Commbull has a lot of customizable features ... i would check it out.
I only asked for alternatives becuase of what I read of others having issues on your official support forums. I used it a while ago, but looking for something that is morestable (especially if I'm paying for it). The inactive users feature would be great feature if you add that, you'll get alot more interest. Still might end up with Commbull, but for now still looking around. Have a large forum (5000+ users), and it sounds like that would be an issue with CommBull...
Anyone know of a newsletter that would also integrate the latest links added (ie. VBadvanced Links) also into a newsletter?
All my clients use it for their forums on a weekly basis and some of them have over 40,000 users (, and ours are over or close to 10,000 ( & The problems occur mostly with people who are on shared hosting with servers not built to handle vB's software (and therefor can't handle the sending of such large emails to a large number of people).