Version: 3.7.001, by Mosh
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Category: End-User Options -
Version: 3.7.x
Released: 05-06-2008
Last Update: 05-06-2008
Installs: 18
Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations
No support by the author.
NOTE (27/06/2008): I am having real problems making this work, so I have scrapped this hack. I would recommend that you install my v3.7.x version of this hack - here instead (works fine with v3.6.x and v3.7.x). Thus, I have marked this hack as NOT SUPPORTED.
[s][s]This hack works with vBulletin v3.7.x. This is also a Template Modification System compatible hack.[/s]
This is an update of my v3.6.x hack available here, I have not tested this version of the hack out, but I see no reason why it would not work v3.6.x as well.
This hack will not require template modifications if you are using Andreas's Template Modification System (yes, it does work with v3.7.x), and your styles are not too heavily modified (if it shows up in all your styles then no need to worry). Instructions for making the template changes manually have been included.
Have your very own vBulletin Boss Key. A panic button is displayed in the postbit of each, and every post, so you can quickly click yourself to the safety of legitimate url if the boss comes snooping while you are at work.
I have created a custom button for this hack, you can use another button if you like, just remember to rename it panic.gif.
NOTE: Any Panic Button you see in a thread is tied to your profile, even if it is in someone else's postbit (to prove it, disable the Panic Button in the your UserCP)
This hack was created because of a requested here.
Having problems?
If your members report errors when clicking on the panic button, first thing to ensure is that they used the full url (including http://) when typing in the site their panic button will go to, ie (will work) and not like this - (will not work). Also ensure that you checked that you have entered the correct user profile field numbers in the AdminCP options.[/s]
No instructions, as files have been removed.
Version History
v3.7.001 - Initial Release/Final Release [Wed 7th May 2008]
Support is not provided, and the thread is no longer monitored.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
Problem: Panic button is not showing.
I installed in 3.7.0 and did no template edits since I've TMS running so it was not needed.
There are 2 entry's in TMS for Panic button, but the button won't show.
However i don't have the problems named by bwize and xorex.
Suggestion: Move the panic.gif (and template edits pointing to it) to the "images/buttons" directory, because all buttons are in there.
i am getting a error when i do the template modification:
Originally Posted by bwize
Same problem. Any clues?
Originally Posted by xorex
Same problem
I will have to set up a server without TMS to test this out, so will not be able to look at this until at least Sunday, will get back to you once I have done so and tested this out.
Any one else having the same issue, please reply to this post, so I can see how many people are having the issue.
Problem: Panic button is not showing.
I installed in 3.7.0 and did no template edits since I've TMS running so it was not needed.
There are 2 entry's in TMS for Panic button, but the button won't show.
However i don't have the problems named by bwize and xorex.
Suggestion: Move the panic.gif (and template edits pointing to it) to the "images/buttons" directory, because all buttons are in there.
You having the same issue with all styles or just some?
The reason I have done it this way is so that people with different styles can use a panic button (created by themselves) that matches their styles, and doing it your way will only allow for the possibility of only one button for all styles (so can not possibily match all styles), so will probably not be changed in this hack.
With all of them, I just have 4 or 5. Even with the default main vbulletin style I've got this problem.
I had a quick look at your site that you have in your profile and panic.gif is not uploaded to /bbs/images/misc/panic.gif, as I get an Error 404 when I look for this image.
Not Found
The requested URL /bbs/misc/panic.gif was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
i am getting a error when i do the template modification:
Originally Posted by bwize
Same problem. Any clues?
Originally Posted by xorex
Same problem
not TMS
Originally Posted by maipoman
I'm having that same issue!
I am trying a different method of installing the hack, if it works then I will post it up for testing, if it does not work then I will setup an installation on Sunday that does not have TMS to test if I can fix this.