can someone help me on my problem.... OK my hostin company just gave out on me , so they shut everything down for me, they want me to pay this enormous fee just to host my site... they said that ive used to much cpu usage... so now im stuck transfering hosting servers... ive uploaded all my files for my site onto CUTE FTP client, everything looks ok but except my hTML homepage it is not mine and ive never seen it before and when i open it it is the one i see when i go to my site... i dont know where my index homepage file went can someone help me get my site back up and running... Im in dire need of help everytime i ask my X hosting company where it is they say that its in the file that holds all of the files for my site... and its the wrong one!!!... I also did have VB advance CMPS homepage they might have renamed my homepage but i dunno!!!????