Update in version 1.01
Nominated posts titles hot linked in the poll to actual thread/post of the forum

Update in version 1.1
  1. Postbit_legacy fixed
  2. Quick link to award winners page via the "Quick Navigation" menu
  3. Selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all nominees of a single post
  4. Option to display user?s nomination statistics on postbit
  5. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected users
  6. Small bugs fixed
  7. Tested on vB 3.7.0 and vB 3.7.2
  8. Working on vB 3.6.8 and above

Update in version 1.2
  1. Displays a varying nomination stamps on posts that have been nominated for the contest. The color of the nomination stamps varies depending on how many users have nominated the post. (addition v 1.2)
  2. Displays an award winner stamp op award winner posts at the end of the Topic Of The Week/Month contest. (addition v 1.2)
  3. Via postbit pop-up, displays link to find all nominations made by a user (addition v 1.2)
  4. Via postbit pop-up, allows selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all user?s nominees from all posts (addition v 1.2)
  5. Option to select the maximum number of topics that must be displayed in the poll (addition v 1.2)
  6. Option to take or not into account for nomination only posts made during the month preceding the nomination cycle time (addition v 1.2)
  7. Option to consider the maximum number of posts a user can nominate per cycle time (addition v 1.2)

Update in version 1.21
  1. Fix for transition to Week 28 on cron file
  2. Fix Unknown column error when adding a nomination.
  3. Few bugs on withdraw nomination
Feedback are welcome and implementation of constructive suggestions will likely be carried out during weekends only, as I am kept busy with other matters during working days.

Update in version 1.22
  1. Fix Duplicate entry issue.
  2. Clean cron file
  3. Full phrasing for those who wish to translate it.

Update in version 1.3
  1. Nominated posts titles hot linked in the poll to actual thread/post of the forum. Links displaying on the same page (No. popups) (addition v 1.3)
  2. Option to display or not the hall of fame link in Quick-Links (addition v 1.3)
  3. Option to select only one forum on which nominations must be considered (addition v 1.3)
  4. Hall of fame re-designed to handle a Top 10 award winners, all time cumulated (addition v 1.3)
  5. Option to refresh the poll thread if for some reason a post referenced in the poll came to be deleted (addition v 1.3)
  6. Option to use the current week number or month, or the next week number or month, in the contest title (addition v 1.3)
  7. Fully phrased to allow language translation (addition v 1.3)
  8. Cron file up-to-date

Update in version 1.35
  1. Option to select forums on which nominations must be considered
  2. Option for archiving nominations in the ?Nomination Thread? automatically.
  3. Fortnightly cycle time added
  4. Fully phrased to allow language translation (addition v 1.35)
  5. Few reported bugs fixed

Update 14/07/2008 in cron file
I noticed that some code instructions fail to work properly depending on the PhP version been used.

If you are running the v 1.35 and TOTW on a weekly basis and if for some reason, your cron file failed to work and create a new nomination thread on Sunday 13, July 2008, please use the attachment "updated-cron-14-07-2008.zip". The instructions are given in there.

Update in version 1.40
  1. Option to automatically send a PM to award winners at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
  2. Option to automatically add points to award winners? reputation at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
  3. If the current ?Nomination Thread? is deleted for whatever reason, a single manual run of the cron file will suffice to create a new thread, avoiding a clean install of the product.

Update in version 1.50
  1. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected usergroups (addition v 1.50)
  2. Few display titles fixed
  3. Additions made for users who had problems displaying the nomination button and stamp on their styles. Checkout the "Readme and installation" file.
  4. Cron file completely rewritten. Why?
    The previous cron file worked fine only when they were activated manually from the Run button in the Admin CP, but they were failing to run on their own as a scheduled task. I noticed that vbulletin global variables were no longer been passed to the cron file. Why??? I have actually getting the values of vbulletin global variables needed for the cron directly from the database.
    If you noticed that the "Nomination Thread" of the past week did not closed properly, proceed as follow:
    1. Open the cron file (upload/included/cron/
    2. Search for "// $createNewThread = 1;"
    3. Replace it by: "$createNewThread = 1;"
    4. Upload the cron file and run it manually (only once), just to close the previous thread and open a new one.
    5. Upload the original cron file back (the one with "// $createNewThread = 1;")

