The monthly calendar in the default style is crowded and blocky with the day names on each row, unlabeled week view markers on the left and various other stylistic choices that make it fairly unusable. With this collection of modifications, I am aiming to make it more usable and present a better monthly view.
Some of the features include:
Single header row with the days of the week.
Better date boxes which have a square instead of a rectangular layout. More like a standard calendar view.
Easier to see highlighting of the current dates.
Previous month and next month dates removed for better viewing.
Link to the Weekly view on the left of each row distinctly says "WEEK".
Merge the style.xml file into each style you want to apply the changes to. This will only work on styles with unedited calendar templates. To do this follow these steps:
Go to Styles & Templates -> Download / UploadStyles.
In the Upload form, browse to the monthly_calendar.xml file
For the Merge Into Style choose the style that these changes should be applied on.
Tell the system to ignore the version number (just in case).
Click Import.
Repeat for each additional style.
You may need to add the following four lines to the second box under MainCSS -> Additional CSS Definitions:
well because I appear to be a glutton for punishment, I applied the style again and it removed the visibility of the RSVPs again (I can see the existing responses but it has removed the option for new responses). So it is definitely a style conflict.
There was a template edit included that should not have been on the calendar_showeventsbit template. This has been removed from the XML file and removes the conflict with Farcaster's modification.
But there is a small problem. The additional CSS stuff I had in there for other things was wiped out and replaced by yours. Shouldn't or just add it to the end and not erase the other stuff? And I have a new replacement for photoplog called Gallery now. Was that intentional? I don't have a photoplog or gallery. I am using the default skin, by the way.
The style I am exporting from doesn't have either of those changes in it. It must be pulling it from the parent style. However I know I told it to take changes from that style only. I will look into this and see if I can make corrections.
It's not too big a deal but I thought you should know about it, sir. The only thing I was concerned about was that is erased my additional CSS stuff and replaced it with yours, instead of adding it to the end. Luckily, I found the stuff in a few text files and reconstructed it. The Gallery and photoplog thing got me confused for a second. I was wondering who had been in my Admin CP and then I looked in your xml file and all was well again.
But it is 1,0000 percent better than the default one. Nice work, Wayne.