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Thread Tools
Online Gaming Recruitment Application System Details »»
Online Gaming Recruitment Application System
Version: 1.00, by Gooner Gooner is offline
Developer Last Online: Jul 2009 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Add-On Releases - Version: 3.6.x Rating:
Released: 06-10-2008 Last Update: 06-17-2008 Installs: 29
Uses Plugins
Re-useable Code Translations  
No support by the author.

This is a modification originally developed for 3.6.x for websites wishing to use an application, although originally designed for world of warcraft it can be used for any game.

This Mod only officially works with 3.6... but since this is open code. anyone can take the code and make it work for 3.7 and re-publish it... with credits ofcourse.

I have had this modification for a long time and only today decided to release it to the public hoping somebody might want to carry on its developement because i just dont have time, so feel free to modify the code and re-release it under a different name but please give credit.

  • Unzip "product-vgat" from the "OTD Application System" folder.
  • Navigate to "Plugins & Products" in your vbulletin control pannel and then "Manage Plugins"
  • Upload the "product-vgat" plugin

Your product is now installed and ready for configuration.

Main Configuration (refresh website after plugin installation first)
  • from your vbulletin admin panel go into your Vbulletin options and scroll down to "Guild Application Form Options"
  • configure "form url" and "forum location" to your own preference

Field checking has not really been fully tested or developed so you may encounter bugs while using "Non Empty Fields", "Numeric Fields", "Boolean Fields", The rest is fully tested and operational!!!!

How To Configuring Your Application Questions
The thing that makes my application system good is that its VERY easy to add and delete questions by yourself with minimal programming knowlege, mostly just copy and paste and change the question
  • go into "Style & Templates" and then into "Style Manager" and "Edit" the template you will be using.
  • scroll down to "vgat_form" and double click
This is were you add, edit and delete all your questions which will be required when a visitor fills out their application, I will try my best to explain how to add the following questions: Radio Button, CheckBox, Single Line Text Box, Multiline Text Box, Drop-Down Menu

Radio Button Question Example
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
				<td class="alt1 wowsl" valign="center" width=50%>
				I Am a Human
				<td class="alt1 wowsc" valign="center" width=50%>
					<input type="radio" name="q_Human" value="No"  /> No 
					<input type="radio" name="q_Human" value="Yes"  /> Yes 

Question = "I Am a Human"
Question Name = q_Human You need to write down the "Question Name" for EVERY question you make because you will need it later when we design your output tmplate which gets posted on your forum
Input Type = radio Indicates that this question is a Radio Button

Check-Box Question Example
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
				<td class="alt1 wowsl" valign="center" width=50%>
				What is your favurite colours:
				<td class="alt1 wowsc" valign="center" width=50%>
					<input type="checkbox" name="q_colour_red" value="red"  /> red 
					<input type="checkbox" name="q_colour_green" value="green"  /> green
					<input type="checkbox" name="q_colour_blue" value="blue"  /> blue
					<input type="checkbox" name="q_volour_pink" value="pink"  /> pink

Drop-Down Menu Question Example
"q_ConnectionType" is your name in this instance, which you will need later
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
				<td class="alt1 wowsl" valign="center" width=50%>	
				What type of Internet Connection do you use:
				<td class="alt1 wowsc" valign="center" width=50%>
				<select name="q_ConnectionType">
				<option value="--" ></option>
				<option value="Dialup" >Dialup</option>
				<option value="ISDN" >ISDN</option>
				<option value="DSL" >DSL</option>
				<option value="Cable" >Cable</option>
				<option value="Faster than Cable" >Faster than Cable</option>

Single Line Text Box Question Example
		<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
				<td class="alt1 wowsl" valign="center" width=50%>	
				What is your Character name?

				<td class="alt1 wowsc" valign="center" width=50%>
				<input type="text" size="25" value="" name="q_CharacterName" />
Multi-Line Text Box Question Example
		<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
				<td class="alt2 wowpl" valign="center">	
				Please describe what you like about the game and your character.

				<td class="alt1 wowsc" valign="center">
				<textarea rows="5" cols="70" name="q_LikeAboutTheGame"></textarea>

Now i will explain how to configure your output file which will be posted on the forums.
  • Go back in to your "Guild Application Form Options" panel
  • Scroll down to the "Thread Body" panel

Example Code
[ size=5][ color=#87F717][ b]Character Information[/b][/color][/size]

[b ][u ][ color=#B1FB17]Armory Link[/color][/u][/b] - {{q_ArmoryLink}}
[b ][u ][ color=#B1FB17]Recent WWS Report[/color][/u][/b] - {{q_WWS}}

[b ][ color=#CCFB5D]Character name:[/color][/b] {{q_CharacterName}}
[b ][ color=#CCFB5D]Character Class:[/color][/b] {{q_CharacterClass}}
[b ][ color=#CCFB5D]Character Level:[/color][/b] {{q_CharacterLevel}}
As you can see the Names of the questions i told you to write down are done like "{{q_CharacterName}}" between {{}}.

You can also have thread titles look like the following:
Application from {{q_CharacterName}} Class: {{q_CharacterClass}}

::Making the application system work with 3.7.x::
  • Access Admin Panel and navigate to your Style Manager and edit the style you use.
  • Scroll down to "vgat_form" and Access
Find Line:
<input type="hidden" value="1" name="agree" />
Below it Add:
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />

Scroll down the list again and find "vgat_rules" and Access.

