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vB Timeslip Database - for Automotive websites Details »»
vB Timeslip Database - for Automotive websites
Version: 1.2, by deathemperor deathemperor is offline
Developer Last Online: Jul 2011 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.5.4 Rating:
Released: 03-17-2006 Last Update: 12-11-2006 Installs: 180
DB Changes Uses Plugins Template Edits
Code Changes Additional Files  
No support by the author.

Yes, finally I can release it here the converted version off Timeslips database for vbulletin 3.5.x. I made it as a product, try to change the file edits into plugin as best as I could but you still need to edit 2 files (optional). I can't think of an easy way to remove that but if anyone can, please pop in.

I've made the timeslips.php page XHTML valid. Of course the look has not been changed. Also made it fully phrased.

The permission is granted here

Please let me copy what EvilLS1 posted in the 3.0 hack

Originally Posted by EvilLS1
This is the newest version of EvilLS1's Timeslip Database hack. If you don't have an automobile related website ya might as well stop reading here because this will probably be of no use to you.. But if you do, read on!

What does it do? This hack does a few things. First, it will add a separate "Vehicle Profile" page to your forum where your users can enter their type of vehicle, engine, tranny, tires, horsepower, best 60' time, 1/8 mile time, 1/4 mile time, upload thier timeslip and more. Once the data is entered the timeslips.php page will display the info sorted by the best times, highest trap speeds, highest horsepower #s, proof of ET, or ET brackets (user selectable).

You can also ban users from editing their Vehicle Profile. This comes in handy if you have some users who insist on entering false data into the Timeslip Database just to be funny. To use this feature, just click on the user's vehicle profile, then click "user options" and set "Can edit vehicle profile" to no. The user will still be able to edit his regular profile, but not his vehicle profile.

Features include:
*The ability to sort by:
-1/4 Mile ET
-1/4 Mile MPH
-1/8 Mile ET
-1/8 Mile MPH
-60' Time
-Cars with proof of ET (actual timeslip)
-N/A cars only
-ET brackets
*Show the average ET, MPH, and HP for your site.
*Vehicle Profile (separate from user profile)
*Ability to ban users from editing their vehicle profile
*Users can upload their timeslip in the vehicle profile. (New!)
*Timeslip uploads can be disabled in the admincp. (New!)
*Admin can delete user's uploaded timeslip. (New!)
*Maximum width, height and filesize for timeslip uploads can be set in the admincp. (New!)
*Admin can set an ET for which a timeslip is required if user's ET is quicker. (New!)


Installation overview:
Files to edit: (2)- member.php (1), functions_user.php (2), image.php(2)
Files to upload: (2)- timeslips.php, slipicon.gif
Templates to edit: (2)- USERCP_SHELL, navbar
Templates to add: 0
Phrases to add: 0

Why do I still have to edit files ?
The reasons for those editions are because you don't want users to see the timeslips profile fields in the memberlist/member profile/edit profile

and just that. So that means if you exclude those the hack will still work whatever

Installation instructions:


Firstly please read the file Instructions.txt file on how to install this hack.

the steps are: Import the product-timeslips.xml file. Do file and template editions. Upload files to correct folder. Then enjoy it !

I have tried all that I can by installing this hack on a fresh board and solved *almost* all the problem. But if you find any errors, please post it here (just do not duplicate things :P ).


I haven't had a chance to do the upgrade because I convert this for a fresh vb3.5 board. I've set up things that I think it's ready for the upgrade. I'm willing to test the upgrade on your board if anyone can give.

For the upgrade to work, you must use the latest version of timeslips which can be taken from here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=60945


I'll try my best to give supports. But please understand due to my heavy busy I may miss your post. Please understand.


The shots from its 3.0 version are fine.
here's the link: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...ight=timeslips

Changes Logs

03/18/2006: version 1.1 Fully phrased the hack.
03/19/2006: fix the problem showing your current timeslip image when editing your timeslip. To upgrade simply re-import product-timeslips.xml.

03/19/2006: fixed a few bugs in this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....9&postcount=31 . Again to upgrade just reimport the product file.

