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Zoints Thread Tags - GREAT for SEO Details »»
Zoints Thread Tags - GREAT for SEO
Version: 1.2.3, by Zoints Zoints is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2009 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.7.0 Rating:
Released: 05-30-2008 Last Update: Never Installs: 57
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
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No support by the author.



If you choose to send tags to Zoints (optional) you can see what we do with them and how we send you traffic and nice inbound links: http://zoints.com

A great article on the importance of tagging can be read here.

The Zoints Thread Tags System will improve forum side search, SEO, and traffic for forums that choose to utilize it. And in my opinion, it's just plain cool

When a member creates a new thread, they can now input a series of "tags". Tags are simply keywords that describe the thread.

If you then go to your-forum.com/tags you will be presented with what is called a "tag cloud". The more times a tag is used, the larger the text grows. As you can see, the tags are also searchable.

Clicking on one of the tags in the cloud then lists all of the threads that are tagged with that particular keyword. The default option lists tags in a forumdisplay format. There is an option in the admincp to use a simple format.

Clicking on the thread title of one of the above threads then takes you to the thread. If you have the option on, the tags the thread are tagged with are also listed above the thread. Clicking one of those tags takes you to all the threads on the forum tagged with the same tag. Search engine spiders are going to have a field day with this

The thread starter and moderation staff have a slightly different view which allows for administration of tags:

The forum's tags are also searchable via the search dropdown. The advanced search option allows for a variety of additional criteria to be seached for. Your members create a whole new (and highly efficient) forum search engine!

If you have the option on in the admincp and register your forum, once every hour, your tagged threads in publically viewable forums are linked via the corresponding interest tag on the Zoints Forum Network. For example, if you go to http://zoints.com/tag/children you will see what is pictured below. Not only is this a great relevant inbound link for SEO, but you will get traffic from Zoints direct to these threads!

Another example of this in action: http://zoints.com/tag/music

The admincp options

Official support for this modification will be at http://network.zoints.com in this forum.

Change log:
2008/06/31 - 1.2.3
* AJAX Now Compatible with 3.7
* vBulletin CSRF Protocol Compatible
2007/12/24 - 1.2.2
* Security patch

2006/10/24 - 1.2.1
* Bugfix: breaking inline moderation when tag cloud below posts
* Bugfix: ajax input not working when tag cloud below posts
* Bugfix: seo hook effective for "results as threads" option
* Bugfix: Autogenerated tags have "quot" removed
* Bugfix: Automated template edit screwing up styles
* Improved instructions for manual template edits

2006/10/19 - 1.2.0
* Option to display results as threads
* Advanced search page
* Popular tag cloud pagination
* Popular tags displayed in forums
* Option to display tags in showthread at the top/bottom
* Fix for vbadvanced products navbar links
* Other minor fixes and tweaks

2006/10/02 - 1.1.2
* Bugfix: Foreign language characters in thread description
* Bugfix: Commas showing up when removing first tag in showthread via ajax
* Removing some redundancy in the tags AJAX removal

2006/09/30 - 1.1.1
* Bugfix: Preventing all HTML from being parsed inside tag descriptions

2006/09/30 - 1.1.0
* Adding and deleting tags from showthread via AJAX
* Mass-deleting single tags from entire cloud for admins
* Automatically generate tags for older threads (with option to show or hide on main cloud)
* Automatically stripping out tiny (2 or less characters) tags

2006/09/28 - 1.0.8
* Minor bugfix

2006/09/28 - 1.0.7
* Bugfix for required tagging

2006/09/28 - 1.0.6
* Character replacements
* Tag limit per thread
* Option to require tags for a thread
* Bugfix where stopwords may not have worked properly
* Bugfix for vBSEO / main cloud not showing up

2006/09/xx - 1.0.5
* Unreleased dev build

2006/09/23 - 1.0.4
* Ability to add multiple tags via showthread.php
* Ability to exclude certain forums from utilizing tags
* Addition of custom hook for developers to change thread urls

2006/09/21 - 1.0.3
* Ability to add and remove tags from showthread.php
* Bugfix for older versions of mysql

2006/09/21 - 1.0.2
* Small bugfix

2006/09/20 - 1.0.1
* Showing tags list on showthread.php

2006/09/20 - 1.0.0
* Initial release

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  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 07-08-2008, 10:25 PM
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Question #3

Can we go into old threads after installing this and add tags to them, having them count towards the total amount in relation to the tag cloud?

I would imagine this is yes as I cannot believe that anyone just starting out a board would not already have threads on there forums with this installed.

Basically this is a "does this affect only new threads from the date/time of installation" or can we add tags to old threads.
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Old 07-09-2008, 01:10 AM
Strike3ForumsMH Strike3ForumsMH is offline
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Originally Posted by legionofangels View Post
Using this thread since it has fewer responses.

But in either version 3.6 or 3.7, can we move the Tag Cloud onto the forum home below the Whats Going On Box Perhaps, and within the Show Thread Template, so the Tag Cloud is basically on every page of the forum?

Is there a section of your Tags, much like Wordpress where I can see the total list of Tags on the whole forum, and delete whatever one's I want to?

Thanks for your response Zoints team,

Hi Patrick,

Tag clouds on forumhome, based on our versions, can only be done with a beta. As for the show thread template, are you speaking about having the forum's tag cloud (ie all popular tags) displayed on the thread? I would suppose it's possible but I don't believe that's an option out of the box.

As for a total list of tags, I would imagine it exists somewhere within your database but it's not something easily found through the product. It is a very needed thing though and one I would hope our engineers could do for a later release.

Originally Posted by SBlueman View Post
What template does this page use?


