!.................. Brought to you by PHP KingDom (www.phpkd.net) ..................!
Please remember to click Mark as Installed if you use this product.
Support requests from members who have not marked this as installed will be considered low priority.
Doing all default vBulletin checks & vBulletin Fully Compatible.
Built using native vBulletin code, it works smoothly as default part of vBulletin.
Available not only for threads, but also for albums & pciture comments, social group discussions, social groups picture comments, visitor message comments and private messages replies. It's just a complete ultimate product. All in one!!
Specific Features:-
AdminCP Options:
Choose whether the product "PHPKD - Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'" is active or not (Global On/Off Switch).
Applied locations
Where do you wish to activate this product? You've four valid locations this product can be applied on & take affect:
Thread Quick Reply
Private Message Quick Reply
Profile Visitor Message
Album Picture Comment
Social Group Comment
Social Group Picture Comment
Blog Comments
Thread Options: Enable/Disable Options
You can control all "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'" options through this setting, check the check box beside the appropriate option to activate it, or un-check it to deactivate.
Allow attachments
Thread Management Tools
Quote message in reply
Show Signature
Display "Disable Smilies" option
Smiliebox Below Editor
Hide Attachments' Extensions
Collapse Quick Reply
General Options: Enable/Disable Options
You can control general options of "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'" through this setting, check the check box beside the appropriate option to activate it, or un-check it to deactivate.
Auto Quote PM in QR
Thread Options: Checked by default
You can set the default check status for each option of the "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'", any checked option here will be checked by default within forums.
Thread Manage: Close
Thread Manage: Stick
Disable Smilies
Quote message in reply
Show Signature
Enabled Built-in BB Code Tags
This setting allows you to enable and disable various built-in BBCode Tags in the "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'".
Disabling a BBCode will NOT prevent it from working in the "Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'", but only hide it's relevant button from the editor.
Include/Exclude Users
You can specify certain users to have this product's effect, or to exclude others from being participated at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All Users
Include Specific Users
Exclude Specific Users
Select "Include All Users" for the product to take effect on all users (DEFAULT), or select "Include Specific Users" for the product to take effect on certain users only -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Users" for the product NOT to take effect on certain users -defined in the following setting-.
Included/Excluded Users
If you've chosen "Include Specific Users" OR "Exclude Specific Users" from the above setting, then you've to enter those specified user IDs here in this setting's field. Please enter user IDs separated with commas.
Include/Exclude Usergroups
You can specify certain usergroups to have this product's effect, or to exclude others from being participated at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All Usergroups
Include Specific Usergroups
Exclude Specific Usergroups
Select "Include All Usergroups" for the product to take effect on all usergroups (DEFAULT), or select "Include Specific Usergroups" for the product to take effect on certain usergroups only -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Usergroups" for the product NOT to take effect on certain usergroups -defined in the following setting-.
Included/Excluded Usergroups
If you've chosen "Include Specific Usergroups" OR "Exclude Specific Usergroups" from the above setting, then you've to enter those specified user group IDs here in this setting's field. Please enter user group IDs separated with commas.
Include/Exclude Forums
You can specify certain forums to have this product's effect, or to exclude others from being participated at all.
You've three options to choose from:
Include All Forums
Include Specific Forums
Exclude Specific Forums
Select "Include All Forums" for the product to take effect on all forums (DEFAULT), or select "Include Specific Forums" for the product to take effect on certain forums only -defined in the following setting-, or select "Exclude Specific Forums" for the product NOT to take effect on certain forums -defined in the following setting-.
Included/Excluded Forums
If you've chosen "Include Specific Forums" OR "Exclude Specific Forums" from the above setting, then you've to enter those specified forum IDs here in this setting's field. Please enter forum IDs separated with commas.
Affected Styles
You can enable this product on certain styles only & keep it disabled for others, just select the styles you wish this product to take affect on. For multiple selecting press 'CTRL' & keep holding it while selecting.
Smilie Menu Total Smilies
How many smilies would you like to display in the WYSIWYG popup smilie menu before the 'show all smilies' link is displayed.
Set this value to 0 if you would like to hide the popup smilie menu completely.
Smiliebox Total Smilies
How many smilies would you like to be displayed in the smiliebox before the user is prompted to click for the more smilies popup window?
Set this value to 0 if you would like to hide the clickable smiliebox completely.
Smiliebox Smilies Per Row
If the smiliebox is enabled, how many smilies would you like to be displayed per row of the box?
Note: positive integer values allowed. Minimum value is one "1".
