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Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more Details »»
Zoints LOCAL. Social networking, enhanced profiles, blogs and MUCH more
Version:, by Zoints Zoints is offline
Developer Last Online: Apr 2009 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Major Additions - Version: 3.6.8 Rating:
Released: 11-06-2006 Last Update: 10-02-2008 Installs: 452
DB Changes Uses Plugins Auto-Templates
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Zoints Local 2.0 - Enhanced profiles, social portal, networking, blogging, and more

Zoints Local is now Gold!

Before installing, we encourage you to make backups and take the appropriate cautions that you would with any significant addition to your forum community.

We would also like to encourage developers to share hacks with the community at dev.zoints.com . Your improvements and enhancements are helpful and appreciated.

What is new to Zoints Local? What makes 2.0 worth the wait?

We know that many of you have waited patiently for this much anticipated update and we love you for it. Let's discuss why 2.0 is just plain awesome and why your forum users would want the creativity and connection it provides.

Zoints Local still brings truly customizable and unique profiles, unlike any free system out there, and is simple to install but let's check out the bullet points of new features for RC1.

Community Central by Zoints - Your Forum's Social Hub

To develop a well connected and devoted user base, members need a personal connection to your forum. Community Central ties members together by creating personal connections and curiosity. Think about it like a community portal for your members and everything they do that isn?t posting a thread.

Activities on non-forum based aspects of a site are often lost or go un-noticed. Community Central is the hub for your users: to see who has updated their profile, to know who is interacting with others, to read the latest blog entries, to find popular tags on profiles/blogs/threads, and more. Community Central shows what?s going on in your community and encourages more connections, more community, and more fun. And, Zoints Community Central is completely controlled within your vB Admin CP!

Community Tag Pages show for each popular tag who is tagged with it, what blog entries are tagged with it and what threads are tagged with it (threads tagged by Zoints Thread Tags.) It's almost as if it is the ultimate search on an accurately and frequently tagged forum and brings content not found through any other function to connect it all.

Community Central is completely controlled within your vB Admin CP for easy access to manage it's system, templates and so on.

Completely Overhauled, Total Blogging Solution

Another great addition to Zoints Local is its totally revamped blogging system. No longer will you need to seek out expensive paid alternatives to find a full feature blog for your forum. The blog page itself is now a block page with AJAX drop and drag technology, which means users can add relevant (and of course irrelevant) blocks to their blogs' content. Users can now create multiple blog categories for all of their entries which allows for improved organization of a user's entries and easier search for content. All blog entries can now be tagged with entry moods and entry tags, so if this was a blog entry on my page likely my mood would be Teary (tears of joy) and my tags could be Zoints Local 2.0 - vBulletin.org - ZL etc. There is also now RSS Syndication with the blogs so guests or other users would be able to easily subscribe to a user's blog and creating another path to your community. As far as new blocks; there is the blog panel, blog archive, blog tag cloud, recent blog comments, blogroll, and a blog categories list. When you put it all together, the blog is vastly improved and will offer a more rewarding experience to users.

Activity Blocks and the XPSF MP3 Player

Other new blocks added to the profile page, include the Network Activity Block, Personal Activity Block and an XPSF Music Player. The activity blocks increase the chances members will continue to network with one another. The Music Player adds depth to the user?s profile. These additions are a huge addition to any community and help create and foster a need for members to return to your forum.

vB Product Improvements

The vB product has also seen a few changes to help further integrate Zoints into your community and improve the likelihood of profile interaction for your members. Member profiles now show within the postbit the last date they were updated and can be highlighted if they were updated on the same day you see their post (to encourage members to view updated profiles.) Also, you can display recently updated/created or random profiles on forum home. So whether you want to see the active and updated profiles getting the attention or for your new members to get a few warm welcomes, this will help.

Tighter 3.7 Integration

With the 3.7 version, there has also been integration with new features from vB 3.7. Both on Community Central and on individual profile blocks, there is use of the new 3.7 Social Groups and Photo Albums (including displaying a user's albums if the profile block for it is enabled.) You can see both of these in action on various screens in this thread.

What is Zoints Local?

