My board is only a week or so old and still being tweaked before "launch". I'm running a skin as well. Just upgraded and only one template needed to "revert" and it wasn't one that I have never edited before. Smooth upgrade. Was worried, but now I'm extremely relieved...
Say its good to have frequent updates for security flaws but to have to upgrade every 2 months is a nightmare since upgrading is not always th easiest thing.
I would have rather seen patches for security holes and upgrades less frequent.
If the release doesn't address anything you need fixed, then skip it and do the next one.
when you upload them does it overwrite the existing files? what upgrade script? Template edits? Isnt there DETAILED instructions somewhere? This is all greek to me.
We have found an error in the 3.7.1 package that may cause PHP warnings when posting a message. As of this post, we have updated the package to include this fix.
Unfortunately, two more issues have come to light that have required a package update.
Includes/adminfunctions.php was modified to fix an issue with creating users via the administrators control panel.
Includes/class_vurl.php was modified to fix an issue when using reCAPTCHA as a human verification method.
We recommend you download the package again to retrieve the latest version of these files if you are affected by these issues. Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.