Find Line
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" />
Below it Add:
<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />


This Mod only officially works with 3.6... but since this is open code. anyone can take the code and make it work for 3.7 and re-publish it... with credits ofcourse.

Thats about it and im sure you can figure the rest out for yourselves.. i will try and help with any questions you may have.


Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 12-02-2008, 05:31 PM
Radek125 Radek125 is offline
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Sweede's addon is very nice. I just been busy raiding in wolk to get it setup on live(Thanks for the files sweede!). Still using this threads addon + my own fixes to get it to work right. But plan to change over soon when i get some time.

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Old 12-02-2008, 05:35 PM
Radek125 Radek125 is offline
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Originally Posted by werkkrew View Post
You can fix the problem by replacing all instances of $HTTP_POST_VARS in the hook with $_POST since $HTTP_POST_VARS is depreciated by PHP and most likely not enabled in your configuration.
Thank you.
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Old 12-02-2008, 06:40 PM
siveriano siveriano is offline
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mmmmmmmmmm im getting some weird results, i mean it does submit the form and make the post/threat, but right after you hit submit a white screen shows up with this error msg.
Fatal error:

    * Please complete both the subject and message fields.

Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 810
#0 vb_error_handler(256,

    * Please complete both the subject and message fields.

Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM, /var/www/vhosts/deathelitesquad.com/httpdocs/forums/includes/class_dm.php, 810, Array ([this] => vB_DataManager_PM Object ([validfields] => Array ([pmtextid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 3,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_,[3] => verify_nonzero),[fromuserid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 1),[fromusername] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1),[title] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[message] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[touserarray] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[iconid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[dateline] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[showsignature] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 0),[allowsmilie] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 0)),[bitfields] => Array (),[table] => pmtext,[pmtext] => Array ([fromuserid] => 1,[fromusername] => Biscuit,[title] => Your application form has been submitted,[dateline] => 1228249263),[overridequota] => ,[condition_construct] => Array ([0] => pmtextid = %1$d,[1] => pmtextid),[setfields] => Array ([fromuserid] => 1,[fromusername] => 1,[title] => 1,[dateline] => 1),[rawfields] => Array (),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ([datastore] => vB_Datastore Object ([defaultitems] => Array ([0] => options,[1] => bitfields,[2] => attachmentcache,[3] => forumcache,[4] => usergroupcache,[5] => stylecache,[6] => languagecache,[7] => products,[8] => pluginlist,[9] => cron,[10] => profilefield,[11] => loadcache,[12] => noticecache),[itemarray] => Array (),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[dbobject] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => board,[connection_master] => Resource id #7,[connection_slave] => Resource id #7,[connection_recent] => Resource id #7,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE user SET lastactivity = 1228249263 WHERE userid = 1 ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => ,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 38,[rows] => 2),[prefix] => ),[input] => vB_Input_Cleaner Object ([shortvars] => Array ([f] => forumid,[t] => threadid,[p] => postid,[u] => userid,[a] => announcementid,[c] => calendarid,[e] => eventid,[q] => query,[pp] => perpage,[page] => pagenumber,[sort] => sortfield,[order] => sortorder),[superglobal_lookup] => Array ([g] => _GET,[p] => _POST,[r] => _REQUEST,[c] => _COOKIE,[s] => _SERVER,[e] => _ENV,[f] => _FILES),[scriptpath] => ,[reloadurl] => ,[wolpath] => ,[url] => ,[ipaddress] => ,[alt_ip] => ,[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*),[db] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => board,[connection_master] => Resource id #7,[connection_slave] => Resource id #7,[connection_recent] => Resource id #7,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE user SET lastactivity = 1228249263 WHERE userid = 1 ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => ,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 38,[rows] => 2),[userinfo] => Array ([userid] => 1,[temp] => ,[field1] => 21 years old who have