Update in version 1.51
  1. For weekly nominations, Cron file set to create a new "Nomination Thread" every MONDAY's (00:10AM) as the week numbering starts on Monday's and not on Sunday's (as set in v 1.50)

If you are running v 1.50 with weekly cycle time and noticed that a new nomination thread has been created but the display title is still that of the previous thread (week 30), then this is for you. Do not delete the newly created nomination thread (with title week 30). On Monday 21st July, 2008, after 00:10AM, proceed as follow:
  1. Refresh your poll from the ACP -> Nominate Topic -> Refresh Poll (This will update the display title of both the poll and the nomination thread)
  2. Upload the content of the attachment v 1.51 to your root directory. (DO NOT MANUALLY RUN THE CRON FILE)

Topic of the Week-Month Nomination v1.51 Updated Prod and Cron
  1. Automatic PM subject phrase moved from "<phrasetype name="Email Subject Text" fieldname="emailsubject">" to "<phrasetype name="GLOBAL" fieldname="global">"
  2. For monthly nominations, Cron file set to create a new "Nomination Thread" every 1st day of the month (00:10AM) and not on the last day of the month.

Topic of the Week-Month Nomination v1.51 Updated function
  1. Function updated (see attachment) as a result of exchanges with Kevil via TeamViewer.

Update in version 1.60
  1. Option to nominate blog entries (addition v 1.6)
  2. Option to have award winners or nominated posts icons displayed on posts, so that nominated posts can be easily identified when listing posts.
  3. Option to close current nomination thread and create a new one directly from the ACP (NOT VIA THE CRON)

Update in version 1.61
  1. Typing mistake fixed in the "nominate_topic_admin.php". nominate_topic_amount instead of nominated_topic_amount.
  2. Fix for "Could not find phrase 'This is an automatic message to inform you that your post ..." message.

Update in version 1.62
  1. Typing mistake fixed in the "nominate_topic_admin.php". nominate_topic_amount instead of nominated_topic_amount.
  2. Fix for http:"//... occurring in the poll while listing blog entries.
  3. Display of nomination stamps while listing blog entries from the blog.
  4. Fix for displaying of blog entries in poll when a post is nominated from the non blog board.

Update in version 1.621
  1. Fixed "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /includes/cron/nominate_topic_cron.php on line 584"
  2. Fixed ": syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/nascartr/public_html/community/admincp/nominate_topic_admin.php on line 435"

Update in version 1.63
  1. Fixed link call, requested by TsirhCitna
  2. Fixed "Hall of fame" display.

Update in version 1.635
  1. Bug Fix by vbboarder implemented ? ?can?t find phrase? error in PM subject

Update in version 1.636
  1. Default value for "cycle time header" set to use the current cycle time (current week/fortnight/month instead of next week/fortnight)
  2. Option to nominate own post activated by default.

Feedback are welcome and implementation of constructive suggestions will likely be carried out during weekends only, as I am kept busy with other matters during working days. Also, feel free to add improvements in those files and post them.

To other coders: feel free to add improvements to the Mod (files) and post them. I will directly use your updated files for the next version of the mod.

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Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 01-27-2009, 11:56 AM
pnosko31 pnosko31 is offline
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this should be in the graveyard - it is full of bugs and the coder hasn't done an upgrade since october!
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Old 01-30-2009, 11:03 PM
Hornstar Hornstar is offline
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I 2nd this. such a good modification is now almost all but gone to waste.
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Old 02-01-2009, 04:09 PM
lowey lowey is offline
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Can someone please tell me, how to set the start-date for the nomination of the month-cycle? Currently it shows march, but I need to set it to february. Do I have to modify the cronjob or is it not possible at all?

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Old 02-02-2009, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by lowey View Post
Can someone please tell me, how to set the start-date for the nomination of the month-cycle? Currently it shows march, but I need to set it to february. Do I have to modify the cronjob or is it not possible at all?

