They used to have MACs/apples at my school when I was younger. Don't ever remember seeing a windows box except for maybe a teachers computer...and even then I don't think they had them.
They used to have MACs/apples at my school when I was younger. Don't ever remember seeing a windows box except for maybe a teachers computer...and even then I don't think they had them.
Most of the local schools had Apple II's until about 2000 when Microsoft (through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and Lockheed-Martin came in and donated 7,000 Windows NT machines to the local school districts. They also set up a purchase program where every teacher qualified to purchase a new laptop every year for about 1/3rd of the retail price. Now the local schools get about 1000 machines a year to replace old and worn out machines.
Windows is also easy to use, if your goal is to have only one task... play games, or business, or design... once you do more than one task, you mess the engine and boom
sure, deals... everybody get deals... btw, these deals do not represent a single thing regarding which is better fit for you... once you have the computer paid and on your desk, do you prefer the design of the Mac OS, or the Vista one ?!
i like the new Vista... but the more you add to the desktop, like transparent navs and animated backgrounds, the slower is your computer even when these details are not displayed.
Cost is still a pretty significant factor for most people, especially these days. That's why I asked about where you're getting your Macs from since you said they're about the same prices as Dell. When I can get a PC for less than 2/3 the cost of a Mac though, I'm going to choose the PC. Not that I have anything against Macs, other than their cost.
A lot of the Vista goodies are pretty pointless, which is why I've turned them off.
for the gadgets, sure you pay less, but are they useful
I know the LED screen I have uses less energy, puts out a better/brighter picture, and should last much longer. The media reader, while not a necessity, has come in handy more than once.
The fingerprint reader on the other hand has been pretty useless for me. Either I need to re-scan my prints, or it just doesn't like my fingers since I can never get it to work for me. Of course it reads my girlfriend's on the first try every time.
The fingerprint reader on the other hand has been pretty useless for me. Either I need to re-scan my prints, or it just doesn't like my fingers since I can never get it to work for me. Of course it reads my girlfriend's on the first try every time.