As much as I am flattered that you quoted me,I must disagree with your statement.I think the template system is way better constructed and also easier to use than,let's say,some Smarty based.I work with PhpFoX which is heavily based on Smarty,and it's hell of a pain.The vB template system is not perfect,but best I have seen so far and they make it easier to create end-user products.
vBulletin's template system is miles behind others. It's nowhere near the best one...
where are the facts though to say that less people are using vbulletin.
Have jelsoft released these figures because i dont know how else u would know.
If u are basing it on downloads (installs from this board) then that is not a true way.Like people have said there are other sources to get hacks from and they are more freely available or u could look at it another way - people aint modding their boards as much.
He's basing if off the number of installs for mods for different versions. In other words, any of these could also account for the figures:
Your latest version of the mod is slightly worse than the last one.
Less people are using 3.8 because it's in beta.
Less people are using 3.7
People aren't modifying their forums as much as most features are built in.
People are getting the modifications elsewhere
More people learnt to program/code and are making their own modifications
Less people are clicking the install button (like myself, I've probably only marked like 5 mods here as installed other than those I've actually released).
People are still using the older version with the newer forum version.
People clicked install then clicking uninstall without actually uninstalling the modification.
People installed it and simply uninstalled it again for some reason.
where are the facts though to say that less people are using vbulletin.
Have jelsoft released these figures because i dont know how else u would know.
If u are basing it on downloads (installs from this board) then that is not a true way.Like people have said there are other sources to get hacks from and they are more freely available or u could look at it another way - people aint modding their boards as much.
We're not saying that atall. He is just asking a question.
He's basing if off the number of installs for mods for different versions. In other words, any of these could also account for the figures:
Your latest version of the mod is slightly worse than the last one.
Less people are using 3.8 because it's in beta.
Less people are using 3.7
People aren't modifying their forums as much as most features are built in.
People are getting the modifications elsewhere
More people learnt to program/code and are making their own modifications
Less people are clicking the install button (like myself, I've probably only marked like 5 mods here as installed other than those I've actually released).
People are still using the older version with the newer forum version.
People clicked install then clicking uninstall without actually uninstalling the modification.
People installed it and simply uninstalled it again for some reason.
Can it be?It's the same mod just for a different vB version
We are talking about 3.6 and 3.7
Well from so what I have seen so far this is definitely not true
True but most of the features found here are not yet implemented
Ah I have to disagree with this.Some did but still most didn't