Installed on your forum and under your control, Zoints Local is what you want it to be for your community. If you want to provide your members with a homepage they can personalize, you can. If you want members to share more about themselves via greatly enhanced profiles, you can. If you want members to have access to a complete blogging solution, you can. Networking? Resumes? Photos? Video sharing? No problem. Via Zoints' page and block management system, you can do what you want, how you want, with ease. Learn more about pages and blocks.

Zoints Local takes your forum's basic profile and turns it into a portal where a whole new world opens up, all on your website. As you can see below, your members can have everything from a personal homepage to an enhanced profile, blog, network, pages to show off their vehicle and anything else that can be dreamed up. And don't worry, we even include a page that shows the entire default vBulletin profile if you want it.

The key to Zoints Local is that the power is in YOUR hands. We know that today?s forum member is looking for something beyond a basic layout that they can find on any forum they joined powered by the same software, it?s just not worth their time to invest in creating a profile that many on the forum will overlook. Zoints Local 2.0 addresses this issue by expanding on the connectivity to provide you with a social networking solution that will make your dedicated members even more committed to your forum. Through measures such as our new central page, new activity blocks and postbit profile update indicators, your members will have a reason to check out other profiles, make new friends and get to know their current ones better. In a world where forums now have to compete with so many other time competitors online, forums need more than just content to drive members back, they need a true community aspect. By building a connected community, your members will not just remain loyal but they will be much more likely to recruit for your forum as they have such a positive affinity for the community. Zoints Local will help to provide the tools to make that possible.

Some sites using Zoints Local
Hundreds of forums are currently running Zoints Local. Here are just a few:

Forum: http://www.strike3forums.com/forums/
Zoints Local: http://www.strike3forums.com/forums/z/missionhockey21/

(If you would like your forum featured above, please contact Doug)

What will Zoints local bring to my forum?

Zoints Local brings a new level of possibilities to your community development and overall website appearance. There are so many features and options that it?s impossible for us to list them all here. As a community based platform that allows forum owners to share blocks, the opportunities to expand your site with Zoints Local continue to grow every day ? there?s just no telling what feature, block or idea will come out next. At the Zoints Development Forum you can download blocks posted by other community owners and developers. This way, if you own a writing forum, a software forum, a nursing forum, or a forum dedicated to any other topic, you can contour pages and blocks to specifically fit the needs of your community. Learn more about sharing blocks.

A few of the blocks and pages packaged with Zoints Local:
About Me, My Activity, My Discussions, My Links, Instant Chat, XSPF Music Player, My Media, My Photos, My Interests, My Communities, My Network, My Network Activity Quick Comments, Ratings, My Blog, RSS Feeds, Social Actions and many more. Virtually any existing "widget" shared on the internet can quickly be converted into a block, many in just a few minutes.

What else does Zoints Local offer?

Zoints Local is a state of the art product with all sorts of amazing features that go beyond the normal forum profile.

Drag and Drop technology - Do you want to move a block from one part of your profile to another? Do you want to change the order of your pages? No problem, just drag and drop! It's that easy.

Social Networking - Forget just friends, Zoints Local allows your members to create as many "Groups" as they want. We all have friends, family, colleagues, forum friends, and various other people in our lives.

Comprehensive privacy controls - Your members can create a variety of groups and show each group different content on a page by page basis. Zoints allows you to show what you want, when you want, to whom you want. Learn more about Zoints' Privacy Controls.

Style Sharing - When your members create custom styles, they can easily share them with other members of your community via the Styles Database.

Global Search - Zoints Local includes a global search that bridges communities and creates a virtual freeway between forums on the internet. Searches conducted through Zoints return results from every community that uses Zoints Local. Think of it as Google, for people. Google sends you a lot of traffic, and so can Zoints People Search.

The best part about Zoints Local is that you pick what to let your members use and what not to let them use.

What sort of administration options exist?

The Zoints Local system gives you extensive control of how your Zoints profiles should behave. You can turn features on and off, determine if you want your members to be able to edit/create/manage styles of their own, define default styles, define the default block layout, default pages, edit block options and much more.