I am trying to edit it so it shows the correct post icon. What template needs to be edited?

So can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance.

Also....does anyone know how a RSS feed can be created for each topic tag?
I have no idea about the RSS feed but again with your problem I would think the index.php file in the tags folder (search icon) and the viewtag template to be the only two sources. I am not a coder but I spent about an hour today trying to play around with it. I was able to remove the post icons column by editing the index.php file so I would have to imagine that it is that file where something is missing and it is not properly calling for the post icons. But... much of that code for post icons seems to be fairly common so I am not exactly sure as to what is the holdup.

(I know, not much help, but I'll keeping playing around with it.)

Originally Posted by legionofangels View Post
Question #3

Can we go into old threads after installing this and add tags to them, having them count towards the total amount in relation to the tag cloud?

I would imagine this is yes as I cannot believe that anyone just starting out a board would not already have threads on there forums with this installed.

Basically this is a "does this affect only new threads from the date/time of installation" or can we add tags to old threads.
Oh certainly. You can go back into any thread, no matter how old it is, and tag it for it to display in the tags system and the other threads. You can also use the automatic thread tagger for old threads (although those tags won't be sent to zoints.com, if you use that feature.)

- Reid
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Old 07-09-2008, 03:08 PM
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Tag clouds on forumhome, based on our versions, can only be done with a beta. As for the show thread template, are you speaking about having the forum's tag cloud (ie all popular tags) displayed on the thread? I would suppose it's possible but I don't believe that's an option out of the box.

As for a total list of tags, I would imagine it exists somewhere within your database but it's not something easily found through the product. It is a very needed thing though and one I would hope our engineers could do for a later release.
If they can be put on the Showthread template, they should be able to go on FORUMHOME.

All we're talking about is a box with some code and data in it, are we not? So without me being extremely ignorant of the subject, how is it any different than me putting my What's Going On Box on a different Template/location of my forum and having it display in a different location/or multiple locations.

I imagine this can be done, very similar to putting a shoutbox or anything else on whatever template you want.

If it can be done, we'll probably be using this.


If you don't have total list, you do offer inline moderation it appears where if someone is using vulgar/inappropriate tags we can delete them/ban user I'd imagine from the pictures above.
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Old 07-10-2008, 06:01 PM
Strike3ForumsMH Strike3ForumsMH is offline
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Originally Posted by legionofangels View Post
If they can be put on the Showthread template, they should be able to go on FORUMHOME.

All we're talking about is a box with some code and data in it, are we not? So without me being extremely ignorant of the subject, how is it any different than me putting my What's Going On Box on a different Template/location of my forum and having it display in a different location/or multiple locations.

I imagine this can be done, very similar to putting a shoutbox or anything else on whatever template you want.

If it can be done, we'll probably be using this.


If you don't have total list, you do offer inline moderation it appears where if someone is using vulgar/inappropriate tags we can delete them/ban user I'd imagine from the pictures above.
I am sure you could, it would just need some original coding as that doesn't come right out of the box with it. Just about anything can be done with the right coding.

As for editing, yeah you can remove right from the cloud/forum/thread/wherever. With the AJAX add/delete, you can simply click X and the tag goes away.

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Old 07-10-2008, 07:31 PM
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That sounds great. It looks like I'll have a coder look at how to move the tag cloud around, and we'll test out your Zoints Tags.

I really don't see the advantage that vBulletins core one has over yours, even someone at vb.com, a customer, not employee, said that it's missing some key features.

I'd suggest to your engineers an auto-import tags if using the RSS Importer Feed Manager system, so that for example if the system was auto posting other peoples blogs, or threads, it would auto import the tags from that blog or thread.
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Old 07-10-2008, 08:12 PM
jimraynor jimraynor is offline
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can we see the most add tagword member. if yes. How? i will give gift the most have tagwords of members.

apologise for my english. Waiting your answer.Thank you.
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:41 AM
Strike3ForumsMH Strike3ForumsMH is offline
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Originally Posted by legionofangels View Post
That sounds great. It looks like I'll have a coder look at how to move the tag cloud around, and we'll test out your Zoints Tags.

I really don't see the advantage that vBulletins core one has over yours, even someone at vb.com, a customer, not employee, said that it's missing some key features.

I'd suggest to your engineers an auto-import tags if using the RSS Importer Feed Manager system, so that for example if the system was auto posting other peoples blogs, or threads, it would auto import the tags from that blog or thread.
We do have an automatic tag feature which you can click to generate tags on all tagless threads (the system also uses stopwords) but I am not for sure if I follow your suggestion. I don't personally use much with RSS feeds on my forums, are you saying that tags can sometimes be included with those articles/content that could be then be imported as tags on the forums?

(I apologize if I am totally missing the point. I've been to two grocery stores today, done a ton of errands and just came back from the movies so I am a bit worn out.)

Originally Posted by jimraynor View Post
can we see the most add tagword member. if yes. How? i will give gift the most have tagwords of members.

apologise for my english. Waiting your answer.Thank you.
Hi jim. With the tag cloud, which would be at yourforum.com/forums/tags/ the biggest words are the most popular tags. So the largest font size you see there indicates that it is the most popular tag of all of your tags.

- Reid
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Old 07-15-2008, 09:27 PM
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vBulletin 3.7 is have tag system isn't it ?
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Old 07-15-2008, 09:56 PM
Mark.B Mark.B is offline
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Originally Posted by Madlike View Post

vBulletin 3.7 is have tag system isn't it ?
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Old 07-21-2008, 01:25 PM
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thank you very much ,

zoints theared tags 1.2.2 is problem in 3.7.x ,

Now it(1.2.3) woks in 3.7.2
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