This AddOn is a membermap for vBulletin. We coded this AddOn in german and published it on first, here you will find a stable version in english now.
Your users can add their location on the map... Have a look at it and check yourself.
i've recently installed this mod on my vbulletin.
But we have a problem, and now i'll explain to you:
When our user enter the zip code 53031 and select Casole d'Elsa as city on the map doesn't appear the "pop-up" box with the name of the city, user's nickame and the distance from you.
Hi, I am new to vbulletin and have successfully set up a nice forum.
I have members requesting this type thing. I haven't used a hack from here. I can understand instructions pretty well, except the CHMOD part. I know it means change mode, that's about all.
Could someone explain to the new guy on the vblock how to do this? I can upload all the files, I think fine and change the permissions.
Hi, I am new to vbulletin and have successfully set up a nice forum.
I have members requesting this type thing. I haven't used a hack from here. I can understand instructions pretty well, except the CHMOD part. I know it means change mode, that's about all.
Could someone explain to the new guy on the vblock how to do this? I can upload all the files, I think fine and change the permissions.
from ur ftp go to the directory the hack is telling you right click on it (with ur mouse) u'll find Property / CHMOD in this menu and set the permissions its telling
Hi, I am new to vbulletin and have successfully set up a nice forum.
I have members requesting this type thing. I haven't used a hack from here. I can understand instructions pretty well, except the CHMOD part. I know it means change mode, that's about all.
Could someone explain to the new guy on the vblock how to do this? I can upload all the files, I think fine and change the permissions.
In FTP connected to your host root, right click on the files and select CHMOD you will see all of the check boxes you need to check to 777 the security perms. This is only on Linux hosting. Not Windows. Windows hosting only supports .asp not php.
Ok, got that.
I've never installed anything other than what came with the out of box VB>
How do you -"Install the product-file 'vbmembermap-product.xml' in your AdminCP"
Is that just the vb admin? once in there, where do you install?
Ok, got that.
I've never installed anything other than what came with the out of box VB>
How do you -"Install the product-file 'vbmembermap-product.xml' in your AdminCP"
Is that just the vb admin? once in there, where do you install?
Thank you,
Go into admincp
scroll down to Plugins & Products (it's the one right before the last at the bottom)
Click on the Arrow
you'll see manage products
click on it
right at the bottom of that page u'll have "[Add/Import Product]"
From there you'll be able to upload the product and voila
K, I've got it down to here.
Where are these options? I can't find them in vbmembermaps under admin/products/manage. I find the vbmembermap, edit..but I'm not seeing these options..
Are these supposed to be installed as well?
In AdminCP -> vBulletin-Membermap
- Install the wanted geodata under 'Geodata'
- Install the wanted maps under 'Maps'
- Choose standard map under 'Maps'.
- Generate the maps under 'Tools'.
- Generate the statistic under 'Tools'
- Choose the right in the usergroups for vBulletin-Membermap