Zoints Local 2.0 now implements a file-based phrasing system which will allow the system to be ported to other languages in a much simpler way. If you create a language system, please share it with us so you can help out other forums in need of the same one! Also with 2.0 is improved Module API and block management, all of which are detailed in the links below.

Zoints Local 2.0 also brings new user control options to your forum. You can login in as a user or edit their options from one click on their profile page. If a user is deleted or banned, their Zoints Profile account is closed. You can list reasons as to why an account is closed in case other members are curious. And you can now view comments left by each user in case you had a troublemaker or a spammer that you need to quick seek and destroy all traces of.

You can now find zAdmin by simply accessing your vB Admin CP and going to the Zoints Profile Settings section. If you are in a panic, in a rush or new to Zoints, all of your settings can be found from this simple area.

Here?s a couple screenshots from the admin control panel:

How do I get started? (Installation, Support, Update Instructions, Changelog)

Getting Zoints Local running on your site is a quick and painless process. Just follow the simple steps below and you can have your site running Zoints Local in a matter of minutes. Once you have the system setup, it?s completely up to you to decide how you want things to work. Customize, add on or leave the system exactly as it comes out of the box ? Zoints Local gives you the power to choose!

Step 1 ? Download the attached zip file.

Step 2 ? Upload everything under the "upload" folder to your forum's root.

Upload the /z/ folder to your forum's root directory (one of the below examples should fit most setups):

yourdomain.com/z/ or
subdomain.yourdomain.com/z/ or

Step 3 - Run the installation script found at /z/install/index.php and follow the directions

Step 4 - During the installation you will need to register your forum with Zoints to obtain a token and authentication key

Step 5 ? Once installation is complete, log in to your vBulletin Admin Control Panel and upload the plugin product file found in the /products/ folder

Step 6 ? Configure Zoints as you see fit! The new Community Central feature can be configured under the Zoints Local vBulletin options.

Promoting your forum through Zoints

Along with all of the features, tools and added functionality Zoints Local offers for your site, the Zoints is also interested in bringing you more traffic. Here?s how:

1. Add your forum to the Zoints directory at http://zoints.com/communities after you install. More information can be found in this thread.

2. The Zoints network will include your site in searches and other relevant results bringing you qualified traffic without any additional effort.

3. If you install Zoints Local on a Big-Board, please email us at big-boards@zoints.com with your url so we can get you added to the Zoints Enabled directory on BigBoards.com


Due to the scope of this software, we ask that help requests be submitted at http://network.zoints.com in this specific forum so we can provide quick, efficient support.


The full (and very lengthy) changelog can be found in the download.

Upgrade Instructions

Zoints Local RC1 & RC2

Please note: Do not upload the following two files:


* Download: Zoints Local- ... that is all that is needed for 2.0.0.
1.0.4b .zip is available for archive purposes.
* UPLOAD THE ENTIRE CONTENTS of the /upload/ folder found in the
* After uploading the new files, access the following page in your browser:

(Replace "http://yourdomain.com/forum/" with your forum's URL)

And select to upgrade Zoints Local
* Import Zoints Profile vBulletin Product titled product-zointsprofile-2.2.3-3.7.x.xml and make sure to select the "Overwrite" option!
* Alter the Zoints Profile vBulletin settings to configure the new Social Portal via the vBulletin AdminCP

You're done!

***System Requirements***

Zoints Local requires the following:

- A linux or windows based webserver. Windows in ISAPI mode is not currently supported.
- vBulletin forum software (additional platforms will be added soon).
- PHP 4.3.3 or greater.
- MySQL 4.1 or greater.
- Your server must allow port 80 post and get requests to be made to Zoints.com
- Safemode is not currently supported.

*** Zoints Local 2.0 does not support Autonomous mode.

That's it!

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Old 08-29-2007, 09:10 PM
tonua tonua is offline
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Where can I buy the professional install for Zoints?
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Old 08-29-2007, 10:04 PM
Strike3ForumsMH Strike3ForumsMH is offline
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Originally Posted by remlle View Post
I have this installed and followed all instructions. I think I did it all right but I do not get the link in my navbar and none of the users profiles are going to the new profile. any ideas? if someone wants to talk a look its http://www.adultwebdesires.com/forum/
ide love to get this working and everything but I cant seem to get past the basics.
Hi remlle,

It would be easiest if you would open up a ticket at network.zoints.com with a temporary admin account created with style permissions (so I can correct the navbar issue). After that, I will poke around a bit more to figure out the profile linking issue.

