Version: 1.3, by Replicators
Developer Last Online: Feb 2016
Category: New Posting Features -
Version: 3.7.x
Released: 05-30-2008
Last Update: 07-14-2008
Installs: 64
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits Auto-Templates
Re-useable Code Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
What this does: vB Spell allows you to install a dictionary (English dictionary included) into your MysQL database, and provide a spell checking window that works in both of vB's editor modes, standard and WYSIWYG.
Background: This mod was originally developed by tamarian for vB 3.5.x. With the release of 3.6.x the installer stopped working for fresh installs and the template changes were considerably out of date, tamarian gave cynix2 permission to release a 3.6.x version with updates. I have now carried it over to 3.7.x and will support it to the best of my ability. This version should work with 3.5.x, 3.6.x, and 3.7.x series.
Supports most recent versions of browsers. Firefox, Mozilla/Netsacpe, Opera and Konqueror (Konqueror implies Safari, but please confirm Mac folks). Currently does NOT work in IE 7, if anybody can look through the code and know of a way to fix the mod to work in IE, then please send me a pm.
Learn Feature uses cookies, so it won't increase the database size.
Admin panel options.
Spell Check button appears anywhere there is a WYSIWYG Enhanced or Standard Editor Toolbar [includes quickreply but not quickedit].
Skips quoted text and other tags (PHP, code, etc.).
Usergroup permisisons.
Template based interface, and uses your default style.
Link buttons (Thesarus and Lookup) with links to Merriam Webster's online thesarus and dictionary links with the suggestion for misspelled words.
Unzip main package.
Upload the contents of the 'upload' folder to your forum home directory.
Regular Install:
Upload DICTIONARY.DIC to your forum home directory.
Alternate Install
Unzip or
Import the SQL files to your database.
Import product-vbspell37.xml.
Go to AdminCP > vBulletin Options > vB Spell and edit your usergroup permisisons.
Q: What is the Alternate Install method for?
A: If you are having problems with the Regular Install (such as your dictionary import freezes at x%) then you should consider using the Alternate Install. If neither of these methods work for you then there might be an issue with your server host.
Unzip main package.
Upload the contents of the 'upload' folder to your forum home directory.
Import product-vbspell37.xml.
To make template editing less tedious i have made use of Andreas Template Modification System found here. If you install tms before applying this mod, all template edits will be done for you. If you do not want tms installed, then i have supplied easier to understand template editing instructions inside the mod zip file.
IMPORTANT: If you decide to use tms and have the templates be automatically installed, then you need to go into your styles and save the following templates.
Just go into the templates and save it without making any changes for each skin. TMS will not edit any unmodified templates, so if any of them templates are already red, then they are already modified and you don't need to save them.
1.1 - Added use of TMS to make template modification easier.
1.2 - Added tehtide's fix from here
1.3 - Made some changes in the product, and made manual template instructions a little less tedious, but there is no easy way of doing it unfortunantly. You will need to redo the template edits that go above </head>.
Actually - it doesn't seem compatible with Opera 9.5
In FF 3 - I'm getting a database error when creating thread. Quick Edit & edit seems to work well - Haven't tested in IE and I don't expect that I will.
Any ideas how to remedy the database error?
This is pretty odd, only thing i can think of is you may of screwed up on template editing newthread template, recheck to make sure they are correct please.
I've been using this version since I updated to 3.7 (prior to this new update). Everything works fine for me, so is there a need for me to perform an update?
I've been using this version since I updated to 3.7 (prior to this new update). Everything works fine for me, so is there a need for me to perform an update?
If everything is working fine, then don't bother upgrading. Really all i did was clean up some stuff, and may even help some problems people are having (NO GAURANTEE'S)
Just installed this and since I do not have TMS installed, I'm doing manual template edits.
Your instructions are pretty off or not clear.
Find the following Text in Template socialgroups_editor
<input type="submit" class="button" name="preview" value="$vbphrase[preview]" accesskey="r" tabindex="1" />
Below that, insert the following Text
<input type="button" class="button" value="Spell Check" onClick="spellCheck('vbform', '$editorid', '2');" />
There are 4 results for that line to replace, Same for the rest of the template edits after this one. So which one of the 4 do we insert this under?
I've installed this mod and when I attempt to use the spell check I get the following error:
"spell_formname is null or not an object"
I have all the edits made to the templates and running on VB 3.7.2..any ideas? I just uninstalled the product and installed TMS and then saved each template again...same problem though and my user group sees the spell check button, just does nothing
I've installed this mod and when I attempt to use the spell check I get the following error:
"spell_formname is null or not an object"
I have all the edits made to the templates and running on VB 3.7.2..any ideas? I just uninstalled the product and installed TMS and then saved each template again...same problem though and my user group sees the spell check button, just does nothing
Are you using internet explorer? At this time, it's not working with IE because of how IE7 handles formname. Try using it under firefox and it should work.