What usually goes in the side bars? I don't know what I should do with mine I am looking for suggestions! Thanks :-)
If you need the url: http://generalchatforums.com
I'll have to partially agree with lynne, why have a side colomn if your not sure what to have in them? That said, you have the login feature implemented so it's taking up space anyway. Sponsorship/affiliates, Navigation to your most populour areas or site information whereareas the link would be less accessible. The list is endless, and features you could implement is down to your hearts desired. Don't just add stuff just for the hell of it with useless, pointless links just to fill the space. Add the additional columns when you need to.
My site is http://www.virginiahotlist.com . What I did was installed cpms which is a portal page. I have my side bars their with customizable columns. then once you go to the forums area no sidebars. I like it that way. For me it works best.