03/20/2006: Hack version change to 1.1.3: Changed the field of field 52,53,55 to decimal (6,3). Added one more file editions into the instructions file to fix showing proper image. So bad to add another file edit but this is becaus there is no hook in image.php. this is how to do it:

PHP Code:
###### In image.php find:

if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'profile'// do not modify this $_REQUEST


if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'profile' or $_REQUEST['type'] == 'timeslip'// do not modify this $_REQUEST

###### FIND:

$table 'customavatar';


else if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'timeslip')
$data 'timeslippicdata';
$table 'customfile';
Again to upgrade you need to import the product file again to overwrite. then do the above edit.

03/23/2006: Update: fix a JS error when submitting the new timeslip. (Thanks Sidewindr). Also the new product will attempt to remove your old vb3.0 options then add the new ones, this is for upgrading from timeslips for vb3.0 to vb3.5 . I didn't test that tho.

12/05/2006: Version 1.2 for vb3.6 released.

12/09/2006: minor fix for missing adding field50.

12/12/2006: fix the error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function build_hiddenprofilefield_cache() in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\folder\admincp\plugin.php(1468) : eval()'d code on line 6

Please click install if you use this hack for updates. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/vborg_mis...hreadid=110717

This hack is free (why not?) but donation are welcome, my paypal is bloodynightcrawler@gmail.com . Thank you.

end of presentation, hope I don't miss anything.

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Old 11-06-2007, 10:50 AM
webgod webgod is offline
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Just an FYI...

I am in the process of installing this hack on one of the largest automotive VB sites...

and thought, this would be a great opportunity to update this hack a little bit and fix some of the nagging errors, as well as add some bells and whistles.

the upgrade would incorporate omong other things the features listed here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=616

I've tried many times to get in contact with the author but he's obviously abandoned this project.

I'm not quit sure what the rules are here regarding discussing and planning modifications & updates.. so if someone knows what the protocol is, let me know. Ideally I'd like to start a thread to further this discussion, but I'm not sure where to put that thread.. any help?
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Old 11-06-2007, 11:29 AM
john.friel john.friel is offline
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Post 616 describes the necessary changes to the field in the database, but what would the correct SQL command be to do it manually from within vbadmin?

I'm a MS SQL programmer and have not looked up the MySQL equivalent.

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Old 11-06-2007, 11:52 AM
webgod webgod is offline
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Originally Posted by john.friel View Post
Post 616 describes the necessary changes to the field in the database, but what would the correct SQL command be to do it manually from within vbadmin?

I'm a MS SQL programmer and have not looked up the MySQL equivalent.


I have direct access to the server and a GUI interface, so it was as a easy as point and click for me.

but being a developer myself, the correct SQL query is:
ALTER TABLE userfield MODIFY COLUMN Field55 Decimal(5,3);


Field55 may be different in your installation, so make sure it refers to the data column for the 1/4 ET and/or 1/8 ET

Back up your table/DB before attempting any schema alterations, I take absolutely no responsibility for the code above, and have not tested or verified it's compatibility on any system.

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Old 11-06-2007, 02:54 PM
john.friel john.friel is offline
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Thanks, that is just the ticket. It worked just fine!

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Old 11-06-2007, 03:28 PM
MediaMisfit MediaMisfit is offline
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im having major issues with this mod. i have 3.6.4 and have done exactly as told on here and im running into all these problems now. im getting tons of database errors. from user profiles to admincp im getting nothing. this is a poor hack in that the directions arent very good to begin with, and now im stuck trying to reverse the process of installation. if anyone can help email me at DBYRD@quicksilvertrucks.com please. if nothing else id like to reinstall the stock files, does anyone know how to do this?
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Old 11-07-2007, 01:55 PM
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I know I've asked in the past, but it kind of got lost in the shuffle.

I'd love to have a vBAdvanced module that shows the top 5 Users, vehicle info and 1/4 mile ET & MPH.

Any chance someone could point me in the right direction as far as how to call this stuff up?...... or better yet, already have something made?