done alot for this world.,[field2] => SWFL,[field3] => doing new stuff, learning, play video games.,[field4] => Not Your bussines.,[field5] => o,[field6] => ,[subfolders] => ,[pmfolders] => ,[buddylist] => 2 6 12 17 19 26 51,[ignorelist] => ,[signature] => Want a Sig like this? Click here   ,[searchprefs] => ,[rank] => ,[usergroupid] => 6,[membergroupids] => ,[displaygroupid] => 6,[username] => Biscuit,[password] => 0afe4172343c57c4f37d6f93b51cc2fc,[passworddate] => 1226898000,[email] => siveriano@hotmail.com,[styleid] => 9,[parentemail] => ,[homepage] => ,[icq] => ,[aim] => ,[yahoo] => ,[msn] => ,[skype] => ,[showvbcode] => 2,[showbirthday] => 2,[usertitle] => Nothing but memories.,[customtitle] => 1,[joindate] => 1223005200,[daysprune] => 0,[lastvisit] => 1228208129,[lastactivity] => 1228249258,[lastpost] => 1228248622,[lastpostid] => 0,[posts] => 174,[reputation] => 10,[reputationlevelid] => 1,[timezoneoffset] => -5,[pmpopup] => 0,[avatarid] => 0,[avatarrevision] => 0,[profilepicrevision] => 0,[sigpicrevision] => 0,[options] => 11536983,[birthday] => 11-25-1986,[birthday_search] => 1986-11-25,[maxposts] => -1,[startofweek] => 2,[ipaddress] => ,[referrerid] => 0,[languageid] => 0,[emailstamp] => 0,[threadedmode] => 0,[autosubscribe] => -1,[pmtotal] => 38,[pmunread] => 0,[salt] => ;&f,[ipoints] => 0,[infractions] => 0,[warnings] => 0,[infractiongroupids] => ,[infractiongroupid] => 0,[adminoptions] => 0,[profilevisits] => 129,[friendcount] => 6,[friendreqcount] => 0,[vmunreadcount] => 0,[vmmoderatedcount] => 0,[socgroupinvitecount] => 0,[socgroupreqcount] => 0,[pcunreadcount] => 0,[pcmoderatedcount] => 0,[gmmoderatedcount] => 0,[post_thanks_user_amount] => 6,[post_thanks_thanked_posts] => 9,[post_thanks_thanked_times] => 11,[ncode_imageresizer_mode] => ,[ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth] => ,[ncode_imageresizer_maxheight] => ,[arcade_ban] => 0,[times_played] => 0,[is_arcade_mod] => 1,[fav_games] => ,[user_sort] => 0,[user_order] => 0,[user_g_pp] => 0,[user_s_pp] => 0,[def_g_cat] => 0,[game_skin] => 0,[arcade_mod_privs] => a:4:{s:6:"scores";s:1:"1";s:8:"comments";s:1:"1";s:7:"tourney";s:1:"1";s:6:"champs";s:1:"1";},[arcade_pmactive] => 1,[games_played] => 41,[time_played] => 3446,[arcade_points] => 500,[arcade_spent] => 0,[arcade_won] => 0,[arcade_high] => 0,[create_tourney] => 1,[arcade_sess_gid] => 67,[arcade_sess_start] => 1227841286,[arcade_gtype] => 0,[arcade_session] => 423,[tmnt_joins] => 0,[tmnt_wins] => 0,[awc_ns_method] => pm+email,[ds_ns_dr_time] => 1227460582,[lang_options] => 1,[lang_code] => en,[lang_charset] => ISO-8859-1,[lang_locale] => ,[lang_imagesoverride] => ,[lang_dateoverride] => ,[lang_timeoverride] => ,[lang_registereddateoverride] => ,[lang_calformat1override] => ,[lang_calformat2override] => ,[lang_logdateoverride] => ,[lang_decimalsep] => .,[lang_thousandsep] => ,,[showsignatures] => 1,[showavatars] => 1,[showimages] => 1,[coppauser] => 0,[adminemail] => 1,[showvcard] => 0,[dstauto] => 1,[dstonoff] => 0,[showemail] => 0,[invisible] => 1,[showreputation] => 0,[receivepm] => 1,[emailonpm] => 0,[hasaccessmask] => 0,[postorder] => 0,[receivepmbuddies] => 0,[noactivationmails] => 0,[pmboxwarning] => 0,[showusercss] => 1,[receivefriendemailrequest] => 1,[vm_enable] => 1,[vm_contactonly] => 0,[adminavatar] => 0,[adminprofilepic] => 0,[urlusername] => Biscuit,[musername] => Biscuit,[displaygrouptitle] => Administrators,[displayusertitle] => President,[realstyleid] => 0,[securitytoken_raw] => 702337d6588529fd961bc6b7bde00180d5fd31a9,[securitytoken] => 1228249263-f419389c73db73ffd56721717dc7bb98e6d0c4d5,[logouthash] => 1228249263-f419389c73db73ffd56721717dc7bb98e6d0c4d5,[tzoffset] => -5,[lastvisitdate] => 12-02-2008 03:55 AM,[permissions] => Array ([usergroupid] => 6,[title] => Administrators,[description] => ,[usertitle] => President,[passwordexpires] => 180,[passwordhistory] => 360,[pmquota] => 1000,[pmsendmax] => 99,[opentag] => ,[closetag] => ,[canoverride] => 0,[ispublicgroup] => 0,[forumpermissions] => 8388607,[pmpermissions] => 7,[calendarpermissions] => 63,[wolpermissions] => 31,[adminpermissions] => 3,[genericpermissions] => 2147483647,[genericpermissions2] => 1,[genericoptions] => 55,[signaturepermissions] => 237567,[visitormessagepermissions] => 63,[attachlimit] => 0,[avatarmaxwidth] => 200,[avatarmaxheight] => 200,[avatarmaxsize] => 4294967295,[profilepicmaxwidth] => 100,[profilepicmaxheight] => 100,[profilepicmaxsize] => 900000000,[sigpicmaxwidth] => 300,[sigpicmaxheight] => 200,[sigpicmaxsize] => 1000000,[sigmaximages] => 0,[sigmaxsizebbcode] => 7,[sigmaxchars] => 0,[sigmaxrawchars] => 0,[sigmaxlines] => 0,[usercsspermissions] => 31,[albumpermissions] => 255,[albumpicmaxwidth] => 600,[albumpicmaxheight] => 600,[albumpicmaxsize] => 100000,[albummaxpics] => 100,[albummaxsize] => 0,[socialgrouppermissions] => 511,[videodirectorypermissions] => 255,[arcade_access] => 2,[p_require] => 0,[max_play] => 0,[ppd_require] => 0,[ibpa_cats] => 0,[tourney] => 1,[tournamentpermissions] => 