Version: 1.3.2, by Mythotical
Developer Last Online: Jun 2022
Category: Forum Home Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.x
Released: 07-19-2007
Last Update: 04-04-2008
Installs: 60
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
Additional Files Translations Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
Due to the pricing and yearly fee of vBulletin I am no longer creating mods for vBulletin, instead I have stepped out of the shadow of vBulletin to create my own stand alone mods. I wish to thank everyone who downloaded and installed my mods but as of now with not being able to afford hosting and vBulletin, I decided to drop vBulletin so hopes of me returning would only happen if my newest venture brings me a nice profit.
Thank you all again
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Yeah I already got this fixed and displying correctly. I have been working on the upload issue as stated above to modify the current version and keep geeting an SQL error with 3.6.4 which is my test board. It works fine under my 3.6.8 as I based it on the photoplog code for the image to SQL.
Inciarco: Thanks for those suggestions, after my trip to AZ, I will get back on top of this mod and will check out your suggestions. Right now with new features, I will do more features once I have released 2.0
Christi: Good to hear
ajm4481: Thanks
To All: The problem with how I was doing it was using vBulletin settings stuff, instead I'm using my own settings table and query which will help out alot for me when providing an upgrade script. There will be a custom install script so no need to import a plugin, no template edits, nothing more than uploading the install script and browsing to it. All I can say is I hope you all enjoy the new features and all the great stuff that I have put into this new version.
UPDATE: I am close to getting the image upload to work, it will use the file system to upload to instead of the database, I think that would be the best option. Just waiting on a reply in my thread here regarding a small problem I'm having. Collapsible box now added as well, gonna add 2 more locations for the box to appear, left column or right column so I am looking forward to how the left/right column part works out.
UPDATE: I am close to getting the image upload to work, it will use the file system to upload to instead of the database, I think that would be the best option. Just waiting on a reply in my thread here regarding a small problem I'm having. Collapsible box now added as well, gonna add 2 more locations for the box to appear, left column or right column so I am looking forward to how the left/right column part works out.
Remember also the Above Navbar Location; you can see in the Mod of Cybernetes, of Advanced Forum Statistics, All the Locations he Offers in that Mod to Place the Statistics; is very Flexible, would be Great to have those same Locations in your Mod!!
UPDATE before my trip: I got the computer to web folder upload feature working, works great. All that is left is to do the delete part, and the edit part then a few more tweaks before release. Look for it in about a week, I will be gone for 4 days on a trip.
UPDATE: Ok the header/footer display is working except the color formating isn't working. Edit/Delete parts are about 50% done.
EDIT to UPDATE: header/footer display working perfect and on all pages. Edit/Delete pages not displaying image. Option to change image removed since the upload file option is there. Will release 2.0 version then work on editing image by uploading new image.