Does anybody know of a mod that will play a sound file (.mid, .wav, .mp3, etc) when a new pm arrives? My users are asking for an audio notification when a new pm arrives in addition to the email and popup notifications.
Does anybody know of a mod that will play a sound file (.mid, .wav, .mp3, etc) when a new pm arrives? My users are asking for an audio notification when a new pm arrives in addition to the email and popup notifications.
that option is php nuke plat but i ask that q about 2 years ago it was not answered so i guess its not in vb.. yet...
PMs aren't fetched as they arrive, they are checked when a new page on the forum is loaded. So people would only get the sound when the refresh the page, which they would have to be on anyway. In which case, it kind of defeats the point of the sound being there to alert you if you are not browsing the forum. (Probably why such a modification hasn't be created).