Not a terribly tough question, but suppose I have a multiple-select custom profile field. I ran a SQL query because I want to have a semi-static (updated by me periodically) page that displays a bunch of data that would easily overflow the memberlist width - I want to format things manually. I'm running into the problem of converting the data that's stored for multiple-select menus into what the user actually selected. For example, I have the following:
a:11:{i:0;s:10:"Apprentice";i:1;s:10:"Journeyman";i:2;s:6:"Expert";i:3;s:7:"Artisan";i:4;s:6:"Master";i:5;s:18:"------------------";i:6;s:17:"Master Apprentice";i:7;s:17:"Master Journeyman";i:8;s:13:"Master Expert";i:9;s:14:"Master Artisan";i:10;s:12:"Grand Master";}
and the stored data is a bunch of ints - 256, 520, 4, 528, etc. How do I best convert this back to the original text that the user selected?
I'm a noob at php/vbulletin stuff, so a little bit of detail would help