1023,[ladderpermissions] => 31,[maxteams] => 99),[forumpermissions] => Array ([30] => 8388607,[31] => 8388607,[32] => 8388607,[36] => 8388607,[33] => 8388607,[37] => 8388607,[34] => 8388607,[35] => 8388607,[1] => 8388607,[2] => 8388607,[3] => 8388607,[4] => 8388607,[5] => 8388607,[6] => 8388607,[7] => 8388607,[27] => 8388607,[49] => 8388607,[50] => 8388607,[51] => 8388607,[38] => 8388607,[40] => 8388607,[41] => 8388607,[42] => 8388607,[43] => 8388607,[44] => 8388607,[39] => 8388607,[45] => 8388607,[46] => 8388607,[47] => 8388607,[48] => 8388607,[24] => 8388607,[8] => 8388607,[10] => 8388607,[28] => 8388607,[21] => 8388607,[12] => 8388607,[52] => 8388607,[13] => 8388607,[14] => 8388607,[15] => 8388607,[23] => 8388607,[29] => 8388607,[26] => 8388607,[16] => 8388607,[17] => 8388607,[18] => 8388607,[19] => 8388607,[20] => 8388607,[22] => 8388607),[attachmentextensions] => avi bmp bz2 dem doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd rar txt zip,[attachmentpermissions] => Array ([avi] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 4294967295,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[bmp] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 280,[width] => 620),[bz2] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 50000000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[dem] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 100000000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[doc] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[gif] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 280,[width] => 620),[jpe] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 280,[width] => 620),[jpeg] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 280,[width] => 620),[jpg] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 100000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[pdf] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 4294967295,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[png] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 280,[width] => 620),[psd] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[rar] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 50000000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[txt] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[zip] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 50000000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0)),[reallanguageid] => 0),[session] => vB_Session Object ([vars] => Array ([sessionhash] => ,[userid] => 1,[host] =>,[idhash] => e21f7a85cfa62d81b32b39f2a53f1641,[lastactivity] => 1228249263,[location] => /forums/misc.php?do=app_form&do=app_form,[useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4,[styleid] => 0,[languageid] => 0,[loggedin] => 2,[inforum] => 0,[inthread] => 0,[incalendar] => 0,[badlocation] => 0,[bypass] => 0,[profileupdate] => 0,[invideocategory] => 0,[invideo] => 0,[in_game] => 0,[newposts] => ,[dbsessionhash] => 051b5dc5d40e317412c3dc62e5363919,[sessionurl] => ,[sessionurl_q] => ,[sessionurl_js] => ),[db_fields] => Array ([sessionhash] => 7,[userid] => 2,[host] => 7,[idhash] => 7,[lastactivity] => 2,[location] => 7,[styleid] => 2,[languageid] => 2,[loggedin] => 2,[inforum] => 2,[inthread] => 2,[incalendar] => 2,[badlocation] => 2,[useragent] => 7,[bypass] => 2,[profileupdate] => 2,[invideocategory] => 2,[invideo] => 2),[changes] => Array ([lastactivity] => 1,[location] => 1),[created] => ,[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[userinfo] => Array ([userid] => 1,[temp] => ,[field1] => 21 years old who have done alot for this world.,[field2] => SWFL,[field3] => doing new stuff, learning, play video games.,[field4] => Not Your bussines.,[field5] => o,[field6] => ,[subfolders] => ,[pmfolders] => ,[buddylist] => 2 6 12 17 19 26 51,[ignorelist] => ,[signature] => Want a Sig like this? Click here   ,[searchprefs] => ,[rank] => ,[usergroupid] => 6,[membergroupids] => ,[displaygroupid] => 6,[username] => Biscuit,[password] => 0afe4172343c57c4f37d6f93b51cc2fc,[passworddate] => 1226898000,[email] => siveriano@hotmail.com,[styleid] => 9,[parentemail] => ,[homepage] => ,[icq] => ,[aim] => ,[yahoo] => ,[msn] => ,[skype] => ,[showvbcode] => 2,[showbirthday] => 2,[usertitle] => Nothing but memories.,[customtitle] => 1,[joindate] => 1223005200,[daysprune] => 0,[lastvisit] => 1228208129,[lastactivity] => 1228249258,[lastpost] => 1228248622,[lastpostid] => 0,[posts] => 174,[reputation] => 10,[reputationlevelid] => 1,[timezoneoffset] => -5,[pmpopup] => 0,[avatarid] => 0,[avatarrevision] => 0,[profilepicrevision] => 0,[sigpicrevision] => 0,[options] => 11536983,[birthday] => 11-25-1986,[birthday_search] => 1986-11-25,[maxposts] => -1,[startofweek] => 2,[ipaddress] => ,[referrerid] => 0,[languageid] => 0,[emailstamp] => 0,[threadedmode] => 0,[autosubscribe] => -1,[pmtotal] => 38,[pmunread] => 0,[salt] => ;&f,[ipoints] => 0,[infractions] => 0,[warnings] => 0,[infractiongroupids] => ,[infractiongroupid] => 