he is not acting on this topic because he does not want to be forced to explain all and everything related to vBlogetin... this is his right, no need to bring him on the blanket again...
I'm a tad confused, why would another company be interested in buying the vBlogetin software? When it's for use with vBulletin and vB now have there own official blog product.
btw, vBlogetin was bought by the company that bring Censura, a poll/rating software... all of that company products are obsolete and unsupported, so i suppose vblogetin will be too... i would focus on vb Blog for all the curious !!!
And how do you reach that conclusion? Censura is certainly neither obsolete nor unsupported.
As for vBlogetin, many feel that vBlogetin has more features than the Jelsoft vBlog. The exact roadmap for vBlogetin has still to be finalised but we will likely release a new version later this year.
As for vBlogetin, many feel that vBlogetin has more features than the Jelsoft vBlog. The exact roadmap for vBlogetin has still to be finalised but we will likely release a new version later this year.
And those of us who had licenses for vBlogetin will have access to this 'new version'?
(sorry, know this isn't the place to discuss this, but I have 2 licenses for vBlogetin and have had no updates/information/nadda since Oct of last year so, just wondering what's going on now that the new owner posted here...)
I have vblogetin but switched over to the vb blog as soon as it was available for purchase. I really liked vblogetin, but support is one thing I wont sacrifice