Version: 1.0.0, by calorie
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: Anti-Spam Options -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 12-29-2006
Last Update: Never
Installs: 735
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
This mod calculates the time it takes to go between these two pages:
The point is to try and prevent bots from registering at your forum when the time between the two pages is humanly impossible, assuming that humans actually take the time to complete the registration page.
Should a user be blocked from registering at your forum, an email will be sent to your vB webmasteremail address and the user will see the vB noregister phrase message, so no screenshot is necessary.
Yes, it does, although it has stopped working on my site for some reason. I haven't gotten an email for this hack for over 2 months and I know the bots are still trying.
Did you remember the manual template edit? I forgot mine after a mass revert when upgrading to 3.7
I am getting a lot of bots that are registering with a location of "1" so I want to add a simple line of code to the Is Bot plugin for "register_addmember_process" that will check the location and if it says "1" I wanted them blocked.
Have had this in place for a while and was receiving no emails, although the number of spammer registrations definitely appeared to be reduced -- thanks to a recent post I realized I had not made the required template modification.
It's been about an hour since enabling the notification emails and I've received 8 notices. This is more spammers than I would typically have had register in a whole day before installing Isbot. Could the bots be detecting the registration failure and resubmitting rather than moving on?
What happens if the "no register" error notice is not displayed? Would the regs still be blocked?
I note that MOST of these blocks would already have been caught by my prohibition of accepting registrations from a handful of spammer email domains (notably and Is there a different hook that could be used that would only come into play AFTER the registratrion has passed through vB's own registration checks? It might cut down on the number of emails considerably.
I've already posted the fact that I installed this mod on our v3.67pl1 system, but I wanted to reiterate my appreciation to the author....
It's incredible how much time this mod saves me from what I had to do before, in order to try and keep "bots" and spammers out of our system. It seemed like I was spending hours every day, just trying to add IP's and email addresses to the "banned" lists, but they kept coming.
Now, I get dozens of emails every day, showing how many of these "bots" got stopped and the stress of running the system is way lower...
Thanks calorie... :up:
If I could give you a hug, I would ... but, it doesn't mean we're going steady ...
I don't know if this has been asked but is it possible to modify this so the IP address is included in the email? I would like to add the IP addresses of the spambots to my .htaccess file to block them completely.
I don't know if this has been asked but is it possible to modify this so the IP address is included in the email? I would like to add the IP addresses of the spambots to my .htaccess file to block them completely.
The original post with this info ought to be linked to in the body of the thread...but it isn't so:
To include the IP in the email.
Go to the Plugin Manager in your AdminCP
Click edit for "register_addmember_process" under Is Bot product