Version: 1.3, by Abe1
Developer Last Online: Jun 2010
Category: Administrative and Maintenance Tools -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 07-18-2007
Last Update: 07-28-2007
Installs: 115
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Limit Attachment Downloads 1.3
The writing of this hack was sponsored by:
About this hack:
This hack allows you to limit the number of attachments users can download during a given time period.
This hack is pretty flexible right now. You can choose how many attachments a user can download in a give time. That given time can be set to an hour, a day, a week, a month, 3 months, 6 months, or a year. You also set which attachment types get counted for this hack. Also, you set which usergroups get affected by this hack and how many downloads each usergoup can make.
If a user tries downloading past their limit, they will get an error message. This error message includes when they will be able to start downloading again.
Also, there is a cron job to remove from the table that this hack creates, all the rows that are past the limit date so your table doesn't grow forever and saves you space.
Files edited: 0
Templates edited: 0
Files to upload: 2 (1 via ACP, 1 via FTP)
Time to install: 1 minute
Updates: Version 1.0 (7/19/07):
First Release of this Hack
Version 1.1 (7/19/07):
[FIXED] MAJOR BUG, the main table needed was not being installed, causing database errors.
[CHANGED] I moved over the attachment limit to the usergroup settings to give an option of different download amounts per usergroup.
Version 1.2 (7/19/07):
[FIXED] I REALLY now fixed the MAJOR BUG, the main table needed was not being installed, causing database errors.
Version 1.3 (7/29/07):
[ADDED] I added a lot more options to 'Download Limit Time Frame' option.
[CHANGED] Thumbnails are not counted as download attachments.
Please post your comments or suggestions for this hack. I read ALL posts.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK INSTALL! You will get an email when a new version is released.
I probably did something wrong here. Anyway, I would like to ask you.
I uploaded and imported your hack. I went to vBulletin Options "Limit Attachment Downloads" and turned that on. I changed "Download Limit Time Frame" to 30 Minutes (I think this means the user needs to wait 30 minutes until he can download again, right?)
So I went to Attachment Manager and changed the values for ZIP files, cause I only want to test it with ZIP's for now. I changed "Limit Downloads with this Attachment Type" to Yes.
Then I went to the Usergroup Manager and edited the Administrator Attachment privileges.
But no matter how often I change the value to YES, when I reload the privileges page, it changed back to No.... :-/
Ok, I reinstalled it and its actually changed to Yes now. But anyway, I can still download as many times I want.
"Download Attachment Limit" is set to 2. So in my understanding, this should let me get 2 downloads in 30 minutes.
It seems to be working now.
Not sure though. Is it possible to download the same file X time even with the limitation in place? Or is this because it's cached in the browser?
It seems to be working now.
Not sure though. Is it possible to download the same file X time even with the limitation in place? Or is this because it's cached in the browser?
How did you fix the problem you had before? It seems to be allowing me to download endlessly.
We wanna you to add new feature for this hack like , speed limit , member change protect , and anything new , because it's really cool hack .