(running vB 3.6.8-rc2 and vBA 3.0-rc2)

Sidwindr made on for the old version back in 2004 (http://www.vbadvanced.com/forum/show...ight=timeslips) be we don't have one that works with the new version
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Old 11-10-2007, 01:39 AM
0ptima 0ptima is offline
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Originally Posted by webgod View Post
Just an FYI...

I am in the process of installing this hack on one of the largest automotive VB sites...

and thought, this would be a great opportunity to update this hack a little bit and fix some of the nagging errors, as well as add some bells and whistles.

the upgrade would incorporate omong other things the features listed here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=616

I've tried many times to get in contact with the author but he's obviously abandoned this project.

I'm not quit sure what the rules are here regarding discussing and planning modifications & updates.. so if someone knows what the protocol is, let me know. Ideally I'd like to start a thread to further this discussion, but I'm not sure where to put that thread.. any help?
The original author, EvilLS1 gave permission to port this hack

So you could start from there, add new features and release it as your own.
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Old 11-12-2007, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by webgod View Post
I have direct access to the server and a GUI interface, so it was as a easy as point and click for me.

but being a developer myself, the correct SQL query is:
ALTER TABLE userfield MODIFY COLUMN Field55 Decimal(5,3);


Field55 may be different in your installation, so make sure it refers to the data column for the 1/4 ET and/or 1/8 ET

Back up your table/DB before attempting any schema alterations, I take absolutely no responsibility for the code above, and have not tested or verified it's compatibility on any system.

So does running this query fix the <10.00s times going to the bottom of the list???
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Old 11-12-2007, 10:42 AM
webgod webgod is offline
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Originally Posted by too_cool_3 View Post
So does running this query fix the <10.00s times going to the bottom of the list???

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Old 11-16-2007, 02:40 PM
grecostimpy grecostimpy is offline
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Originally Posted by 0ptima View Post
I should have posted the steps I took when I did the conversion, but I did find some notes I took. I highly recommend that you test this out on a backup and use the following as a reference!

3.0 removal

//All old templates removed

//All old phrases removed

//Delete dfrom admin cp

DELETE FROM `settinggroup` WHERE CONVERT(`settinggroup`.`grouptitle` USING utf8) = 'timeslips' LIMIT 1;

DELETE FROM `setting` WHERE CONVERT(`setting`.`varname` USING utf8) = 'allowtimeslipupload' LIMIT 1;
DELETE FROM `setting` WHERE CONVERT(`setting`.`varname` USING utf8) = 'tdmaxwidth' LIMIT 1;
DELETE FROM `setting` WHERE CONVERT(`setting`.`varname` USING utf8) = 'tdmaxheight' LIMIT 1;
DELETE FROM `setting` WHERE CONVERT(`setting`.`varname` USING utf8) = 'tdmaxsize' LIMIT 1;
DELETE FROM `setting` WHERE CONVERT(`setting`.`varname` USING utf8) = 'tdsliprequired' LIMIT 1;

//userfields to change..... (May only needed if you have the 3.0 - 3.05 version of the //hack. The 3.06 hack has these changes)

ALTER TABLE `userfield` CHANGE `field50` `field50` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field57` `field57` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field58` `field58` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field59` `field59` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field60` `field60` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field61` `field61` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field62` `field62` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field63` `field63` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `temp` `temp` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field64` `field64` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field65` `field65` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field68` `field68` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL, CHANGE `field69` `field69` CHAR(250) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL

RENAME TABLE `tmp`.`customtimeslippic` TO `tmp`.`customfile` ;

// may not be needed!!!!!!!! (dont remember why)
ALTER TABLE `customfile` CHANGE `timeslippicdata` `filedata` MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL

// needed for 3.6

ALTER TABLE `profilefield` ADD `title` VARCHAR( 25 ) DEFAULT 'aa' NOT NULL AFTER `profilefieldid`

ALTER TABLE `profilefield` ADD `description` VARCHAR( 250 ) DEFAULT 'a' NOT NULL AFTER `title`
I also had to modify the product file, which I have attached
I remember having problem with the phrases and had to edit and re save one of them and then the all worked. Take a look at this post....
I am just now getting around to trying to deleting the 3.0 version of this hack.

Wish me luck!

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