In your ticket, just note that Reid is set to help you as I know both of the issues and will be able to post how they were resolved for your benefit (should you need to re-install in the future.)

Hopefully we'll get you up and running.

Originally Posted by tonua View Post
Where can I buy the professional install for Zoints?
PM is on the way tonua.

- Reid
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Old 08-29-2007, 11:06 PM
remlle remlle is offline
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done created hope you can fix ASAP.
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Old 08-30-2007, 12:31 AM
ForumDrop ForumDrop is offline
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Originally Posted by Strike3ForumsMH View Post
Sounds great ForumDrop. Don't hesitate to contact me here either via post or PM, or the team at network.zoints.com if you have any concerns or problems.

- Reid

Small problem with the install which I can not seem to figure out. I installed it in the /z dir as directed, but now when you click on a users profile i lost all of the images on the header and the links in in the add the forum url.

IE when clicking on the forum home link:


Now if I click any other links it will add the http://forumurl.com/z/

Not suree if this is a simple configuration issue. Any ideas?
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Old 08-30-2007, 02:34 AM
Strike3ForumsMH Strike3ForumsMH is offline
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Hi ForumDrop,

Typically, this is a style problem. Its been my experience that when I explain this, something gets lost in transaltion and lengthens the process, so if you can open up a ticket with a temporary admin account created (with styles permissions) and provided that in the ticket.... I should be able to get you up and going.

- Reid
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Old 09-02-2007, 01:14 PM
HarryBO HarryBO is offline
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This is one of the best addons for my VB!!!

I want to translate it, but where can i found the complete phrases?
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Old 09-04-2007, 03:12 AM
Strike3ForumsMH Strike3ForumsMH is offline
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Originally Posted by HarryBO View Post
This is one of the best addons for my VB!!!

I want to translate it, but where can i found the complete phrases?
Hi Harry,

I apologize about the late response but Zoints Local does not support phrases, it is instead hardcoded into the files I believe. I am not the most knowledgeable on the subject though so I would recommend searching network.zoints.com or posting a thread there to see if someone (be it staff or member) who is a bit more in the know on it can give you further help.

And thanks for the comments about Zoints Local!

- Reid
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Old 09-04-2007, 12:51 PM
girlspeedo girlspeedo is offline
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Looks very promising.

Apologies if this has already been discussed. But I'm wondering whether it is possible to switch off some of the function such as blog since I already have a blog section on my site?

Also, I'm aware that VB is developing a networking add-on as well(on top of the newly launched blog). Does it offer anything vb will not be offering?

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Old 09-04-2007, 03:21 PM
Strike3ForumsMH Strike3ForumsMH is offline
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Originally Posted by girlspeedo View Post
Looks very promising.

Apologies if this has already been discussed. But I'm wondering whether it is possible to switch off some of the function such as blog since I already have a blog section on my site?

Also, I'm aware that VB is developing a networking add-on as well(on top of the newly launched blog). Does it offer anything vb will not be offering?

Hi girlspeedo,

Yes, you can disable any of the additional pages through the Zoints Admin Settings.

And unless I missed it, I really have not seen any details as to what the social networking component will or will not provide. Obviously with the vBulletin name attached to it, I am sure they will put out a quality addition, but I can almost guarantee that vBulletin and Zoints will both have features unique to their product. Speaking from pure speculation, I would have to imagine the vBulletin system would differ considerably in structure as a Zoints profile is very different from a vBulletin profile (the one you see today.) Sorry I can't be of more assistance, but I don't know enough about the vBulletin Social Networking component to respond fairly to you.

- Reid
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Old 09-04-2007, 03:52 PM
girlspeedo girlspeedo is offline
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Thanks for your speedy reply. I understand that I'll need to link up to your site to get hold of the authorizing code before I can install it. However, I would like to test it on a seperate site which I use for development, will I need to repeat that process if I decide to use it for the live site?

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