Installation Procedure:
Upload required files to their appropriate places:
Do the following small manual edit, open the file "clientscript/vbulletin_quick_reply.js" (follow instructions relative to your vB version): Both 3.8.x & 4.0.x: Search for:
To Share ? to copy, distribute and transmit the work
To Remix ? to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
[Attribution]: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
[Noncommercial]: You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
[Share Alike]: If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page.
Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get explicit permission from the copyright holder.
Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights.
--------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Your fair dealing and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
This is a human-readable summary of the Legal Code (the full license). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/.../3.0/legalcode
--------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Help with:
Translations to benefit more users.
Suggestions & feature requests to develop this product.
Contributing any updates, upgrades and/or any new features.
Spreading this product. Yes, you're free to re-distribute this product as it is (See 'Free License' details).
Optimizations: Optimizing AJAX Code (And Fixing some bugs with disabled features).
Optimizations: Disabling some features by default (manual activation required from AdminCP settings whenever it's needed) [ Allow attachments / Display Thread Management Options / Display "Disable Smilies" option ].
New Features: Two new options [ Hide Attachments' Extensions (On/Off) / Hide Default Quick Reply Options (On/Off) ].
v2.0.0 26/07/2008 12:03 PM UTC: Next Generation -Too many updates- (public)
Core Changes: Re-writing ~ the whole product's code.
Core Changes: Optimizing/Fixing minnor bugs in the product's code.
Core Changes: Minimizing JavaScript file edits to just one tiny edit & separating all required JavaScript Code in a new compressed file.
Preferences: Changing setting group varname from 'phpkd_aqr_bbcode' to 'phpkd_aqr'.
Settings: Re-writing all boolean settings with a new technique depending on bitfields.
New Features: Adding md5 sum check.
New Features: Optimizing & Beautifying product's code.
New Features: Developing the helpfull debugging info.
New Features: Adding usergroup permissions (per usergroup on/off permission).
New Features: Adding forums permissions (per forum on/off switch).
New Features: Adding "Exclude Users" permissions (can exclude users from using product).
New Features: Adding "Collapse Advanced Quick Reply by default" feature.
v4.0.100 03/03/2010 03:03 AM UTC: First 3.8.x/4.0.x release .. Third Generation -Too many updates- (public)
Core Changes: Shifting up the product to a completely new level.
Core Changes: Re-writting product's code from scratch to be highly customizable/flexible/reusable and fully compatible with both 3.8.x & 4.0.x vB series.
Core Changes: Product's ID has been changed to "phpkd_vbaqr" & name to "PHPKD - Advanced Quick Reply 'Ultimate'".
Core Changes: Redesigning & standardizing all settings for better using experience.
New Features: Added support for albums & picture comments.
New Features: Added support for social group discussions.
New Features: Added support for social groups picture comments.
New Features: Added support for visitor message comments.
New Features: Added support for private messages replies.
New Features: Ability to include/exclude users from using this product.
New Features: Ability to include/exclude usergroups from using this product.
New Features: Ability to include/exclude forums from using this product.
New Features: Ability to include/exclude styles from using this product.
v4.0.110 23/03/2010 03:03 AM UTC: Featured & Maintenance Release (public)
I'm getting reports from 64 bit Vista users running IE7 that when they post their QR's, the screen doesn't refresh and they get an 'object expected' JS error. If they reload the page, their reply has actually been posted.
Any ideas? I don't have a Vista box to test with, and it seems to work fine with IE6, 7 and 8 on XP. Also works fine with FF 2 and 3, and Chrome.
I'm getting reports from 64 bit Vista users running IE7 that when they post their QR's, the screen doesn't refresh and they get an 'object expected' JS error. If they reload the page, their reply has actually been posted.
Any ideas? I don't have a Vista box to test with, and it seems to work fine with IE6, 7 and 8 on XP. Also works fine with FF 2 and 3, and Chrome.
-- hugh
wow! i have the same problem here, but in fact i think its a litle different:
this problem seems to occur randomly... but now I got a firefox error:
phpkd_aqr is not defined
I know that this function is included at phpkd_aqr.js... but for some reason I think that javascript isnt included sporadically
it happens with internet explorer and firefox users.. I am on vista x64, but i think it happens with other OS too
I installed this mod not to long ago. It came up fine on my screen, on 2 browsers, on two different PC's.
Apparently it was not turned on for other users. I checked all the permissions outlined on this mod including the Access Masks to no avail.
One of my users found they had to change.
User CP -> Edit Options, at the bottom of that screen, under Miscellaneous Options, I changed Message Editor Interface to Standard Editor - Extra formatting controls, now I have the smilies box.
i unwittingly deinstalled this mod lol! so now i cant install it anymore! wud be cool if u update it for 3.8! or can i bypass the vb-version check anyway?
i allready tried to change the version in the xml from 3.7.999 to 3.8.x but it wont work! *cry*