This plugin will display the first attachment as a thumbnail on forumdisplay.php
New Features:
If there are attachments that are not images, it will skip them and go to the first image attachment.
Optional - you can now display thumbnails on search results.
In your AdminCP, go to Plugin System, Download/Upload Plugins and import the xml document.
Be sure to change the forum ids in the $thumbsforums array to the forum ids you want to enable thumbnails in.
The plugin comes with the Search Thumbnails enabled. If you do not want to have thumbnails show up in the search results, make sure you deactivate it.
If you would like thumbnails to display in the search results, you will need to replace your search.php page with the one in the zip file. Unfortunately vBulletin forgot to include a hook variable where it is necessary for this to work. I have added 1 line to search.php with the hook variable. There is no way around this until vbulletin adds it themselves.
Next you will need to modify your threadbit template:
You will also need to upload an image to display if there are no image attachments here: $stylevar[imgdir_misc]/nothumb.jpg(ex: I've made a simple one you can use or you can make your own. By default thumbnails are confined in a 100x100 px area, I found that it looks good to make the "no image" image about 100x83 px.
Well this mod is working fine in my 3.7 installation, and with the addition of that little piece of code I also get the thumbnails in search. But as you say, we just need someone that know what they're doing to tell us where to put this line of code to TAGS.PHP so that we can have thumbs there too.
Can someone please help to have thumbnails also in the tags search as we have in the search.php?
Copy and paste the postbit_attachmentimage template contents into the postbit_attachmentthumbnail template (delete the current contents in postbit_attachmentthumbnail)
Make sure you have thumbnail creation on. This will display the thumbnails for use with this hack, and in the thread will display the fullsize image (what you would normally see if you clicked on the thumbnail of an attached image), which is what I understood you were asking to accomplish...
I tried to do this but it doesn't seem to be working. As soon as I turn on thumbnail creation I see links to the attachments (with the attachment icon) and not the photos themselves.
I tried to do this but it doesn't seem to be working. As soon as I turn on thumbnail creation I see links to the attachments (with the attachment icon) and not the photos themselves.
Any idea what I should check first?
Hey Bud, I got this working with AJAX Tabs/Recent threads now