0,[adminoptions] => 0,[profilevisits] => 129,[friendcount] => 6,[friendreqcount] => 0,[vmunreadcount] => 0,[vmmoderatedcount] => 0,[socgroupinvitecount] => 0,[socgroupreqcount] => 0,[pcunreadcount] => 0,[pcmoderatedcount] => 0,[gmmoderatedcount] => 0,[post_thanks_user_amount] => 6,[post_thanks_thanked_posts] => 9,[post_thanks_thanked_times] => 11,[ncode_imageresizer_mode] => ,[ncode_imageresizer_maxwidth] => ,[ncode_imageresizer_maxheight] => ,[arcade_ban] => 0,[times_played] => 0,[is_arcade_mod] => 1,[fav_games] => ,[user_sort] => 0,[user_order] => 0,[user_g_pp] => 0,[user_s_pp] => 0,[def_g_cat] => 0,[game_skin] => 0,[arcade_mod_privs] => a:4:{s:6:"scores";s:1:"1";s:8:"comments";s:1:"1";s:7:"tourney";s:1:"1";s:6:"champs";s:1:"1";},[arcade_pmactive] => 1,[games_played] => 41,[time_played] => 3446,[arcade_points] => 500,[arcade_spent] => 0,[arcade_won] => 0,[arcade_high] => 0,[create_tourney] => 1,[arcade_sess_gid] => 67,[arcade_sess_start] => 1227841286,[arcade_gtype] => 0,[arcade_session] => 423,[tmnt_joins] => 0,[tmnt_wins] => 0,[awc_ns_method] => pm+email,[ds_ns_dr_time] => 1227460582,[lang_options] => 1,[lang_code] => en,[lang_charset] => ISO-8859-1,[lang_locale] => ,[lang_imagesoverride] => ,[lang_dateoverride] => ,[lang_timeoverride] => ,[lang_registereddateoverride] => ,[lang_calformat1override] => ,[lang_calformat2override] => ,[lang_logdateoverride] => ,[lang_decimalsep] => .,[lang_thousandsep] => ,,[showsignatures] => 1,[showavatars] => 1,[showimages] => 1,[coppauser] => 0,[adminemail] => 1,[showvcard] => 0,[dstauto] => 1,[dstonoff] => 0,[showemail] => 0,[invisible] => 1,[showreputation] => 0,[receivepm] => 1,[emailonpm] => 0,[hasaccessmask] => 0,[postorder] => 0,[receivepmbuddies] => 0,[noactivationmails] => 0,[pmboxwarning] => 0,[showusercss] => 1,[receivefriendemailrequest] => 1,[vm_enable] => 1,[vm_contactonly] => 0,[adminavatar] => 0,[adminprofilepic] => 0,[urlusername] => Biscuit,[musername] => Biscuit,[displaygrouptitle] => Administrators,[displayusertitle] => President,[realstyleid] => 0,[securitytoken_raw] => 702337d6588529fd961bc6b7bde00180d5fd31a9,[securitytoken] => 1228249263-f419389c73db73ffd56721717dc7bb98e6d0c4d5,[logouthash] => 1228249263-f419389c73db73ffd56721717dc7bb98e6d0c4d5,[tzoffset] => -5,[lastvisitdate] => 12-02-2008 03:55 AM,[permissions] => Array ([usergroupid] => 6,[title] => Administrators,[description] => ,[usertitle] => President,[passwordexpires] => 180,[passwordhistory] => 360,[pmquota] => 1000,[pmsendmax] => 99,[opentag] => ,[closetag] => ,[canoverride] => 0,[ispublicgroup] => 0,[forumpermissions] => 8388607,[pmpermissions] => 7,[calendarpermissions] => 63,[wolpermissions] => 31,[adminpermissions] => 3,[genericpermissions] => 2147483647,[genericpermissions2] => 1,[genericoptions] => 55,[signaturepermissions] => 237567,[visitormessagepermissions] => 63,[attachlimit] => 0,[avatarmaxwidth] => 200,[avatarmaxheight] => 200,[avatarmaxsize] => 4294967295,[profilepicmaxwidth] => 100,[profilepicmaxheight] => 100,[profilepicmaxsize] => 900000000,[sigpicmaxwidth] => 300,[sigpicmaxheight] => 200,[sigpicmaxsize] => 1000000,[sigmaximages] => 0,[sigmaxsizebbcode] => 7,[sigmaxchars] => 0,[sigmaxrawchars] => 0,[sigmaxlines] => 0,[usercsspermissions] => 31,[albumpermissions] => 255,[albumpicmaxwidth] => 600,[albumpicmaxheight] => 600,[albumpicmaxsize] => 100000,[albummaxpics] => 100,[albummaxsize] => 0,[socialgrouppermissions] => 511,[videodirectorypermissions] => 255,[arcade_access] => 2,[p_require] => 0,[max_play] => 0,[ppd_require] => 0,[ibpa_cats] => 0,[tourney] => 1,[tournamentpermissions] => 1023,[ladderpermissions] => 31,[maxteams] => 99),[forumpermissions] => Array ([30] => 8388607,[31] => 8388607,[32] => 8388607,[36] => 8388607,[33] => 8388607,[37] => 8388607,[34] => 8388607,[35] => 8388607,[1] => 8388607,[2] => 8388607,[3] => 8388607,[4] => 8388607,[5] => 8388607,[6] => 8388607,[7] => 8388607,[27] => 8388607,[49] => 8388607,[50] => 8388607,[51] => 8388607,[38] => 8388607,[40] => 8388607,[41] => 8388607,[42] => 8388607,[43] => 8388607,[44] => 8388607,[39] => 8388607,[45] => 8388607,[46] => 8388607,[47] => 8388607,[48] => 8388607,[24] => 8388607,[8] => 8388607,[10] => 8388607,[28] => 8388607,[21] => 8388607,[12] => 8388607,[52] => 8388607,[13] => 8388607,[14] => 8388607,[15] => 8388607,[23] => 8388607,[29] => 8388607,[26] => 8388607,[16] => 8388607,[17] => 8388607,[18] => 8388607,[19] => 8388607,[20] => 8388607,[22] => 8388607),[attachmentextensions] => avi bmp bz2 dem doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd rar txt zip,[attachmentpermissions] => Array ([avi] => Array ([permissions]
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Old 12-02-2008, 06:43 PM
siveriano siveriano is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 25
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mmmmmmmmmm im getting some weird results, i mean it does submit the form and make the post/threat, but right after you hit submit a white screen shows up with this error msg.
Fatal error:

    * Please complete both the subject and message fields.

Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 810
#0 vb_error_handler(256,

    * Please complete both the subject and message fields.

Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM, /var/www/vhosts/deathelitesquad.com/httpdocs/forums/includes/class_dm.php, 810, Array ([this] => vB_DataManager_PM Object ([validfields] => Array ([pmtextid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 3,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_,[3] => verify_nonzero),[fromuserid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 1),[fromusername] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1),[title] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[message] => Array ([0] => 7,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[touserarray] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => 1,[2] => _-_mEtHoD_-_),[iconid] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[dateline] => Array ([0] => 3,[1] => 0),[showsignature] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 0),[allowsmilie] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 0)),[bitfields] => Array (),[table] => pmtext,[pmtext] => Array ([fromuserid] => 1,[fromusername] => Biscuit,[title] => Your application form has been submitted,[dateline] => 1228249263),[overridequota] => ,[condition_construct] => Array ([0] => pmtextid = %1$d,[1] => pmtextid),[setfields] => Array ([fromuserid] => 1,[fromusername] => 1,[title] => 1,[dateline] => 1),[rawfields] => Array (),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ([datastore] => vB_Datastore Object ([defaultitems] => Array ([0] => options,[1] => bitfields,[2] => attachmentcache,[3] => forumcache,[4] => usergroupcache,[5] => stylecache,[6] => languagecache,[7] => products,[8] => pluginlist,[9] => cron,[10] => profilefield,[11] => loadcache,[12] => noticecache),[itemarray] => Array (),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[dbobject] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => board,[connection_master] => Resource id #7,[connection_slave] => Resource id #7,[connection_recent] => Resource id #7,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE user SET lastactivity = 1228249263 WHERE userid = 1 ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => ,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 38,[rows] => 2),[prefix] => ),[input] => vB_Input_Cleaner Object ([shortvars] => Array ([f] => forumid,[t] => threadid,[p] => postid,[u] => userid,[a] => announcementid,[c] => calendarid,[e] => eventid,[q] => query,[pp] => perpage,[page] => pagenumber,[sort] => sortfield,[order] => sortorder),[superglobal_lookup] => Array ([g] => _GET,[p] => _POST,[r] => _REQUEST,[c] => _COOKIE,[s] => _SERVER,[e] => _ENV,[f] => _FILES),[scriptpath] => ,[reloadurl] => ,[wolpath] => ,[url] => ,[ipaddress] => ,[alt_ip] => ,[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*),[db] => vB_Database Object ([functions] => Array ([connect] => mysql_connect,[pconnect] => mysql_pconnect,[select_db] => mysql_select_db,[query] => mysql_query,[query_unbuffered] => mysql_unbuffered_query,[fetch_row] => mysql_fetch_row,[fetch_array] => mysql_fetch_array,[fetch_field] => mysql_fetch_field,[free_result] => mysql_free_result,[data_seek] => mysql_data_seek,[error] => mysql_error,[errno] => mysql_errno,[affected_rows] => mysql_affected_rows,[num_rows] => mysql_num_rows,[num_fields] => mysql_num_fields,[field_name] => mysql_field_name,[insert_id] => mysql_insert_id,[escape_string] => mysql_escape_string,[real_escape_string] => mysql_real_escape_string,[close] => mysql_close,[client_encoding] => mysql_client_encoding),[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[fetchtypes] => Array ([2] => 2,[1] => 1,[0] => 3),[appname] => vBulletin,[appshortname] => vBulletin,[database] => board,[connection_master] => Resource id #7,[connection_slave] => Resource id #7,[connection_recent] => Resource id #7,[multiserver] => ,[shutdownqueries] => Array ([lastvisit] => UPDATE user SET lastactivity = 1228249263 WHERE userid = 1 ),[sql] => ,[reporterror] => 1,[error] => ,[errno] => ,[maxpacket] => 0,[locked] => ,[querycount] => 38,[rows] => 2),[userinfo] => Array ([userid] => 1,[temp] => ,[field1] => 21 years old who have done alot for this world.,[field2] => SWFL,[field3] => doing new stuff, learning, play video games.,[field4] => Not Your bussines.,[field5] => o,[field6] => ,[subfolders] => ,[pmfolders] => ,[buddylist] => 2 6 12 17 19 26 51,[ignorelist] => ,[signature] => Want a Sig like this? Click here   ,[searchprefs] => ,[rank] => ,[usergroupid] => 6,[membergroupids] => ,[displaygroupid] => 6,[username] => Biscuit,[password] => 0afe4172343c57c4f37d6f93b51cc2fc,[passworddate] => 1226898000,[email] => siveriano@hotmail.com,[styleid] => 9,[parentemail] => ,[homepage] => ,[icq] => ,[aim] => ,[yahoo] => ,[msn] => ,[skype] => ,[showvbcode] => 2,[showbirthday] => 2,[usertitle] => Nothing but memories.,[customtitle] => 1,[joindate] => 1223005200,[daysprune] => 0,[lastvisit] => 1228208129,[lastactivity] => 1228249258,[lastpost] => 1228248622,[lastpostid] => 0,[posts] => 174,[reputation] => 10,[reputationlevelid] => 1,[timezoneoffset] => -5,[pmpopup] => 0,[avatarid] => 0,[avatarrevision] => 0,[profilepicrevision] => 0,[sigpicrevision] => 0,[options] => 11536983,[birthday] => 11-25-1986,[birthday_search] => 1986-11-25,[maxposts] => -1,[startofweek] => 2,[ipaddress] => ,[referrerid] => 0,[languageid] => 0,[emailstamp] => 0,[threadedmode] => 0,[autosubscribe] => -1,[pmtotal] => 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0,[arcade_high] => 0,[create_tourney] => 1,[arcade_sess_gid] => 67,[arcade_sess_start] => 