Maybe this thread needs to be moved (or a new thread started) into a paid modifications area, since there are plenty of people willing to chip in. If I had the time, I'd try messing with it (started on it a couple years ago, but didn't get too far), but I'm having a hard time trying to find the time to update the content on my site as is, let alone taking on a coding project.
I would still mention that the product is basically out there already (Fusion Scripts mod) and Zacariah (sp?) has permission from them to port it over to vBulletin. As was done with the phpBB version, it can then be modified from there. I could be wrong, but I would think it would be easier to start off with a base setup and convert it to function with vB than to start from scratch. But I am all for it and am willing to help out wherever I can.
I would still mention that the product is basically out there already (Fusion Scripts mod) and Zacariah (sp?) has permission from them to port it over to vBulletin. As was done with the phpBB version, it can then be modified from there. I could be wrong, but I would think it would be easier to start off with a base setup and convert it to function with vB than to start from scratch. But I am all for it and am willing to help out wherever I can.
That is exactly what should be done, but no one wants to do it. I cannot even get people to return PMs or emails - quite sad actually.
Yeah, the sad part is people are still trying to get the timeslip database up and running. They have even gotten someone to "upgrade" it to vB3.7 for like $200 or something. Pretty sad, actually, as the timeslip database is so basic compared to the garage module. Maybe one of these years, I'll get a chance to start working on my port of it....