Because of this and the original authors lack of updating the original modification, I have decided to upload this package for all to use.
All credit goes to the original author(s) of the utility as i have only cleaned up the code and packaged it for easy usage.
This is very beta at this time. I have added the product now to force myself to update and maintain the plugin and to share it with the rest of my fellow World of Warcraft webmasters
Uninstall your existing WoW Char Code installation. I have changed the product ID itself and it may not update everything correctly.
Remove the clientscript/ajax_tooltip and clientscript/phparmory folders if they exist
Upload the contents of the "Upload" Folder to the ROOT directory of your forums (for example, if you have your forums installed in /home/mydir/public_html/forums , you would unzip into that folder.)
Import the product/product-WoWCharBBCode-?.??.xml file
Added basic Death Knight support
Fixed problem with characters with no professions (common with Death Knights)
Fixed a minor issue with realms in spaces in the name
Added wysiwyg support
Fixed a php parse error in functions_wowcharcode.php. you do not need to download the entire zip file, just replace your existing functions_wowcharcode.php file with the attached .php file
Removed some left over debugging statements and info in the product and php file.
Changed the backend armory code.
Updated caching to not cache Armory results that end up as errors
Added character class, race and professions as vbphrases.
Added KR and TW Armory locales. (, etc)
Some minor fixes.
Added Icon caching to help with slow armory. Images are cached by default in the armory folder. chmod this folder to 777 and icons will be automaticly cached to this folder.
You can now use the variable $wowchar_code in the postbit (or postbit_legacy) to display the character tooltip in a post.
0.4.3 Fixed issue with rebuilding post cache.
0.4.2 Added option to show/hide realm if a default realm is set.
0.4.1 Fixed an issue if the character doesnt have armory data, Only change is in functions_wowcharcode.php file.
All Character stat text are now phrases. you will find a new Phrase Type in the Phrase Manager ( WoW BBCode Phrases )
Added default realm option so one does not need to use the [char=server] option when specifying characters on own realm.
Put the majority of the codes HTML creation as templates and use vbulletins ajax.php and hooks.
Added options for default locale (armory) to use (currently EU and US armories).
Added option to disable caching of the Armory (i use it to test armory retrieval)
Added ability to specify what armory the character / realm you would like, see usage notes below.
Armory Caching never actually worked properly, this should now be fixed.
Remove the includes/functions_wow3bbcode.php file. This has been replaced by a plugin.
Remove the clientscript/phparmory/config.php file. This isnt needed.
Major updates to phparmory.php
Minor Plugin changes + code cleanup.
New tooltip javascript
New character sheet.
Create easy to modify interface for character stats to be displayed in tooltip.
Using the character code is easy enough,
[char]CHARACTER[/char] if default realm option is set and character links is on same realm.
For characters not on the same realm as the default,
For example,
Or, if you want to link a character profile from another locale (i.e. EU realms) , you simply add EU- before the server name.
The same thing applies to linking US realm characters from a EU default forum.
One thing to note though, is that if your forums are not in your web document root and you are using vbadvanced (i.e. you have which is your VBAdvanced Portal and is your vb forum itself), you will have to upload the clientscript folder twice (once in the web root and once in the forum root).
Is there a specific web service that needs to be running other than cURL? Attached is what the mouse-over looks like for me. The link takes me to the correct armory site. This is with the same with the .1 version and the .2 version.
Pulls character info, spec, and trade skills now! I'll have my host turn on short_open_tags. Your response time on this is amazing btw. I appreciate your help.
Edit: Uploaded the old char.php after turning on short_open_tags and it works like a charm. Looking forward to the improvements you have listed on your to-do list.
I'm also on 3.6.8 RL2, so I'll be able to confirm if this version works on 3.6.8 tomorrow. We're an EU guild though
I'll be updating for EU support tomorrow. The solution is two part, one is the default locale, the other is a user option. For example, you could do [char=US-Vek'nilash], [char=Vek'nilash] and if your default locale is the US, it will use the US armory. If for the server option you use EU-Vek'nilash, it will use the Europe armory.