If you encounter what you think may be a bug, please include your vBulletin version number when reporting it, since code and fixes differ greatly from 3.6.4 - 3.8.x.
*** NEWS ***
11/8/2010 - 2.2.3 released
5/15/2010 - 2.2.2 released
4/12/2009 - 3.6.x thread separated
Known Issues:
- If you are using the Advanced BB-Code Permissions hack, conflicts can arise when profile fields are parsed in the postbit, causing nothing be parsed. The fix is described here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1252480
What It Does:
Allows you to grant only certain usergroups the ability to use HTML, BB-code, smilies, and IMG-code in their profile fields, posts, PMs, and in Project Tools.
Mod Features:
- parse profile fields on user profiles using Usergroup Permissions
- parse profile fields in postbits using Usergroup Permissions
- parse posts using Usergroup Permissions
- parse calendar events using Usergroup Permissions
- parse private messages using Usergroup Permissions
- parse Project Tools issues and replies using Usergroup Permissions
- parse Social Messages and usernotes using Usergroup Permissions
- complete Forum Rules integration
- disallow certain HTML tags
Products to Install: 1 Files to Upload: 3 Files to Edit: 0 Template Edits: 0
*** Changelog *** As of Version 2.2.3
non-forum messages don't parse
poll options don't parse
As of Version 2.2.2
several bug fixes
compatible with VaultWiki 2.5.7 PL 1 & 3.0.0 RC 3
* This mod is offered for free here. Please donate if you like this mod *
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Is anyone else getting a DB error when uploading the uploaded vba news fix? It is not working for me and created a DB error when going to the VBA page.
I installed this, and it accomplishes the goal of showing BBCode/HTML, etc in the profile fields. However, I was working on some other things in the admin panel, and saved a usergroup for an unrelated reason...and instead of saving my changes it made a duplicate usergroup with the same name and the changes were saved in that. I worked on this for awhile, even going as far as disabling the product. Nothing worked. I eventually uninstalled it and usergroups started behaving normally again. Saving changes to the group that was being edited, not creating duplicates, etc.
I want to use this, but I can't as long as this bug exists.
This is not something the mod would do. It only adds bitfields to the admin panel. This would not cause a duplication error. Please check your server logs to see if there were any errors associated with this happening.
Is this hack anywhere near having the "extensive vbulletin blog testing" part being added so that blogs will parse bbcode properly? Or am I missing something?
BBcode appears to parse fine for the blog bits in the tab on the memberinfo page, but nothing at all in the actual blog section itself.
This problem still exists... This is a great mod btw
Well, this problem is default by vbulletin. Only the blog entry itselfs parse bbcode when you watch the entry. In every overview or blog preview, bbcode wont get parsed.
You have to have HTML enabled for the particular forum/message type first in vBulletin's own settings. The mod does not attempt to override those settings.