This is probably caused by the VB Options > Nominations setting, Display Next Cycle Time On Contest Header, being set to 'Yes'. You should set it to 'No'.

To change the title of the current poll, just change the title of the poll thread (via edit thread) and click "Refresh Poll Thread" in the Nominate Topic block on the left side of the adminCP.
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Old 02-04-2009, 01:14 AM
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This mod is so effed up right now. Ever since the new year. Once Jan 09 came, it showed Dec 08 and overwrote my dec 08 polls. So I edited it...and redid it with a new poll. Now...feb came and it over wrote my jan poll...wtf is going on. I had this set and working just fine in 08 and now everything is being overwritten.
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Old 02-04-2009, 02:50 AM
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Great Mod vbboarder and J98680B2423E. :up:

I think there's a Bug on the Messages send to Users when they Win or are among the Winners of a Cycle of Time, because in the PM that they receive the Title of the Message says:

Could not find phrase 'This is an automatic message to inform you that your post on [post={1}]{2}[/post] is amongst the winners of this cycle time topic nomination contest.'.
but inside the Message the Link to the Post as well as the Title of the Thread of the Post is Displayed Ok.

Could you please point me to the Plugin or File I should Edit, and/or the Phrase I should add, in order to Correct this Bug in the Title of the PM?

I appreciate your Help, this is a Great Mod.

(Additional Help: I think you should check the Mod Live Topic - AJAX, because this Mod is Not Compatible with that other one , I've tested it and confirmed that, perhaps you can give the other Coder some Ideas so that both Mods can run and work Ok together in vBulletin Forums :up

My Best Regards.

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Old 02-05-2009, 02:51 PM
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Originally Posted by inciarco View Post
Great Mod vbboarder and J98680B2423E. :up:

I think there's a Bug on the Messages send to Users when they Win or are among the Winners of a Cycle of Time, because in the PM that they receive the Title of the Message says:

but inside the Message the Link to the Post as well as the Title of the Thread of the Post is Displayed Ok.

Could you please point me to the Plugin or File I should Edit, and/or the Phrase I should add, in order to Correct this Bug in the Title of the PM?

I appreciate your Help, this is a Great Mod.

(Additional Help: I think you should check the Mod Live Topic - AJAX, because this Mod is Not Compatible with that other one , I've tested it and confirmed that, perhaps you can give the other Coder some Ideas so that both Mods can run and work Ok together in vBulletin Forums :up

My Best Regards.

Sounds like you're missing the phrase: nominate_topic_awardwinner_pm, which should have a phrase type of "Email Subject Text". Add it with whatever text you want.

Just in case, you should verify that you also have: nominate_topic_awardwinner_pm_subject, which should have a phrase type of "Global". Also add that if missing.
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Old 02-05-2009, 04:06 PM
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Hello vbboarder and J98680B2423E.

I'd like to share with You a Proposed Solution I made to the Conflict with the Mod "Live Topic - AJAX", that is Not Complete (it has its restrictions), to see if you can Help me/us with a Better Solution to be able to Use Both Mods without Conflicts.

I/we Appreciate Your Help in Finding a Better Solution. :up:

(All the Details are on the Following Quoted Post).

My Best Regards.

Originally Posted by inciarco View Post
One Possible Solution for Conflict with product "Topic Of The Week_Month Nomination", at least for the Display of Nominated/Winner on the First Post of the Thread, (on all other Posts it won't Display because of the "if" Conditional).

The Conflict with this Product is on the Template "nominate_topic_stamps" that is Triggered by some of the Last Lines of the Plugin "Topic Of The Week_Month Nomination" that uses the Hook "global_setup_complete", lines that will be Commented (to Not be Used) on the Following Solution, and Changed of place to use the Conditional Explained later to Only Use this Template on the First Post of a Thread (whic won't interfere with the Quick Replies).

"Coders Shack" if you can Please Check the mentioned Plugin and the mentioned Template, Analyze the Code, and propose a Better Solution to be able to Not Disable the Code mentioned on the Solution for ALL Posts Except the First One of a Thread, I think many Users will Appreciate that, (I can only offer this Solution with my Limited Knowledge).