1227841286,[arcade_gtype] => 0,[arcade_session] => 423,[tmnt_joins] => 0,[tmnt_wins] => 0,[awc_ns_method] => pm+email,[ds_ns_dr_time] => 1227460582,[lang_options] => 1,[lang_code] => en,[lang_charset] => ISO-8859-1,[lang_locale] => ,[lang_imagesoverride] => ,[lang_dateoverride] => ,[lang_timeoverride] => ,[lang_registereddateoverride] => ,[lang_calformat1override] => ,[lang_calformat2override] => ,[lang_logdateoverride] => ,[lang_decimalsep] => .,[lang_thousandsep] => ,,[showsignatures] => 1,[showavatars] => 1,[showimages] => 1,[coppauser] => 0,[adminemail] => 1,[showvcard] => 0,[dstauto] => 1,[dstonoff] => 0,[showemail] => 0,[invisible] => 1,[showreputation] => 0,[receivepm] => 1,[emailonpm] => 0,[hasaccessmask] => 0,[postorder] => 0,[receivepmbuddies] => 0,[noactivationmails] => 0,[pmboxwarning] => 0,[showusercss] => 1,[receivefriendemailrequest] => 1,[vm_enable] => 1,[vm_contactonly] => 0,[adminavatar] => 0,[adminprofilepic] => 0,[urlusername] => Biscuit,[musername] => Biscuit,[displaygrouptitle] => Administrators,[displayusertitle] => President,[realstyleid] => 0,[securitytoken_raw] => 702337d6588529fd961bc6b7bde00180d5fd31a9,[securitytoken] => 1228249263-f419389c73db73ffd56721717dc7bb98e6d0c4d5,[logouthash] => 1228249263-f419389c73db73ffd56721717dc7bb98e6d0c4d5,[tzoffset] => -5,[lastvisitdate] => 12-02-2008 03:55 AM,[permissions] => Array ([usergroupid] => 6,[title] => Administrators,[description] => ,[usertitle] => President,[passwordexpires] => 180,[passwordhistory] => 360,[pmquota] => 1000,[pmsendmax] => 99,[opentag] => ,[closetag] => ,[canoverride] => 0,[ispublicgroup] => 0,[forumpermissions] => 8388607,[pmpermissions] => 7,[calendarpermissions] => 63,[wolpermissions] => 31,[adminpermissions] => 3,[genericpermissions] => 2147483647,[genericpermissions2] => 1,[genericoptions] => 55,[signaturepermissions] => 237567,[visitormessagepermissions] => 63,[attachlimit] => 0,[avatarmaxwidth] => 200,[avatarmaxheight] => 200,[avatarmaxsize] => 4294967295,[profilepicmaxwidth] => 100,[profilepicmaxheight] => 100,[profilepicmaxsize] => 900000000,[sigpicmaxwidth] => 300,[sigpicmaxheight] => 200,[sigpicmaxsize] => 1000000,[sigmaximages] => 0,[sigmaxsizebbcode] => 7,[sigmaxchars] => 0,[sigmaxrawchars] => 0,[sigmaxlines] => 0,[usercsspermissions] => 31,[albumpermissions] => 255,[albumpicmaxwidth] => 600,[albumpicmaxheight] => 600,[albumpicmaxsize] => 100000,[albummaxpics] => 100,[albummaxsize] => 0,[socialgrouppermissions] => 511,[videodirectorypermissions] => 255,[arcade_access] => 2,[p_require] => 0,[max_play] => 0,[ppd_require] => 0,[ibpa_cats] => 0,[tourney] => 1,[tournamentpermissions] => 1023,[ladderpermissions] => 31,[maxteams] => 99),[forumpermissions] => Array ([30] => 8388607,[31] => 8388607,[32] => 8388607,[36] => 8388607,[33] => 8388607,[37] => 8388607,[34] => 8388607,[35] => 8388607,[1] => 8388607,[2] => 8388607,[3] => 8388607,[4] => 8388607,[5] => 8388607,[6] => 8388607,[7] => 8388607,[27] => 8388607,[49] => 8388607,[50] => 8388607,[51] => 8388607,[38] => 8388607,[40] => 8388607,[41] => 8388607,[42] => 8388607,[43] => 8388607,[44] => 8388607,[39] => 8388607,[45] => 8388607,[46] => 8388607,[47] => 8388607,[48] => 8388607,[24] => 8388607,[8] => 8388607,[10] => 8388607,[28] => 8388607,[21] => 8388607,[12] => 8388607,[52] => 8388607,[13] => 8388607,[14] => 8388607,[15] => 8388607,[23] => 8388607,[29] => 8388607,[26] => 8388607,[16] => 8388607,[17] => 8388607,[18] => 8388607,[19] => 8388607,[20] => 8388607,[22] => 8388607),[attachmentextensions] => avi bmp bz2 dem doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png psd rar txt zip,[attachmentpermissions] => Array ([avi] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 4294967295,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[bmp] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 20000,[height] => 280,[width] => 620),[bz2] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 50000000,[height] => 0,[width] => 0),[dem] => Array ([permissions] => 1,[size] => 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=> Array ([sessionhash] => ,[userid] => 1,[host] =>,[idhash] => e21f7a85cfa62d81b32b39f2a53f1641,[lastactivity] => 1228249263,[location] => /forums/misc.php?do=app_form&do=app_form,[useragent] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4,[styleid] => 0,[languageid] => 0,[loggedin] => 2,[inforum] => 0,[inthread] => 0,[incalendar] => 0,[badlocation] => 0,[bypass] => 0,[profileupdate] => 0,[invideocategory] => 0,[invideo] => 0,[in_game] => 0,[newposts] => ,[dbsessionhash] => 051b5dc5d40e317412c3dc62e5363919,[sessionurl] => ,[sessionurl_q] => ,[sessionurl_js] => ),[db_fields] => Array ([sessionhash] => 7,[userid] => 2,[host] => 7,[idhash] => 7,[lastactivity] => 2,[location] => 7,[styleid] => 2,[languageid] => 2,[loggedin] => 2,[inforum] => 2,[inthread] => 2,[incalendar] => 2,[badlocation] => 2,[useragent] => 7,[bypass] => 2,[profileupdate] => 2,[invideocategory] => 2,[invideo] => 2),[changes] => Array ([lastactivity] => 1,[location] => 1),[created] => ,[registry] => vB_Registry Object ( *RECURSION*,[userinfo] => Array ([userid] => 1,[temp] => ,[field1] => 21 years old who have done alot for this world.,[field2] => SWFL,[field3] => doing new stuff, learning, play video games.,[field4] => Not Your bussines.,[field5] => o,[field6] => ,[subfolders] => ,[pmfolders] => ,[buddylist] => 2 6 12 17 19 26 51,[ignorelist] => ,[signature] => Want a Sig like this? 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Old 12-10-2008, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by foxtrialer View Post
sweede will you posT? i waiting so long for this)) thnx
Sorry it took so long, i hate WotLK always taking up my time trying to find titanium ore.

