How can I, part 1 and 2
put in small images and pre made gifs of user titles im making for users like, SuperMod, Mod, VipMember ect.
This is done through user ranks. Go to your AdminCP and in USER RANKS click on ADD NEW USER RANKS. follow the options and add the images to their groups.
HOw can I make a new forum that ONLY the selected members can view, like a private board? Thanks in advance and if you need anymore info heres the link to my site!
again in AdminCP go to Forum & Moderators > Add New Forum
create you forum and then in Forum & Moderators>Forum Manager section find your new forum and from the drop down menu choose Forum Permission and then next to each usergroup (registered,super mod,mod,guest,etc) click [Edit] and edit their permission on viewing/posting/replying/opening of that forum.