Also, if you can Please Confirm me/us if the following Solution Provided won't have any Problems with the Performance of the Display of the Posts, I/we will appreciate it a lot; as you'll see I've changed the Location of that specific Code that causes the Problem to another Plugin where I can use the Conditional to Use it only on the First Post of a Thread, but what I don't know is if that Change can cause Problems on the Performance/Optimization of the Speed and Memory Use of the Displaying of the Posts on the Forum and on the Usage of the DataBase and of the Server. I had to Create that Plugin because on the Original One I received an Error that told me that on that Global Location I wasn't able to use those Variables that can be used without Problems on Hook Locations related with Postbit.

I/we Appreciate Your Guide.


Step 1:

Create New Plugin.

Product: vBulletin
(if you create it on the "Topic Of The Week_Month Nomination" and you Update and overwrite the Product you'll lose this Plugin because it'll be Deleted)
(if you Disable or Uninstall the "Topic Of The Week_Month Nomination" Product you'll have to Disable this Plugin so that it don't cause Problems)

Name/Title: Topic Of The Week_Month Nomination - Live Topic Solution - Postbit_Display_Complete

Hook Place: Postbit_Display_Complete

Execution Order: 5

PHP Code:

if ($post['postid']==$this->thread['firstpostid'])


						if ($vbulletin->options['legacypostbit'])	{

							$vbulletin->templatecache['postbit_legacy'] = str_replace("<!-- / icon and title -->", $vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_legacy_stamps]."<!-- / icon and title -->", $vbulletin->templatecache[postbit_legacy]);


							$vbulletin->templatecache['postbit'] = str_replace(">&nbsp;</td>", ">&nbsp;</td>".$vbulletin->templatecache['nominate_topic_stamps'], $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit']);


Notice the "nominate_topic_stamps", it'll Display the "Nominated Topic" or "Winner Topic" Logo and Link that is Created with the Template "nominate_topic_stamps", ONLY ON THE FIRST POST of the Thread, which is the Only One that is not Created via Quick Reply.

If you have Set your Mod Options to Nominate Any Post and Not Only the First One, then, if that Post is Nominated and is not the First One, then it'll Not Display the Top-Right Image that Says (Nominated and/or Winner TOTW TOTM), but the Below Options will Appear without any Problem, (the ones that Allow you to Retire your Nomination and Visit the Hall of Fame and the Nomination Thread).

Step 2:

Commenting the Previous Code Lines on the Plugin "Topic Of The Week_Month Nomination" Hook Location "global_setup_complete", which after the Changes will be like this:

if (THIS_SCRIPT === 'blog'){
						if ($vbulletin->options['nominate_topic_blog_on_off']){

							$vbulletin->templatecache['blog_entry_with_userinfo'] = str_replace("<!-- message -->", "<!-- message -->".$vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_list_blog_stamps_box], $vbulletin->templatecache[blog_entry_with_userinfo]);
							$vbulletin->templatecache['blog_entry_without_userinfo'] = str_replace("<!-- message -->", "<!-- message -->".$vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_list_blog_stamps_box], $vbulletin->templatecache[blog_entry_without_userinfo]);

							$vbulletin->templatecache['blog_show_entry'] = str_replace("<!-- ads could go here -->", "<!-- ads could go here -->".$vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_blog_stamps_box], $vbulletin->templatecache[blog_show_entry]);
//							$vbulletin->templatecache['blog_show_entry'] = str_replace("<div style=\"clear:both; margin-top:10px\"></div>", "<div style='clear:both; margin-top:10px'></div>".$vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_blog_button], $vbulletin->templatecache[blog_show_entry]);

							$string = htmlentities($vbulletin->templatecache['blog_show_entry'], ENT_QUOTES);

							$searchee = '<div style=\"clear:both; margin-top:10px\"></div>';
							$searchee = htmlspecialchars($searchee, ENT_QUOTES);
							$replace_by = $searchee.htmlentities($vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_blog_button], ENT_QUOTES);
							$string = str_replace($searchee, $replace_by, $string);