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Old 12-11-2008, 07:03 PM
etzero etzero is offline
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A quick warning to people that will use this to submit apps to a private forum.

After installing and testing I noticed that the first response to an app was being emailed to the user who submitted as if he was subscribed to the thread. This happened regardless if the user was set to "do not subscribe" in the user CP. This was a problem becuase our members use the apps to discuess good/bad things that we don't want the app seeing.

My solution:

I'm not 100% sure this is a fix but it worked for me.

In the Plugin System (Application Form Handler) I noticed the line:
$newpost['emailupdate'] = 1;
Which from what I understand will always send the first reply to the users email address. This is really not a good way to code this as there is never an option to turn it off anywhere since it isn't checking anything.

Proper coding that would look at the user CP should look somethin like this:
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'] != -1)
				$newpost['emailupdate'] = $vbulletin->userinfo['autosubscribe'];
				$newpost['emailupdate'] = 9999;
What I did to prevent anyone from subscribing at all to these threads created though the app form was use:

$newpost['emailupdate'] = 9999;
Now I am very new to VB so please correct me if anything I stated was wrong. Thanks
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Old 02-04-2009, 04:32 PM
sharego sharego is offline
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Am I doing something wrong?

it takes my info, submits, sends the pm and makes the post but the results of the post are

Character name: {{q_CharacterName}}
Character Class: {{q_CharacterClass}}
Character Level: {{q_CharacterLevel}}
I did use these variable names... do I have to enable something to get it to show the value of the variable?
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:33 AM
TriAxis TriAxis is offline
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Originally Posted by siveriano View Post
mmmmmmmmmm im getting some weird results, i mean it does submit the form and make the post/threat, but right after you hit submit a white screen shows up with this error msg.
Fatal error:

    * Please complete both the subject and message fields.

Unable to proceed with save while $errors array is not empty in class vB_DataManager_PM in [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 810
#0 vb_error_handler(256,

    * Please complete both the subject and message fields.
Any resolution to this issue? I am getting the same message.

The form does post in the proper place, but I get this exact same error just as described above.

I have had much of the problems that have been posted in this thread. I got the token error and resolved it with the instructions provided at the top of the post, then got the problem with the submit button doing nothing and followed the $post code replacement suggested by werkkrew.

Now the form does post but this Fatal error occurs now.

Looks to be a great form for our guild to use for applicants, if I could just get these few bugs squashed.
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Old 02-27-2009, 03:39 PM
sharego sharego is offline
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Anyone got a resolution?

It must work for some!
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Old 03-14-2009, 09:33 PM
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I'm tryin to make a radio button open a text box if clicked and it keeps coming up with a blank screen.
any help on this perchance?
know it's not the javascript that does it and pretty sure the div functions do.
is there anyway to make those functions work within the script?

my template for the form is attached
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