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Old 08-26-2007, 10:52 AM
Kiint Kiint is offline
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Default Task/quest/project manager

I'm after a module which would do some kind of multiple stage task management. Basically something like the following:

A user would be able to open a new task/project, give it a title and create many different stages, for instance:
  1. project design
  2. project programming
  3. project testing
  4. project beta
  5. project release
or in a game situation:
  1. collect 20 items off a named creature
  2. hand in these items to xxxxx
  3. collect your reward from xxxx
now each of these tasks would be able to be flagged with something like "in progress", "complete", "need additional help" or any other admin defined title.

Admins would be able to give the main task a priority, something like "urgent", "high priority", "low priority" etc, or anything else that the admin enters in the control panel.

Each of the tasks in each project would have an option where users with the correct permissions (from their usergroup) would be able to volunteer to help, or be assigned by the admin to help. And users would be able to add a comment to each stage of the task, maybe some extra info or a time when they are available to help.

The main window would show a list or categories which are admin defined, showing the last 10 (or whatever) tasks that have had work done to them either sorted by "priority", or by "last active".

When a task has all of its stages completed it can be closed (either by the author or an admin) and added to the library of completed tasks where any other user can request to use this task again but without all the extra comments from the original.

Is there anything out there like this?

It is the multi-stage aspect of this which I want. I've seen the demo of vB's project tools but this doesn't seem to have these capabilities, seems that you can only add one task/stage and that's it......easier to use a pen and paper for that, and I need something where you can customise all the names and words within.

Any info is appreciated.
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Old 08-26-2007, 11:13 AM
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Project Tools can do most of those things, which of those can it not do? The names within are phrases and can be customized through the Language & Phrase Manager.
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Old 08-26-2007, 11:20 AM
Kiint Kiint is offline
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It's the multiple stage part that I require. can it do that?

Imagine this:

User creates a new project with a brief description
user adds a stage to this project, with a brief description
user adds several other stages.

another user opens this project and gets a list of all the stages with a brief description,
the same user selects the parts of the stage he can help with and can optionally leave a comment, the original author gets notified of this.
The author completes one of the stages of his project, and marks it complete, this part is now closed as no help is needed. other users can sign up to help on the other stages


On the main index of the system you get a list of categories, in each category you get the list of projects.

admins can move/edit any of these projects.

Head to http://www.bluedragons.co.uk/index-old.php and login as test/test and click on Quests in the left hand menu.

This is what i want the project tool to be able to do

If anyone would like to create one from the code in the link above, let me know and I'll send you the code.

The original programmer can no longer be found, his website has been down for the past year, but the code has been released under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation so if you want a copy to modify, I've got it.
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