							$searchee = '<div class=\"alt2 smallfont\" style=\"text-align:';
							$searchee = htmlspecialchars($searchee, ENT_QUOTES);
							$replace_by = htmlentities($vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_blog_box], ENT_QUOTES).$searchee;
							$string = str_replace($searchee, $replace_by, $string);

							$string = preg_replace('~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\\1"))', $string);
							$string = preg_replace('~&#([0-9]+);~e', 'chr("\\1")', $string);
							$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
							$trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
							$vbulletin->templatecache['blog_show_entry'] = strtr($string, $trans_tbl);
//					else {
//						if ($vbulletin->options['legacypostbit'])	{
//							$vbulletin->templatecache['postbit_legacy'] = str_replace("<!-- / icon and title -->", $vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_legacy_stamps]."<!-- / icon and title -->", $vbulletin->templatecache[postbit_legacy]);
//						}
//						else{
//							$vbulletin->templatecache['postbit'] = str_replace(">&nbsp;</td>", ">&nbsp;</td>".$vbulletin->templatecache['nominate_topic_stamps'], $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit']);
//						}
//					}

					eval('$template_hook[navbar_search_menu] .= "' . fetch_template('nominate_topic_navbar_search') . '";');
					if ($vbulletin->options[nominate_topic_receiving_forumid]){
						eval('$template_hook[navbar_quick_links_menu_pos1] .= "' . fetch_template('nominate_topic_vbnav_quicklink') . '";');
Notice the Commented Code Lines with the "//":

//					else {
//						if ($vbulletin->options['legacypostbit'])	{
//							$vbulletin->templatecache['postbit_legacy'] = str_replace("<!-- / icon and title -->", $vbulletin->templatecache[nominate_topic_legacy_stamps]."<!-- / icon and title -->", $vbulletin->templatecache[postbit_legacy]);
//						}
//						else{
//							$vbulletin->templatecache['postbit'] = str_replace(">&nbsp;</td>", ">&nbsp;</td>".$vbulletin->templatecache['nominate_topic_stamps'], $vbulletin->templatecache['postbit']);
//						}
//					}

Step 3:


I Hope for another Solution that could involve perhaps some small Changes on the Template "nominate_topic_stamps", so that both Mods can Work Fine on ALL Cases and on ALL Posts.

My Best Regards.

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Old 02-05-2009, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by vbboarder View Post
Sounds like you're missing the phrase: nominate_topic_awardwinner_pm, which should have a phrase type of "Email Subject Text". Add it with whatever text you want.

Just in case, you should verify that you also have: nominate_topic_awardwinner_pm_subject, which should have a phrase type of "Global". Also add that if missing.
I Appreciate your Reply, vbboarder:

Both Phrases are there.

This is an automatic message to inform you that your post on [post={1}]{2}[/post] is amongst the winners of this cycle time topic nomination contest.
Award Winner Topic Nomination Contest!
What else could it be?

Subject/Title of the PM:
Could not find phrase 'This is an automatic message to inform you that your post on [post={1}]{2}[/post] is amongst the winners of this cycle time topic nomination contest.'.
Seems like the Phrase is not Constructed on the Code of the Template/Plugin/File that Sends the PM; could you please point me into the Template or Plugin or File that does this Action?

Edit: I think the Problem is on the File "nominate_topic_cron", perhaps the part of the Code that Extracts/Generates the {1} and {2} of the Phrase is missing on that Code?

My Best Regards.

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Old 02-06-2009, 01:29 AM
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The code that evaluates the phrases is in nominate_topic_cron as you suspect. Seems like somehow your code sets the title to the PM message instead of the PM title. There is no code to evaluate phrases for the PM subject - it just simply retrieves it. Make sure you have this line of code before $pmdm->save();
$pmdm->set('title', $nt_awardwinner_pm_subject);
Looks like your problem is that your code might use $nt_awardwinner_pm instead in the above method call.

In regards to this mod's conflict with the Live Topics mod, I can't verify your solution since I don't use Live Topics, but after reading your post, it sounds like a possible solution.
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