Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this modification.
Support questions from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.
Note: This product has been requested by Gladhatter as a custom work. It has been completed & delivered few days ago. Since all of my custom work is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0, I publish it now for the public use, I hope this product will be useful for all of you.
Name: Admin Control Panel Session Timeout Exceptions - Version: 3.7.100
This product can except some staff members from "Admin Control Panel Timout", so they can stay logged in Admin Control Panel and not forced to re-login every hour after inactivity as default vBulletin behaviour.
As every admin know, if he didn't do something in his Administrator Control Panel through an hour, then he will be logged out automatically, also if he closed the browser & open a new one later & try to acces ACP. In both cases he will requested to re-login to the ACP also if he is still logged in the forum itself (The forum not the ACP). It's a security hardening that vBulletin apply on the AdminCP. But there is some Administrators that hate this routine & hope they can stay online in their ACP as soon as they're already logged in the forum. That's why this product comes out. It will allow Administration to determine which staff members should use this product & be excepted from the default vBulletin routine & still logged in their ACP as soon as they're logged in the forum itself.
Use this product if you're really really needing it, and be informed that using it should be at your own risk.
Compatible with: All 3.6.x/3.7.x/3.8.x vBulletin versions.
Fully Phrased.
Fully Supported.
Accurate Processing.
Professionally Coded.
Doing all default vBulletin checks & follow all vBulletin default scenarios while proccessing.
Can Set "Staff User IDs Excepted from AdminCP Timeout Limits", so you've control over which Admin staff members which included by this exceptions & which excluded.
Installation Procedure:
Do the following file edit:
Open the file "admincp/global.php" & search in it for the following code:
if ($checkpwd OR ($vbulletin->options['timeoutcontrolpanel'] AND !$vbulletin->session->vars['loggedin']) OR empty($vbulletin->GPC[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'cpsession']) OR $vbulletin->GPC[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'cpsession'] != $cpsession['hash'] OR empty($cpsession))
Replace it with the following code:
if ($checkpwd OR ($vbulletin->options['timeoutcontrolpanel'] AND !$vbulletin->session->vars['loggedin']) OR (empty($vbulletin->GPC[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'cpsession']) OR $vbulletin->GPC[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'cpsession'] != $cpsession['hash'] OR empty($cpsession)) AND !in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'], explode(',', $vbulletin->options['admincpcookietimeoutexc_ids'])))
** Save the modified file "admincp/global.php" & re-upload it (allow over-write). **