Unlicensed still :: I've done everything asked and it won't work!
I've tried everything as far as filling it out 20+ times. I've tried support I even called vb and they gave me someone to email and they just sent me back to where I asked.
I just can't get it to stop saying unlicensed. Who can I talk to that can set it up for me through the sites cp or something. I am licensed. I've paid for my VB and have my customer number etc.
You need to go through vb.com. We get it directly from them, so there isn't anything we can do. Common mistakes are - not waiting enough time; not selecting vb.org as a site in your members area at vb.com; not using the same email here that you used for your license.
You need to go through vb.com. We get it directly from them, so there isn't anything we can do. Common mistakes are - not waiting enough time; not selecting vb.org as a site in your members area at vb.com; not using the same email here that you used for your license.
My emails are the same, I've selected vb.com, I've waited more than enough time. I emailed vb.com and they said it's not something they hand and reffer'd me back to this site for support.
I think the reason for me being differnt than others is that I had vb once before and the license worked on here and it expired. Than a few months after that I bought a new license and trying re-entering the information on this site and it won't work.
We don't have access to verify your license and, as Lynn mentioned, this needs to be done over at vBulletin.com. Submit a support ticket at vBulletin.com and Marco [our site coordinator] or someone else should be able to help you.
My emails are the same, I've selected vb.com, I've waited more than enough time. I emailed vb.com and they said it's not something they hand and reffer'd me back to this site for support.
Theres checkboxes on the screen where you enter your email address, make sure the one for vB.org is checked off.